Kaeya Genshin Impact: Ultimate Guide for Builds, Weapons & Strategies

Kaeya, a prominent character in Genshin Impact, wields his sword as a 4-star Cryo user. Hailing from Mondstadt, he holds the esteemed position of Cavalry Captain within the Knights of Favonius. As players traverse through the immersive world of Genshin Impact, Kaeya’s path intertwines with captivating storylines and engaging quests. His unique abilities and role in Mondstadt’s lore make him a compelling figure to explore within the game. Understanding Kaeya’s strengths, weaknesses, and strategic implementation is crucial for players aiming to optimize their gameplay experience in Genshin Impact.

Kaeya’s Role and Rating in the Game

Kaeya’s Role

Kaeya in Genshin Impact plays a crucial role as a Sub DPS character. His primary function is to provide strong Cryo damage, which is essential for freezing enemies and setting up elemental reactions. With his ability to control crowds effectively, Kaeya becomes an indispensable asset in various combat scenarios. His versatility allows him to adapt to different team compositions, making him a valuable addition to any party.

Kaeya’s Elemental Skill, Frostgnaw, is instrumental in fulfilling his role as a Sub DPS character. This skill enables him to deal AoE Cryo damage while simultaneously applying the Cryo status effect on enemies within its range. By inflicting Cryo on opponents, he not only deals damage but also sets them up for powerful elemental combinations with other characters.

Kaeya’s ability to apply crowd control through Cryo effects makes him highly sought after by players who understand the importance of elemental reactions and synergy within their teams. Whether it’s freezing enemies in place or triggering chain reactions with other elements like Electro or Hydro, Kaeya proves himself as an invaluable asset.

Player Rating and Versatility

Due to his exceptional performance as a Sub DPS character and crowd controller, Kaeya has garnered a solid rating among players in Genshin Impact. His capacity for dealing substantial Cryo damage combined with crowd control capabilities positions him favorably among other characters.

Players appreciate Kaeya’s versatility that allows them to fit him into various team compositions seamlessly. Regardless of whether they need additional support for dealing Cryo damage or require someone adept at managing enemy movements through crowd control tactics, Kaeya fulfills these roles effectively.

In addition to being versatile within teams, players value how easily accessible Kaeyais due thanks due thanks can be obtained early on in the game without relying solely on gacha mechanics or random chance encounters.

Examples of Team Compositions

1- Team Composition A:

  • Main DPS: Diluc (Pyro)
  • Sub DPS/Support: Fischl (Electro)
  • Support: Barbara (Hydro)
  • Crowd Control/Sub DPS: Kaeyain

2- Team Composition B:

  • Main DPS: Razor (Electro)
  • Sub DPS/Support: Xiangling (Pyro)
  • Support/Crowd Control: Venti (Anemo)
  • Crowd Control/SubDPS:** kaeyain**

3- Team Composition C:

  • Main DPs : Klee(Pyro)
  • Support : Sucrose(Anemo)
  • Healer : Bennett(Pyro)
  • Crowd Control/SubDPS:kaeayin

These examples illustrate how players incorporate Kaeysa into different team setups based on their needs for both cryodamageandcrowdcontrol abilities.

Breakdown of Kaeya’s Ascension and Talent Materials

Ascension Materials

To ascend Kaeya in Genshin Impact, players will need specific materials. These include Shivada Jade Sliver, Shivada Jade Fragment, Shivada Jade Chunk, Shivada Jade Gemstone, Hoarfrost Core, and Valberry. The Shivada Jade materials are obtained from the Forsaken Rift domain located in Mondstadt on Tuesdays, Fridays, Sundays at any time and costs 20 Resin to claim rewards. The Hoarfrost Cores can be found by defeating Cryo Regisvine bosses located in Mondstadt or Liyue every Monday and Thursday at any time using 40 Original Resin to claim rewards.

Kaeya’s ascension also requires the Valberry fruit that grows near Stormbearer Mountains just outside of Mondstadt City gates or around Dragonspine area which is used for crafting as well as ascending characters such as Kaeya.

Players who want to enhance Kaeya’s abilities further must gather specific talent-leveling materials. These include Teachings of Freedom (for skill level 2), Guide to Freedom (for skill level 6), Philosophies of Freedom (for skill level 7-10). Dandelion Gladiator Boss drops are necessary for leveling up his talents too. Lastly, a Crown of Insight is required when reaching the highest talent levels.

