Amber Genshin Impact: Character Info, Abilities, Builds

Amber, a 4-star Pyro archer in Genshin Impact, is known for her cheerful personality and crucial role as a support and utility character. Players can acquire Amber early on through the main storyline, making her one of the initial characters to join their party. With her proficiency in ranged combat and Pyro abilities, she offers valuable strategic advantages in battles. As players progress through the game, they discover Amber’s versatility not only in combat but also in exploration due to her unique skill set.

Character Information on Amber

Member of the Knights of Favonius

Amber, a character in Genshin Impact, proudly serves as a member of the esteemed Knights of Favonius in Mondstadt. Her unwavering dedication to her role is evident through her actions and commitment to protecting the city and its inhabitants. As a prominent figure within the organization, she upholds their values while embodying bravery and selflessness.

Amber’s affiliation with the Knights has shaped her into an exemplary individual known for her exceptional skills and determination. She stands as an inspiration to aspiring members and admirers alike, showcasing what it truly means to be part of such an honorable group.

Her involvement with the Knights also underscores her connection to Mondstadt’s rich history and culture, further solidifying her significance within the game’s narrative.

Passion for Exploration

One defining aspect of Amber’s persona is her unyielding passion for exploration. This fervor drives her to venture into uncharted territories, unravel mysteries, and uncover hidden treasures scattered across Teyvat. Her adventurous spirit resonates deeply with players who share similar inclinations towards discovery and curiosity.

Amber’s relentless pursuit of exploration not only adds depth to her character but also offers players a glimpse into the vast world presented in Genshin Impact. Through engaging quests and interactions with other characters, players can experience firsthand how Amber’s zeal for exploration influences various aspects of gameplay.

Pyro Vision Ability

As an essential character possessing a Pyro Vision ability, Amber wields formidable powers that enable her to manipulate fire during combat encounters. This unique capability allows her to unleash devastating attacks against adversaries while providing invaluable support to allies when facing formidable foes or challenging dungeons.

The strategic implementation of Amber’s Pyro abilities enhances team dynamics by creating synergistic opportunities with other characters possessing complementary elemental affinities. Players can harness this synergy by strategically incorporating Amber into their party compositions alongside characters capable of triggering powerful elemental reactions.

Furthermore, mastering Amber’s Pyro Vision ability opens doors to diverse combat strategies that cater specifically to different playstyles—ranging from aggressive offensive tactics centered around dealing substantial damage or adopting more defensive approaches focused on crowd control techniques using fire-based abilities.

Determination To Protect Mondstadt

Amber’s backstory sheds light on a compelling narrative depicting her unwavering resolve in safeguarding Mondstadt from looming threats while prioritizing its citizens’ well-being above all else. Her resolute determination serves as a driving force behind many pivotal moments throughout Genshin Impact’s storyline—a testament to both strength of character and loyalty towards protecting one’s home.

This underlying theme permeates various quests involving Amber where players witness firsthand how she faces adversity head-on while striving relentlessly towards preserving peace within Mondstadt—a city she holds dear due not only because it represents safety but also embodies cherished memories close tied deep within herself.

Amber’s Elemental Abilities and Talents

Explosive Puppet

Amber’s elemental skill, Explosive Puppet, is a versatile ability that can be used strategically in combat. When deployed, the puppet acts as a decoy, attracting enemies’ attention before exploding and inflicting area-of-effect (AoE) Pyro damage. This skill not only deals damage to foes but also provides an opportunity for players to reposition themselves or focus on attacking from a safe distance while enemies are distracted by the explosive puppet.

The Explosive Puppet is particularly useful in situations where players need to control the battlefield by diverting enemy attention or creating openings for coordinated attacks. For example, when facing multiple opponents, deploying the puppet can draw them together before detonating, causing significant damage and disrupting their formations.

In addition to its offensive capabilities, this skill showcases Amber’s tactical prowess and her role as a strategic asset within a team of adventurers. Players can leverage this ability to gain an advantage in various scenarios, making it an essential tool for navigating challenging encounters in Genshin Impact.

