Lisa Genshin Impact: Ultimate Guide for Best Builds and Gameplay

Lisa, a 4-star character in Genshin Impact, is renowned for her Electro abilities and serves as the librarian of the Knights of Favonius. Her profound knowledge and playstyle centered on dealing Electro damage make her an invaluable asset to any team. With her Elemental Skill, Violet Arc, Lisa can unleash widespread AoE Electro damage upon enemies. Her Elemental Burst, Lightning Rose, summons an electric field that continuously inflicts damage on adversaries. As players delve into the world of Genshin Impact and seek a formidable Anemo character to bolster their lineup, Lisa stands out as an electrifying force ready to support and electrify her allies.

Rating Lisa’s Performance and Best Builds

Support Capabilities

Lisa excels as a support character in Genshin Impact, primarily due to her exceptional energy regeneration capabilities. Her Elemental Skill, Violet Arc, releases an orb of lightning that can regenerate energy for the active character when it hits opponents. This makes her an invaluable asset in prolonged battles or domains where energy management is crucial.

Lisa’s Elemental Burst, Lightning Rose, creates a field of electrical damage around her that continuously strikes nearby enemies. This not only deals consistent Electro damage but also provides crowd control by staggering opponents within its range. As a result, she becomes an excellent choice for supporting the team by providing both energy regeneration and crowd control capabilities.

Pairing Lisa with characters like Fischl or Xingqiu further enhances her supportive role due to their synergistic elemental abilities. For example, pairing her with Fischl allows for easy triggering of Electro-Charged reactions, while Xingqiu can provide additional Hydro application for more powerful elemental combinations.

Main DPS Potential

While Lisa is commonly used as a support character, she can also be built as a main DPS with the right artifacts and weapons. By focusing on increasing her Electro damage, players can unleash devastating attacks using Lisa as their primary damage dealer.

The best builds for maximizing Lisa’s potential as a main DPS often involve equipping her with artifacts from the Thundering Fury set. These artifacts increase Electro damage and boost overall performance in combat situations where dealing Electo-based damage is essential.

Moreover, prioritizing critical rate (crit rate) through artifact sub-stats and weapon choices significantly amplifies Lisa’s offensive capabilities when utilized as the main DPS. Selecting weapons such as The Widsith or Solar Pearl further elevates her crit rate stats to ensure consistent high-damage output during battles.

Versatile Team Composition

Lisa’s versatility makes her a valuable addition to any team composition in Genshin Impact regardless of whether she serves as a support character or main DPS option. Her ability to generate energy consistently benefits various team setups by ensuring other characters have access to their Elemental Bursts more frequently during combat scenarios.

In team compositions where elemental reactions play a crucial role in defeating opponents efficiently – such as Vaporize or Overloaded – including Lisa ensures that these reactions are triggered more often due to her ability to apply consistent Electro status effects on enemies.

Selecting the Ideal Weapons for Lisa

Top-tier Weapons

When choosing the ideal weapons for Lisa in Genshin Impact, it’s essential to consider top-tier options that can significantly enhance her performance. The Widsith stands out as a remarkable choice, providing increased Elemental Mastery and ATK. This weapon not only amplifies Lisa’s damage output but also improves her ability to trigger powerful elemental reactions. The Skyward Atlas and Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds are other viable options worth considering for players aiming to optimize Lisa’s potential.

The Widsith is an excellent choice due to its ability to boost both Elemental Mastery and ATK simultaneously. This makes it highly effective in unleashing devastating elemental bursts with Lisa, elevating her overall combat prowess. Similarly, the Skyward Atlas offers exceptional benefits by increasing Elemental DMG bonus and providing a chance to generate energy particles that regenerate energy for characters. On the other hand, Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds enhances CRIT Rate and provides an added bonus of moving speed upon obtaining an elemental orb or particle.

Budget-Friendly Options

For early-game players or those looking for a more budget-friendly option, the Prototype Amber emerges as a suitable selection for Lisa’s weapon. While this weapon may not offer as many advanced stats as some of its counterparts, it provides a reliable base level of power without requiring extensive resources or investment.

The Prototype Amber serves as an accessible entry point into optimizing Lisa’s combat capabilities without overwhelming newer players with complex mechanics or steep upgrade requirements associated with higher-tier weapons.