The Teachings/Guide/Philosophies of Freedom can be acquired by completing Forsaken Rift domain challenges on Mondays and Thursdays within Genshin Impact costing players only 20 Resin each run with a limit of three runs per week while Dandelion Gladiator Boss materials drop after defeating the Anemo Hypostasis boss found in Windrise region during Wednesday-Saturday period using 40 Original Resin cost per run.

Tips for Gathering Materials

When gathering these essential materials, it’s crucial for players to plan their gameplay according to the availability schedule provided within Genshin Impact game mechanics so they can efficiently allocate their resources without missing out on opportunities due to unpreparedness.

Players should consider organizing their playtime based on the material drop schedules mentioned earlier; this ensures that they don’t miss out on claiming valuable item rewards needed for character ascensions and talent upgrades.

Moreover, utilizing interactive maps available online can help locate resource nodes where Valberries grow abundantly near Stormbearer Mountains or Dragonspine area while finding Cryo Regisvines scattered across Mondstadt or Liyue regions helps collect Hoarfrost Cores efficiently.

In addition to planning gameplay sessions around material acquisition schedules provided by Genshin Impact developers through weekly reset times along with interactive maps’ aid locating resource nodes could significantly optimize players’ efforts toward collecting all required items promptly.

Importance of Efficient Material Collection

Efficient collection of these essential materials is vital because it directly impacts a player’s ability to strengthen Kaeya effectively within Genshin Impact game environment which enhances overall gaming experience by unlocking new content through character progression.

Best Weapons for Enhancing Kaeya’s Sub DPS Efficiency

Prototype Rancour

The Prototype Rancour is an exceptional choice for enhancing Kaeya’s sub DPS efficiency. This weapon provides a substantial boost to both his ATK and DEF stats, making it ideal for improving his overall performance in battle. With its ability to increase both offensive and defensive capabilities, the Prototype Rancour empowers Kaeya to deal more damage while also maintaining durability on the battlefield.

The versatility of the Prototype Rancour makes it a valuable asset for Kaeya, allowing him to excel as a sub DPS character by maximizing his damage output and survivability. By equipping this weapon, players can ensure that Kaeya remains effective in combat situations where he is not the primary damage dealer but still plays a crucial role in dealing significant damage to enemies.

Another advantage of using the Prototype Rancour with Kaeya lies in its ability to complement his playstyle as a sub DPS character, enabling him to contribute meaningfully to team compositions focused on delivering sustained damage over time.

Sacrificial Sword

For players seeking an alternative option, the Sacrificial Sword presents itself as a beneficial choice for enhancing Kaeya’s sub DPS capabilities. What sets this weapon apart is its unique ability to reset Kaeya’s Elemental Skill cooldown upon damaging an opponent with it. This feature allows players to unleash Kaeya’s Elemental Skill more frequently, thereby increasing his overall effectiveness in battles by consistently applying Cryo effects and dealing additional damage.

By utilizing the Sacrificial Sword with Kaeya, players can capitalize on his elemental abilities more frequently without being hindered by long cooldown periods between uses. This enhances Kaeyas’ capacity as a sub DPS character by ensuring that he can maintain consistent pressure on enemies through frequent application of Cryo effects and skill activations.

Other Viable Options

In addition to the aforementioned weapons, there are other viable options that can further enhance Kaeyas’ effectiveness as a sub DPS character. The Lion’s Roar is one such option known for its increased CRIT DMG against opponents affected by Pyro or Electro; this synergizes well when paired with characters who apply these elements alongside Kaeyas’ Cryo abilities.
On the other hand,the Favonius Sword, renowned for its CRIT hits generating elemental particles which regenerate energy for Kaeya*, offers another compelling choice*. By providing additional energy regeneration,* this sword enables Kaeya to use his Elemental Burst more frequently*, allowing him to capitalize on his burst damage potential.

Players should consider their team composition and playstyle when selecting among these options based on how they complement other characters within their party setup while maximizing Kaeya‘s contribution as a sub DPS unit.

Optimal Artifact Sets for Kaeya’s Physical DPS Build

Blizzard Strayer Set

The Blizzard Strayer set is tailored to enhance Kaeya’s physical damage output by boosting his Cryo abilities. When facing enemies affected by Cryo or in a Frozen state, this set significantly amplifies Kaeya’s Cryo damage. This makes it an ideal choice for maximizing his effectiveness in combat scenarios where enemies are susceptible to Cryo effects.