Fiery Rain

Amber’s elemental burst, Fiery Rain, demonstrates her proficiency with ranged combat and Pyro abilities. Upon activation, she rains down a barrage of arrows imbued with intense Pyro energy onto enemies within the designated area of effect. This devastating attack delivers substantial Pyro damage to adversaries caught within its range.

Fiery Rain serves as both an offensive powerhouse and crowd control mechanism during battles. By unleashing this elemental burst amidst groups of enemies or against formidable foes, players can effectively deal significant AoE Pyro damage while maintaining their distance from potential threats.

This talent exemplifies Amber’s specialization in long-range engagements and her capacity to inflict widespread devastation upon adversaries through precise application of Pyro-infused projectiles. It also underscores her importance as a reliable source of Pyro-based DPS (damage per second) within diverse team compositions.

Passive Talents: Gliding Champion & Precise Shot

Amber possesses two passive talents that further enhance her utility beyond combat scenarios. Her first passive talent, Gliding Champion, significantly reduces stamina consumption for the entire party when she is included in the team during gliding activities. This valuable benefit enables smoother traversal across expansive landscapes while conserving stamina reserves for other demanding tasks or prolonged exploration sessions.

Meanwhile, Amber’s second passive talent—Precise Shot—augments players’ chances of obtaining double rewards when crafting bow-type weapons like arrowheads through increased drop rates facilitated by her expertise with such equipment. This enhancement presents tangible advantages for players invested in crafting mechanics by offering improved efficiency and resource acquisition opportunities related to bow-related item production processes.

Amber’s Ascension and Talent Materials

Ascension Materials

Ascending Amber in Genshin Impact requires specific materials at each level. These include Agnidus Agate Slivers, Fragments, Chunks, and Gemstones. For example, to ascend from level 1 to 20, players need three Agnidus Agate Slivers; from level 20 to 40, they require six Agnidus Agate Fragments; from level 40 to 50, three Agnidus Agate Chunks are needed; finally, for levels above 60, players must obtain six Agnidus Gemstones.

These ascension materials can be obtained through various means. Players can find them in the open world by exploring and defeating elite enemies or by completing certain domains that drop these materials as rewards. Some of these materials can also be purchased from the souvenir shops located in different regions of Teyvat using Anemo Sigils or Geo Sigils.

Another essential aspect of ascending characters like Amber is the availability of specific talent level-up materials.

Talent Level-Up Materials

To improve Amber’s talents in Genshin Impact, players need several types of books: Teachings/Guide/Philosophies of Resistance and Freedom. Each type corresponds to a different talent category – normal attack (Resistance), elemental skill (Freedom), and elemental burst (Freedom).

For instance:

  • Normal Attack: Teachings/Guide/Philosophies of Resistance
  • Elemental Skill: Teachings/Guide/Philosophies of Freedom
  • Elemental Burst: Guide/Philosophies of Freedom

Players can obtain these talent level-up materials by completing specific domains that correspond with the required book type. The domains rotate daily so it’s important for players to check which domain is available on a particular day based on their needs.

Furthermore, similar to ascension materials mentioned earlier, some talent level-up material books are also available for purchase at souvenir shops using Anemo Sigils or Geo Sigils.

Amber’s Best Weapons and Builds

Best Weapons for Amber

Amber, as a character in Genshin Impact, benefits from specific weapons that enhance her abilities. The Stringless, Skyward Harp, and Rust are among the best choices. The Stringless boosts her Elemental Skill and Burst DMG by increasing Elemental Mastery. Skyward Harp increases her CRIT Rate and gives her arrows a chance to deal AoE DMG. Meanwhile, Rust increases normal attack damage while decreasing aimed shot charge time.

These weapons significantly improve Amber’s performance in battles by amplifying her elemental abilities and overall damage output. For example, using The Stringless can make her support role more effective by boosting the power of her elemental skills.

Building Amber as a Support Character

When building Amber as a support character in Genshin Impact, it’s crucial to focus on increasing two main stats: Elemental Mastery and Energy Recharge. By emphasizing these attributes through artifact selection and weapon choice, players can optimize Amber’s ability to trigger powerful elemental reactions frequently during combat.

By equipping weapons like The Stringless or artifacts that boost Energy Recharge rate or Elemental Mastery, players can ensure that Amber is consistently ready to unleash powerful Pyro attacks or provide support for other characters’ elemental abilities.