Refining Weaponry

Refining Lisa’s weapon presents a valuable opportunity to maximize her damage output across various encounters in Genshin Impact. By refining her chosen weapon through enhancement materials such as duplicate copies or specific items obtained from gameplay activities like boss fights or events, players can unlock additional effects and stat improvements tied directly to their selected weaponry.

By refining their weapons consistently over time, players can ensure that their chosen equipment remains relevant throughout different stages of gameplay progression while continuously bolstering Lisa’s combat effectiveness on their adventures across Teyvat.

Secondary Stat Bonuses

When evaluating potential choices for Lisa’s ideal weapons, it becomes crucial to take into account each option’s secondary stat bonuses alongside their primary effects. These secondary bonuses play a pivotal role in complementing Lisa’s strengths and playstyle by offering additional utility beyond raw damage increases.

Guide to Lisa’s Ascension and Talent Costs

Required Materials for Ascension

Ascending Lisa in Genshin Impact requires specific materials such as Vajrada Amethyst Fragments and Lightning Prisms. These items are essential to increase her level cap, unlock new abilities, and enhance her overall combat prowess. Players should focus on obtaining these materials through various in-game activities like boss fights, domains, or exploration.

Players can obtain Vajrada Amethyst Fragments by defeating the Electro Hypostasis boss found in Cape Oath. Lightning Prisms, on the other hand, can be acquired by completing the Thunder Manifestation weekly boss challenge. It’s crucial to plan ahead and allocate time for gathering these resources efficiently to ensure a smooth ascension process for Lisa.

Leveling Up Talent Abilities

Increasing Lisa’s talent levels will require specific books such as Guide to Resistance and Teachings of Prosperity. These books are necessary for enhancing her elemental abilities and maximizing her effectiveness in combat scenarios. Players should prioritize acquiring these books through different means available within the game.

One way to obtain these talent-upgrading books is by participating in domain challenges that correspond to the required book type. Players can also exchange Anemo Sigils at Souvenir Shops located in Mondstadt or Liyue Harbor for Teachings of Prosperity or Guide to Resistance respectively.

Efficient Resource Management

To efficiently ascend and level up Lisa’s talents, players need to plan their resource management effectively. By strategically allocating time towards gathering essential ascension materials like Vajrada Amethyst Fragments and Lightning Prisms while also focusing on obtaining the necessary talent-upgrading books such as Guide to Resistance and Teachings of Prosperity, players can streamline Lisa’s progression without unnecessary delays.

It is important for players to maintain a balance between character development across their entire roster while prioritizing resources specifically tailored towards enhancing Lisa’s capabilities.

Maximizing Elemental Burst Potential

When leveling up Lisa’s talents, it is crucial for players to prioritize upgrading her Elemental Burst ability – “Lightning Rose”. This powerful ability has high damage potential when utilized effectively during battles against various enemies within Genshin Impact’s expansive world.

Unveiling Lisa’s Elemental Abilities and Usage

Violet Arc: Lisa’s Versatile Elemental Skill

Lisa’s elemental skill, Violet Arc, is a powerful ability that deals AoE Electro damage to enemies. Upon impact, it inflicts the Conductive status on foes. This status significantly increases the damage taken by Electro-charged enemies, making it a potent tool for dealing with multiple adversaries at once.

Violet Arc can be strategically used in various situations, especially when facing groups of opponents or engaging in crowd control scenarios. By leveraging this skill effectively, players can maximize Lisa’s potential as an Electro character within their party composition. For instance, during encounters with numerous foes, activating Violet Arc can create opportunities for chaining elemental reactions and dealing substantial area damage.

In addition to its offensive capabilities, Violet Arc also serves as a catalyst for triggering elemental reactions such as Overload or Superconduct. These reactions result in additional elemental effects and increased damage output against enemies. Therefore, mastering the timing and application of Violet Arc is crucial for harnessing Lisa’s full combat prowess.

Lightning Rose: Harnessing Destructive Power

Lisa’s signature elemental burst, Lightning Rose, unleashes continuous bursts of Electro damage upon nearby adversaries while active. This formidable ability not only provides sustained offensive pressure but also contributes to controlling the battlefield by punishing clustered opponents within range.