This artifact set provides a substantial advantage when battling opponents who are vulnerable to the Cryo status effect. By equipping Kaeya with the Blizzard Strayer set, players can capitalize on his ability to deal increased damage under these conditions, thereby optimizing their gameplay strategy.

The combination of the Blizzard Strayer and Noblesse Oblige sets offers versatility for players who wish to tailor their approach based on different playstyles and combat situations. Mixing these sets allows users to adapt Kaeya’s capabilities according to varying requirements during battles, providing a well-rounded solution that aligns with diverse gaming preferences.

Gladiator’s Finale Set

Another viable option for enhancing Kaeya’s physical damage potential is the Gladiator’s Finale artifact set. Specifically designed to increase ATK when using a sword as the primary weapon, this set complements Kaeya’s role as a wielder of one-handed swords within Genshin Impact.

Equipping Kaeya with the Gladiator’s Finale set empowers him with elevated attack power while wielding his sword-based arsenal. This enhancement enables players to leverage Kaeya’s prowess in dealing physical damage during combat encounters, contributing significantly towards optimizing his performance as a formidable fighter within the game.

Players seeking ways to augment their characters’ offensive capabilities can benefit from incorporating the Gladiator’s Finale set into their loadout for Kaeya. By harnessing this artifact set’s attributes, gamers can effectively bolster Kaeya’s proficiency in delivering impactful physical attacks throughout various gameplay scenarios.

Versatility through Mixed Sets

In addition to individual artifact sets such as Blizzard Strayer and Gladiator’s Finale, combining multiple sets presents an avenue for diversifying Kaeyas’ physical DPS build, catering to distinct playstyles and strategic preferences among Genshin Impact enthusiasts.
By exploring combinations like Blizzard Strayer and Noblesse Oblige, players have the opportunity to customize their approach based on specific combat demands or personal inclinations.
Mixing these sets not only broadens tactical options but also enables users to optimize Kaeyas’ strengths across different battle conditions while adapting flexibly accordingto evolving gameplay dynamics.

Understanding and Utilizing Kaeya’s Constellations

Excellent Blood

Kaeya’s first constellation, Excellent Blood, is a significant enhancement to his abilities. This constellation increases the level of his Frostgnaw ability, which is crucial for maximizing his combat potential. With this upgrade, Kaeya becomes more effective in dealing damage and controlling the battlefield.

This means that with Excellent Blood unlocked, players can expect a substantial boost in the power of Kaeya’s Frostgnaw ability. As a result, he becomes an even more formidable force when engaging in battles within Genshin Impact. This enhancement allows players to explore new strategies and tactics when utilizing Kaeya as part of their team composition.

The increased level of Frostgnaw due to this constellation provides an advantage that can significantly impact gameplay dynamics. Players who prioritize using Kaeya as a key character will find themselves better equipped to handle various challenges within the game.

Never-Ending Performance

Another vital addition to Kaeya’s arsenal is his second constellation, Never-Ending Performance. This particular upgrade reduces the stamina cost of using Frostgnaw, making it easier for players to integrate this ability into their combat rotations without worrying about excessive stamina consumption.

With Never-Ending Performance activated, players can seamlessly incorporate Frostgnaw into Kaeya’s skill rotation without being overly concerned about stamina management issues hindering their overall effectiveness in battle. This improvement streamlines gameplay mechanics and allows for smoother execution of strategies centered around utilizing Kaeya’s abilities effectively.

Reducing the stamina cost associated with Frostgnaw represents a significant quality-of-life enhancement for players who rely on Kaeya as one of their primary characters during combat encounters within Genshin Impact. It enables them to maintain sustained performance without being hampered by resource constraints during intense engagements or prolonged exploration sessions.

Enhanced Combat Abilities

Each of these two aforementioned constellations serves to enhance specific aspects of Kaeya’s abilities, culminating in an overall increase in his combat prowess. By unlocking these upgrades through acquiring multiple copies or using Stardust Exchange from Paimon’s Bargains shop (if available), players gain access to improved versions of essential skills linked directly with this character’s playstyle.