Emphasizing Pyro Damage Build

To emphasize Pyro damage with Amber in Genshin Impact requires careful consideration of weapon selection and artifact bonuses. Equipping weapons like Rust (which boosts normal attack damage) along with artifacts providing ATK% and Pyro DMG Bonus stats allows players to maximize their use of this build strategy.

This approach enhances not only the potency but also the frequency of Pyro-based attacks from amber within battles—making it an excellent choice for those seeking to specialize in dealing significant Pyro damage with the character.

The Crimson Witch of Flames

The Crimson Witch of Flames artifact set stands out as the ideal choice for maximizing Amber’s Pyro damage. This set enhances her ability to deal fire-based damage, making it a crucial option for players looking to optimize her offensive capabilities. With this artifact set, Amber can unleash more potent Pyro attacks, allowing her to excel in combat situations where she needs to rely on her fire abilities.

This artifact not only boosts Amber’s overall damage output but also complements her Elemental Skill and Burst by amplifying their effects. By equipping this set, players can significantly enhance Amber’s role as a Pyro DPS character within their team composition.

Aside from the Crimson Witch of Flames, there are other noteworthy artifact sets that can benefit Amber’s builds. The Wanderer’s Troupe and Noblesse Oblige sets both offer valuable bonuses that cater to different aspects of Amber’s playstyle.

The Wanderer’s Troupe is an excellent alternative for enhancing Amber’s charged attacks and plunging attacks with its 4-piece bonus. This is particularly beneficial for players who prefer utilizing these specific attack types during combat scenarios.

On the other hand, the Noblesse Oblige set provides support-oriented bonuses that boost the entire party’s elemental burst damage when equipped on Amber. This makes it a compelling choice for players aiming to strengthen their team’s overall offensive capabilities in battles.

Prioritizing Substats

When selecting artifacts for Amber, prioritizing substats such as ATK%, Elemental Mastery, and Energy Recharge is essential for optimizing her performance in Genshin Impact.

  • Increasing ATK% through artifacts directly enhances Amber’s base attack power, allowing her to deal more significant damage with each strike.
  • Elemental Mastery plays a crucial role in amplifying the effectiveness of Amber’s elemental reactions and abilities, making it vital for maximizing her Pyro-centric playstyle.
  • Energy Recharge ensures that she can generate energy particles at a faster rate, enabling more frequent utilization of her powerful elemental burst ability during combat engagements.

Talent Upgrade Priorities for Amber

Elemental Skill and Elemental Burst

When upgrading Amber’s talents, it’s crucial to prioritize her Elemental Skill and Elemental Burst. Enhancing these abilities will significantly boost her damage output, making her more effective in battles. By focusing on these talents, players can maximize the impact of Amber’s pyro abilities, allowing her to deal substantial damage to enemies.

Improving Amber’s Elemental Skill, such as “Baron Bunny,” increases its explosive power and duration. This upgrade enables the bunny to inflict greater damage over a longer period, providing better crowd control and support during combat. Similarly, enhancing her Elemental Burst, “Fiery Rain,” amplifies the strength of her ultimate attack, dealing more significant pyro damage within the area of effect.

Upgrading these talents ensures that Amber can effectively fulfill her role as a pyro-focused character in Genshin Impact. With stronger elemental abilities, she becomes a valuable asset in various team compositions and combat scenarios.

Normal Attack Talent for Main DPS

If players intend to utilize Amber as their main DPS character, they should also consider investing in upgrading her Normal Attack talent. While prioritizing Amber’s Elemental Skill and Elemental Burst is essential for maximizing her pyro capabilities, strengthening her basic attacks is crucial when relying on her as the primary damage dealer.

By increasing the level of this talent, players can enhance the potency of Amber’s regular attacks with bow and arrow. This improvement directly contributes to raising overall sustained damage output when using Amber as the main source of offense in their party setup.

Players who prefer utilizing Amber as their main DPS should allocate resources towards leveling up all three of these talents – Elemental Skill, Elemental Burst, and Normal Attack – to fully optimize her combat performance.