When confronting swarms of enemies or engaging in prolonged engagements where sustained area-of-effect (AoE) damage is essential, deploying Lightning Rose becomes instrumental in dictating the flow of battle. By employing this devastating technique strategically, players can capitalize on Lisa’s proficiency in maintaining consistent pressure on multiple targets simultaneously.

By integrating both her elemental skill and elemental burst into combat strategies fluidly and tactically based on situational demands—whether focusing on single-target elimination or crowd control—players can fully exploit Lisa’s inherent strengths as an electro-based character within Genshin Impact’s diverse roster of playable characters.

Maximizing Elemental Mastery with Lisa

As players progress through Genshin Impact and enhance their understanding of each character’s unique attributes and abilities—including those possessed by Lisa—focusing on optimizing her elemental mastery becomes increasingly pivotal.
Enhancing Lisa’s elemental mastery stat allows her to amplify the potency of her electro-based attacks while augmenting her overall effectiveness during combat encounters.
Players are encouraged to synergize artifacts that bolster elemental mastery alongside other complementary stats tailored to suit their preferred playstyle when utilizing Lisa within their party composition.

Strengthening Lisa with Artifacts and Stats

Thundering Fury Set

The Thundering Fury artifact set is perfect for enhancing Lisa’s abilities in Genshin Impact. It provides a significant boost to her Electro damage and also improves her energy recharge. This set complements Lisa’s elemental focus, allowing her to deal more damage and use her abilities more frequently.

When equipping artifacts for Lisa, prioritize the Thundering Fury set to maximize her potential as an Electro character. By doing so, you can ensure that she excels in dealing Electro damage while maintaining high energy levels for consistent ability usage.

Elemental Mastery Focus

To further enhance Lisa’s effectiveness in combat, it is crucial to increase her Elemental Mastery through artifacts and other gear. This stat directly impacts the strength of Lisa’s elemental reactions when combined with other characters’ abilities.

By prioritizing Elemental Mastery, players can optimize the synergy between Lisa and their team members, leading to powerful elemental combinations that result in devastating effects on opponents.

Main Stats Emphasis

When selecting artifacts for Lisa, pay close attention to the main stats they offer. For maximum damage output, focus on acquiring artifacts with ATK% and Electro DMG Bonus as primary stats. These stats significantly amplify Lisa’s offensive capabilities during battles.

By equipping artifacts with ATK% as a main stat, players can bolster the power of Lisa’s normal attacks and charged attacks. Emphasizing Electro DMG Bonus ensures that all of her Electro-based abilities deliver extra damage against enemies.

Energy Recharge Substat

In addition to prioritizing main stats on artifacts, consider incorporating Energy Recharge as a substat when customizing Lisa’s gear setup. Energy Recharge plays a vital role in ensuring that she can unleash her abilities consistently throughout combat scenarios.

By focusing on Energy Recharge as a substat within artifact selections or weapon choices for Lisa, players guarantee that she remains ready to deploy powerful skills whenever needed without delays caused by insufficient energy levels.

Balancing Role Optimization

As players strengthen Lisa with specific artifacts and stats enhancements, it is essential to balance these improvements based on their preferred playstyle for this character within their party composition.

Players must carefully evaluate whether they want to utilize Lisa primarily as a support character or emphasize her role as a DPS (damage per second) contributor within their team dynamics.

Balancing these attributes ensures optimal performance from Lisa, aligning with the overall strategy employed by players during various encounters across Genshin Impact’s game world.

Mastering Lisa’s Talents and Combat Skills


When using Lisa in combat, it’s crucial to understand the timing of her abilities. By strategically utilizing her Elemental Skill to group enemies together before triggering her Elemental Burst, you can maximize their effectiveness. This allows you to deal significant damage within a short timeframe, making the most out of your attacks.

Experiment with different combos involving Lisa’s abilities and those of other characters in your party. By doing so, you can create powerful synergies that enhance the overall impact of your team during battles. For example, pairing Lisa’s Electro abilities with another character’s Hydro skills can trigger an Electro-Charged reaction for continuous damage against enemies.


Learning to position yourself strategically is essential when playing as Lisa. Her Area-of-Effect (AoE) attacks are particularly potent when hitting multiple enemies at once. Therefore, positioning yourself in a way that allows you to target and affect as many foes as possible will significantly increase your efficiency in combat.