These enhancements open up opportunities for diverse build options tailored toward maximizing different facets of Kaeys’ capabilities based on player preferences and strategic considerations during various game modes such as Abyssal Domains or Spiral Abyss challenges.

Talent Priority Guide for Kaeya

Elemental Skill: Frostgnaw

Leveling up Kaeya’s Elemental Skill, Frostgnaw, is crucial for maximizing his potential in combat. This not only increases the skill’s damage output but also reduces its cooldown, allowing more frequent usage. By focusing on this talent, players can ensure that Kaeya can consistently deal significant Cryo damage while maintaining a versatile playstyle.

When considering talent levels for Kaeya, prioritizing the enhancement of Frostgnaw enables him to fulfill his role as a reliable Cryo support character. As players progress through Genshin Impact, they’ll encounter various challenges where having an optimized Elemental Skill will prove invaluable. For example, during battles against Pyro or Electro enemies, a well-leveled Frostgnaw ensures that Kaeya remains effective in applying Cryo status and triggering elemental reactions.

Enhancing Frostgnaw also contributes to increasing Kaeya’s overall utility in team compositions. Whether it’s freezing enemies in place or enabling powerful elemental combinations with other characters’ abilities, investing in this talent allows players to capitalize on Kaeya’s crowd control and support capabilities.

Elemental Burst: Glacial Waltz

In addition to prioritizing Frostgnaw, players should focus on enhancing Kaeya’s Elemental Burst, Glacial Waltz. Elevating the level of this ability results in amplified damage output and extended duration when activated during combat scenarios. This empowers Kaeya to unleash devastating area-of-effect Cryo damage while providing sustained protection through summoned icicles.

By emphasizing the improvement of Glacial Waltz alongside Frostgnaw, players can fully harness Kaeya’s potential as a formidable Cryo DPS character with exceptional crowd control capabilities. When engaging challenging opponents such as elite bosses or high-level Abyssal domains, an upgraded Glacial Waltz significantly bolsters Kaeya’s offensive prowess while offering defensive advantages through its protective elements.

Strategically utilizing resources to enhance these two key talents ensures that players can effectively leverage Kaeyas full potential across various gameplay situations within Genshin Impact’s diverse open-world environment.

Normal Attack Enhancement

While prioritizing Elemental Skill and Elemental Burst upgrades is essential for optimizing Kaeyas performance, leveling up his Normal Attack should not be overlooked entirely. Strengthening his basic attack sequence contributes to his overall DPS (damage per second) output and provides additional flexibility during encounters that require consistent weapon-based offense.

Investing resources into improving Normal Attack complements the enhancements made to Elemental Skill and Elemental Burst, further solidifying Kaeyas role as a versatile combatant capable of adapting to different battle conditions seamlessly.

Crafting the Ideal Team Compositions Around Kaeya

Physical DPS Team

Pair Kaeya with characters like Diluc or Razor to create a strong Physical DPS team. With their high attack damage, they can complement Kaeya’s abilities and enhance the overall offensive power of the team. For example, Diluc’s powerful Pyro attacks combined with Kaeya’s Cryo abilities can lead to devastating elemental reactions.

When building a party around Kaeya for physical damage output, it is essential to consider characters who can provide consistent and high-level offensive support. This ensures that Kaeya’s potential as a Physical DPS character is fully maximized.

Elemental Reactions Maximization

Combining Kaeya with characters who can trigger elemental reactions like Superconduct or Freeze can maximize his potential. For instance, pairing him with characters such as Fischl or Xiangling allows for triggering multiple elemental reactions due to their Electro and Pyro abilities respectively.

By including characters in the party who are able to set up these elemental reactions effectively, players can ensure that they are making the most out of Kaeya’s Cryo abilities, creating powerful synergies within the team composition.

Healer Support

Consider including a healer like Barbara or Qiqi to support Kaeya during battles. As an agile melee fighter, he may often find himself in close combat situations where healing support becomes crucial for sustaining his HP on the field.

Having a dedicated healer in the party not only ensures that Kaeya’s survivability is enhanced but also allows him to focus more on dealing damage without constantly worrying about his HP levels during intense battles.

Strategies for Maximizing Kaeya in Freeze and Superconduct Teams

Freeze Team Synergy

In a Freeze team, the key is to apply Hydro status with characters like Mona or Chongyun, then trigger Cryo reactions using Kaeya’s abilities. For instance, when Mona uses her Elemental Skill to apply Hydro status on enemies, you can switch to Kaeya and use his Elemental Skill or Burst to freeze them. This synergy allows for continuous crowd control and damage output.