Obtaining Talent Upgrade Materials

To upgrade Amber’s talents, players need specific materials obtained from domains or events within Genshin Impact. These materials are essential for enhancing each talent level progressively.

  • Domain Challenges: Players can acquire talent upgrade materials by completing domain challenges related to specific elements (e.g., Pyro Domains) where they have chances of obtaining items required for ascending characters’ skills.
  • Events: Participating in special events organized by miHoYo provides opportunities for obtaining talent enhancement materials through event rewards or exchange shops.

Building the Best Team Comp Around Amber

Pyro-Based Team Compositions

Pairing Amber with characters like Xiangling, Bennett, or Diluc can create powerful Pyro-based team comps. These characters synergize well with Amber’s Pyro abilities, creating devastating elemental reactions in battles. For example, combining Amber’s charged shot with Xiangling’s Guoba Attack can trigger the powerful Overload reaction, dealing AoE Pyro damage to enemies and knocking them back.

Having a character like Diluc in the team not only amplifies the Pyro element but also provides high DPS potential. When paired with Amber’s ability to taunt enemies using her Explosive Puppet skill, this combination becomes formidable in both crowd control and damage output.

Elemental Reactions and Synergy

Characters who can trigger elemental reactions like Overload or Melt work well with Amber‘s Pyro abilities. For instance, bringing Fischl into the team allows for triggering Overload by using her Oz skill alongside Amber’s attacks. This results in explosive AoE damage while effectively controlling enemy movements on the battlefield.

Furthermore, including characters such as Chongyun or Kaeya enables Melt reactions when their Cryo skills are combined with Amber’s Pyro attacks. This synergy not only maximizes damage output but also adds versatility to combat strategies by exploiting different elemental weaknesses of opponents.

Ensuring Survivability

Consider including a healer in the team comp to ensure survivability during battles. Characters like Barbara or Qiqi provide essential healing support while complementing Amber’s offensive capabilities. By incorporating a healer into the lineup, players can maintain sustained health levels for their party members during prolonged engagements against tough adversaries.

Moreover, having a character such as Bennett offers dual benefits of healing and attack buffs through his Elemental Burst ability. This enhances overall party performance by boosting both survivability and damage output simultaneously.

Strategies for Using Amber in Gameplay

Explosive Puppet

When playing as Amber in Genshin Impact, utilizing her Explosive Puppet ability can be a game-changer. This skill allows you to summon a decoy that distracts enemies and deals area-of-effect (AoE) damage. By strategically placing the puppet, you can draw enemy attention away from your main character, giving you the opportunity to attack or reposition safely.

The explosive puppet is particularly useful when facing multiple foes or challenging bosses. For example, when exploring domains or confronting elite opponents with powerful attacks, deploying the explosive puppet can provide valuable breathing room for your team to regroup and plan their next moves.

If you find yourself overwhelmed by swarms of enemies during exploration or combat encounters, using the explosive puppet effectively can create openings for dealing significant damage while keeping a safe distance from adversaries.

Fiery Rain and Elemental Reactions

Another effective strategy when using Amber is leveraging her Fiery Rain ability in combination with other elemental reactions. When faced with groups of enemies, triggering elemental reactions such as Overloaded or Burning through Amber’s Fiery Rain can result in devastating AoE damage.

For instance, pairing Amber’s Fiery Rain with characters like Xiangling (Pyro) or Fischl (Electro) creates opportunities for powerful elemental combinations. This synergy not only inflicts substantial damage on multiple targets but also amplifies the overall effectiveness of your team composition during battles against larger groups of adversaries.

By incorporating these elemental interactions into your gameplay approach with Amber at the helm, you can maximize her potential as a Pyro character while contributing significantly to your team’s offensive capabilities.

Charged Attack Precision

In addition to her abilities, mastering Amber’s charged attack is crucial for dealing high single-target damage against formidable opponents. By charging her bow and aiming carefully at specific weak points on enemies—such as Ruin Guards’ eye cores—you can exploit their vulnerabilities and inflict substantial damage more efficiently than with regular attacks alone.

This precision-oriented playstyle becomes especially valuable during boss fights or encounters where pinpoint accuracy is paramount. Whether facing off against elite monsters within Domains or engaging in challenging world quests across Mondstadt, honing your skills with Amber’s charged attack enables you to tackle tougher adversaries effectively.