Pairing Kaeya with characters who can continuously apply Hydro status ensures that he can consistently trigger Cryo reactions. For example, having Mona on the team not only provides consistent application of Hydro but also enhances the overall damage output through her Elemental Burst. This creates a powerful synergy that maximizes Kaeya’s potential in a Freeze team composition.

Utilizing Chongyun’s ability to infuse basic attacks with Cryo makes it easier for Kaeya to trigger Melt reactions when attacking enemies affected by both Cryo and Hydro statuses. This combination results in increased damage output due to the reaction’s multiplier effect.

Superconduct Team Dynamics

When building a Superconduct team around Kaeya, it is essential to pair him with Electro characters such as Fischl or Beidou. These Electro characters help reduce enemy defense through Superconduct reactions while enabling Kaeya to deal massive physical damage.

Fischl’s Oz continually applies Electro status during combat, allowing for consistent triggering of Superconduct reactions when combined with Kaeya’s abilities. By leveraging this dynamic duo, players can effectively lower enemy defenses and enhance physical damage output across various encounters.

Beidou’s ability to generate continuous Electro-based effects complements Kaeya’s proficiency in triggering Superconduct reactions while contributing additional elemental coverage within the team composition. The strategic pairing of these two characters amplifies their effectiveness in combat scenarios where physical damage plays a crucial role.

Enhanced Gameplay Scenarios

By strategically incorporating Kaeyain Freeze teams, players gain access to potent crowd control capabilities alongside substantial burst damage potential facilitated by synergistic elemental interactions.
In contrast, assembling Superconduct teams centered aroundKaeyaprovides an avenue for significantly reducing enemy defenses while bolstering physical DPS outputthrough coordinated elemental combinations.

Detailed Analysis of Kaeya’s Skills and Elemental Burst


Kaeya’s Frostgnaw is an elemental skill that inflicts Cryo damage on enemies in a small area of effect (AoE). It also has the potential to generate energy for Kaeya. When using Frostgnaw, it’s essential to consider its ability to produce elemental particles and contribute to generating energy for his team.

Understanding the mechanics of Frostgnaw is crucial for timing its usage effectively during combat. For instance, deploying it strategically can help trigger powerful elemental reactions like Freeze or Superconduct, maximizing Kaeya’s contribution within a freeze or superconduct team composition.

Glacial Waltz

Another important aspect of Kaeya’s arsenal is his elemental burst, known as Glacial Waltz. This ability summons multiple icicles that continuously deal Cryo damage to nearby enemies. The sustained Cryo damage from this skill makes it valuable in controlling enemy movements and dealing consistent damage over time.

By mastering the utilization of Glacial Waltz, players can optimize their approach when facing challenging enemies or situations where crowd control and sustained damage are necessary. Understanding how this skill interacts with other characters’ abilities in a team setting can further enhance its overall impact on combat scenarios.

Maximizing Effectiveness in Combat

To maximize Kaeya’s effectiveness in combat, players must grasp the intricacies of both his skills—Frostgnaw and Glacial Waltz. They should focus on leveraging these abilities to generate elemental particles efficiently while dealing significant Cryo damage to opponents.

Moreover, understanding how these skills complement specific team compositions such as freeze or superconduct teams becomes imperative for players aiming to harness Kaeya’s full potential within Genshin Impact gameplay dynamics. By aligning his usage with other characters’ abilities and coordinating elemental reactions effectively, players can elevate their overall performance in various combat scenarios.

Selecting Top-Tier Artifacts to Boost Kaeya’s Cryo Abilities

Blizzard Strayer Set

The Blizzard Strayer artifact set is a top choice for enhancing Kaeya’s Cryo abilities. It offers increased Cryo damage and boosts Critical Rate against enemies affected by Cryo. Equipping this set maximizes the potential of Kaeya’s abilities, especially when engaging in battles where enemies are susceptible to Cryo effects.

This artifact set complements Kaeya’s skillset by providing a significant boost to his damage output. For instance, when using his Elemental Skill, Frostgnaw, the additional Cryo damage from the Blizzard Strayer set amplifies its impact on opponents. With this artifact equipped, Kaeya can effectively capitalize on creating opportunities for critical hits against enemies already under the influence of Cryo.

Moreover, considering that Kaeya excels in inflicting continuous Cryo status effects through his elemental abilities and Burst attack, having an enhanced chance of landing critical hits further strengthens his overall combat effectiveness.

Noblesse Oblige Set

Another notable option for optimizing Kaeya’s performance is the Noblesse Oblige artifact set. This particular set proves beneficial due to its Elemental Burst DMG bonus which aligns seamlessly with Kaeya’s Glacial Waltz ability. By equipping these artifacts, players can significantly elevate the power of Glacial Waltz during combat scenarios.

When utilizing Glacial Waltz in conjunction with this artifact set, players will observe a substantial increase in their team’s overall offensive capabilities as it enhances not only Kaeya’s performance but also that of other party members who benefit from his supportive role during co-op play or challenging encounters.

By prioritizing artifacts such as Noblesse Oblige along with strategic character positioning and timing within a team composition centered around synergistic elemental reactions and support dynamics involving shield-based characters like Diona or Beidou; players can create powerful combinations that maximize their party’s potential in various game modes including Abyssal Domains or Spiral Abyss challenges.

Substats Enhancement

In addition to selecting specific sets like Blizzard Strayer or Noblesse Oblige for Kaeya, it is crucial to prioritize artifacts with substats tailored towards enhancing his strengths further. Attributes such as ATK%, Crit Rate, and Crit DMG play pivotal roles in boosting Kaeyas’ overall damage output while ensuring he maintains sustained effectiveness throughout prolonged engagements across different game modes.

To optimize the efficiency of these substats enhancements based on individual preferences and playstyles; players must carefully consider factors such as weapon choices (e.g., The Black Sword), talent levels upgrades (e.g., C1: Excellent Blood) alongside refining strategies concerning team compositions integrating characters like Bennett or Sucrose among others who complement Kaeyas’ kit well enough so they work together harmoniously without overlapping each other too much thereby maximizing their collective synergy potential.

Ultimately crafting an ideal build for any given situation demands careful planning combined with meticulous attention paid towards balancing out various factors contributing towards achieving peak performance resulting from investing resources into developing characters efficiently over time while adapting accordingly based upon changes introduced via updates patches events etcetera thus staying ahead curve competitively speaking within Genshin Impact community at large.

Conclusion and Final Thoughts on Building Kaeya

In conclusion, building Kaeya in Genshin Impact requires a comprehensive understanding of his roles, abilities, and synergies within a team. From analyzing his best weapons and artifact sets to maximizing his potential in specific team compositions, every aspect contributes to unleashing his full power. By prioritizing the right talents and constellations, players can optimize Kaeya for their desired playstyle, whether as a sub DPS or physical DPS character. The detailed breakdown of his skills and the selection of top-tier artifacts further enhance his cryo abilities, making him a valuable asset in freeze and superconduct teams.

For those seeking to harness Kaeya’s true potential, this comprehensive guide provides the necessary insights to build him effectively within Genshin Impact. Whether aiming for optimal damage output or strategic support within a team, mastering the intricacies of Kaeya’s build is essential for maximizing success in the game.

Frequently Asked Questions


Kaeya serves as a versatile character in Genshin Impact, excelling as a sub DPS or support. With his Cryo abilities, he can effectively set up elemental reactions and provide crowd control.

Which weapon best enhances Kaeya’s sub DPS efficiency?

The “Prototype Rancour” and “The Black Sword” are top choices for enhancing Kaeya’s sub DPS capabilities due to their focus on increasing his ATK and CRIT Rate.

What are the optimal artifact sets for building Kaeya as a physical DPS?

For a physical DPS build, equipping Kaeya with the Blizzard Strayer or Gladiator’s Finale artifact sets can significantly boost his performance by improving his physical damage output.

How should players prioritize Kaeya’s talents in Genshin Impact?

Players should prioritize upgrading Kaeya’s Elemental Burst skill followed by his Normal Attack talent to maximize his effectiveness in combat situations.

What team compositions work well with maximizing Kaeya’s abilities in Genshin Impact?

Ideal team compositions around Kaeyla often include characters like Chongyun, Qiqi, Xingqiu, or Fischl to create powerful elemental reactions while complementing each other’s strengths.