Gliding Champion Passive Talent

Lastly,** Ambers’ Gliding Champion passive talent**, which decreases stamina consumption while gliding freely through Mondstadt’s skies provides an excellent opportunity for efficient exploration throughout Teyvat’s first city.
With this passive talent activated,
you’ll be able to traverse expansive areas
more seamlessly without constantly worrying about running out of stamina mid-flight.
By taking advantage of this trait,
you’ll have an easier time uncovering hidden chests,
completing time trials,
and reaching remote locations within Mondstadt.

Unlocking and Upgrading Amber’s Constellations

Obtaining Duplicate Copies

To unlock and upgrade Amber’s constellations, players need to obtain duplicate copies of her through Wishes. This means that when a player receives a duplicate Amber in the game, it contributes towards unlocking her constellation upgrades. The more duplicates obtained, the higher the level of constellation that can be unlocked.

Players should keep in mind that obtaining duplicate copies of characters is based on chance and luck. It involves participating in the game’s gacha system where players use virtual currency to make wishes for new weapons or characters. As such, unlocking Amber’s constellations may require multiple attempts and patience.

Enhancing Abilities

Each constellation upgrade enhances different aspects of Amber’s abilities. These enhancements can significantly impact her performance in battles within Genshin Impact. For example, some upgrades may focus on reducing cooldowns for specific skills, while others may increase damage output or improve utility skills.

By continuously upgrading Amber’s constellations, players can tailor her abilities to suit their playstyle or team composition better. This customization allows players to maximize Amber’s potential as a character and utilize her effectively during various quests, challenges, and events within the game.

Strategic Utilization

Understanding how each constellation upgrade affects Amber’s abilities is crucial for strategic utilization during gameplay. Players must consider which aspect of her kit they want to enhance based on their preferences and needs within different scenarios encountered throughout Genshin Impact.

For instance:

  • If a player prefers using one of Amber’s skills frequently due to its utility, they might prioritize unlocking constellations that reduce its cooldown.
  • On the other hand, if increasing overall damage output aligns with a player’s combat strategy, focusing on constellation upgrades related to damage enhancement would be beneficial.

Maximizing Amber’s Passive Abilities and Elemental Mastery

Increasing Elemental Mastery

Increasing Amber’s elemental mastery stat is crucial for enhancing the damage and effectiveness of her elemental reactions. By focusing on this stat, players can significantly boost Amber’s performance in battles. For example, when paired with characters who trigger powerful elemental reactions like Vaporize or Overloaded, a high elemental mastery stat can lead to devastating damage output.

Amber’s charged shot and aimed shot are integral parts of her combat style. When these shots trigger an elemental reaction, such as Melt or Burning, having a high elemental mastery greatly amplifies the resulting damage. This makes it essential for players to prioritize increasing Amber’s elemental mastery through artifacts and weapon choices.

Equipping artifacts that provide bonuses to elemental mastery will directly impact the potency of Amber’s abilities in battle. For instance, equipping the Wanderer’s Troupe artifact set boosts both charged attack damage and increases elemental mastery, making it an ideal choice for maximizing Amber’s potential in combat scenarios.

In addition to artifacts, selecting weapons that offer bonuses related to elemental mastery can further elevate Amber’s offensive capabilities. The use of weapons like the Skyward Harp provides increased critical hit rate alongside its passive ability “Echoing Ballad,” which increases critical dmg by 20%. This synergizes well with building up her crit dmg while also maintaining a focus on boosting her overall elemental mastery.

Gliding Champion and Precise Shot

Amber possesses two notable passive abilities: Gliding Champion and Precise Shot. These abilities not only enhance her exploration skills but also provide useful bonuses for crafting activities within the game world.

The Gliding Champion ability reduces stamina consumption while gliding by 20% for all party members when Amber is active during expeditions or challenges involving gliding mechanics. This allows players to cover greater distances without exhausting their stamina reserves quickly, making exploration more efficient across vast landscapes within Genshin Impact’s open-world environment.

Moreover, Precise Shot enhances player efficiency during hunting and gathering activities by automatically aiming at small animals such as boars or squirrels when using bow attacks from mid-air positions near them. This bonus simplifies resource collection processes by ensuring accurate targeting without requiring manual adjustments from players each time they engage in hunting-related tasks throughout their gameplay experience.

Exploring Different Playstyles with Amber

Main DPS Potential

Amber, despite being commonly used as a support character, possesses the potential to be developed into a main DPS. By adjusting her artifact sets and weapon choice, players can transform her playstyle from a utility-focused character to a formidable Pyro damage dealer. For instance, equipping Amber with artifacts that enhance Pyro damage output and critical rate can significantly boost her offensive capabilities.

While many players may prefer using other characters for dealing damage due to their higher base attack stats or specialized abilities, exploring Amber’s potential as a main DPS can lead to surprising results. With the right investment in artifacts and weapons, she can become an unexpected powerhouse on the battlefield.

Elemental Synergy

An effective way to maximize Amber’s combat prowess is by strategically combining her abilities with those of other playable characters. For example, pairing her charged shot ability with another character’s skill that applies Hydro status can trigger Vaporize – an elemental reaction that deals bonus Pyro damage.

Moreover, utilizing Amber’s Fiery Rain ability alongside characters who possess crowd control skills such as Venti or Sucrose can create devastating area-of-effect attacks. This demonstrates how synergizing different characters’ skills in combat scenarios enhances overall team performance and opens up new possibilities for diverse playstyles.

Customized Builds

Experimenting with various artifact sets and weapon choices allows players to customize Amber according to their preferred gameplay style. Some may opt for enhancing her support capabilities by focusing on increasing elemental mastery through artifacts while others might prioritize boosting Pyro damage output for offense-oriented builds.

For instance:

  • Prioritizing Gladiator’s Finale artifact set along with a bow that increases normal attack damage emphasizes physical combat proficiency.
  • Equipping Crimson Witch of Flames artifact set combined with a catalyst that amplifies Pyro damage focuses on maximizing elemental burst effectiveness.
  • Selecting Wanderer’s Troupe artifact set alongside a bow emphasizing aimed shot bonuses caters towards precision-based playstyles.


Amber in Genshin Impact offers a versatile and dynamic gameplay experience. From her elemental abilities to talent upgrades and team composition, maximizing Amber’s potential requires strategic planning and understanding of her strengths. By focusing on her best weapons, recommended artifacts, and unlocking constellations, players can enhance their gameplay with Amber. Exploring different playstyles allows for a tailored approach to suit individual preferences and team dynamics. As Genshin Impact continues to evolve, mastering Amber’s capabilities will be crucial for success in the game.

For more in-depth insights into Genshin Impact characters and strategies, stay updated with the latest developments in the game’s community and official resources.

Frequently Asked Questions


What are Amber’s main elemental abilities in Genshin Impact?

Amber’s main elemental abilities in Genshin Impact include “Explosive Puppet” and “Fiery Rain.” The “Explosive Puppet” ability allows her to deploy a Baron Bunny that lures enemies before exploding, while “Fiery Rain” rains down arrows on the target area.

How can players unlock and upgrade Amber’s constellations in Genshin Impact?

Players can unlock and upgrade Amber’s constellations by obtaining duplicate copies of her character through Wishes. Each duplicate copy will provide a Stella Fortuna, which can be used to activate one of her constellation nodes.

The recommended artifacts for building effective builds for Amber in Genshin Impact include items like Wanderer’s Troupe, Crimson Witch of Flames, or Gladiator’s Finale. These artifacts enhance various aspects of her performance such as Pyro damage, attack bonuses, or Elemental Mastery.

How should players prioritize talent upgrades for Amber in Genshin Impact?

Players should prioritize talent upgrades for Amber based on their preferred playstyle. However, focusing on upgrading her Elemental Skill and Burst talents first is generally advisable to maximize her combat effectiveness.

What strategies can players utilize when using Amber effectively in gameplay within Genshin Impact?

Players can utilize several strategies when using Amber effectively in gameplay within Genshin Impact. For example, leveraging her aimed shot mechanics combined with positioning tactics to deal precise Pyro damage from a distance or strategically placing Baron Bunny to lure enemies into traps.