In addition to dealing damage effectively, it is important for players controlling Lisa to practice dodging and evading while maintaining her output during combat. This ensures that she remains safe from enemy attacks while continuing to deal substantial damage on the battlefield.

Example Combos

  1. Utilize Lisa’s Elemental Skill “Violet Arc” to apply an Electro debuff on enemies.
  2. Switch to a character with Pyro abilities and use their skills or Elemental Burst.
  3. The combination triggers an Overloaded reaction which deals AoE Pyro damage around affected enemies.
  4. Follow up by activating Lisa’s Elemental Burst “Lightning Rose” for additional sustained Electro damage over time.

Optimizing Lisa’s Electro DPS Potential

Elemental Synergy

Pairing Lisa with characters who can apply elements like Hydro or Cryo allows for powerful elemental reactions. For instance, triggering Overload with Pyro characters alongside Lisa can deal massive AoE damage. Superconduct can be triggered by pairing Lisa with Cryo characters, effectively reducing enemy defense.

Experimenting with different team compositions is crucial to finding the most effective synergy for Lisa. This experimentation will help players discover which combinations of characters and elements maximize electro DPS, field DPS, and overall effectiveness in combat situations.

Charged Attack Strategy

To optimize Lisa’s electro DPS potential, it’s essential to utilize her charged attack after applying an element. This approach maximizes her damage output and takes advantage of any existing elemental effects on enemies.

When using this strategy, players should consider factors such as electro dmg bonus, crit dmg buffs, and other relevant enhancements that can further boost the impact of Lisa’s charged attacks when combined with different elemental effects.

Team Composition Flexibility

The flexibility in team composition offers a wide range of opportunities to enhance Lisa’s electro DPS potential. Players should seek out characters who complement her abilities by providing additional buffs or debuffs that synergize well with her electric attacks.

For example:

  • Pairing Lisa with a character like Xingqiu (Hydro) could lead to powerful electro-charged reactions.
  • Combining Fischl (Electro) and Kaeya (Cryo) in a team alongside Lisa creates multiple opportunities for elemental reactions while maintaining consistent damage output.
  • Including support characters that provide buffs such as increased energy recharge or attack bonuses further enhances the overall performance of the team when utilizing Lisa’s electro capabilities.

Building Effective Teams Around Lisa

Synergizing with Other Characters

Lisa synergizes well with characters like Fischl, Xingqiu, or Bennett. For instance, Fischl’s Oz can continuously apply Electro damage while Lisa focuses on her Elemental Burst. This combination creates a constant stream of Electro damage to overwhelm opponents.

Teaming up with Xingqiu is also beneficial as his Hydro abilities can trigger powerful Electro-charged reactions with Lisa. This synergy maximizes the potential for dealing massive damage to enemies within the field.

Including Bennett in the team provides an ATK bonus and healing through his Elemental Burst, significantly benefiting Lisa’s overall performance. The enhanced attack power and healing support from Bennett complement Lisa’s capabilities in combat situations.

Energy Regeneration Support

When building a team around Lisa, it is crucial to consider characters who can provide energy regeneration support to enhance her abilities further. Characters that offer energy regeneration help ensure that Lisa has access to her elemental burst more frequently during battles.

For example, characters such as Venti or Sucrose possess skills that generate particles which recharge energy for other teammates. By incorporating these characters into a team composition alongside Lisa, players can maintain a consistent supply of energy for unleashing powerful elemental bursts and skills repeatedly.

Flexibility in Team Composition

In creating an effective team centered around Lisa, flexibility in team composition plays a vital role. While specific character combinations are recommended for optimal synergy and support for Lisa’s abilities, players should also experiment with different compositions based on their playstyle preferences and available character roster.

Players may choose to include characters like Kaeya or Chongyun in their teams to provide Cryo elements that synergize well with Electro effects when combined strategically during combat scenarios. This approach allows players to diversify their teams while capitalizing on elemental reactions unique to each character combination.

  • Teaming up with Fischl provides continuous Electro damage.
  • Combining Xingqiu’s Hydro abilities triggers potent Electro-charged reactions.
  • Including Bennett offers an ATK bonus and healing benefits.
  • Consider adding Venti or Sucrose for energy regeneration support.
  • Experiment with different compositions based on playstyle preferences.

Harnessing the Electrocute Effect with Lisa

Maximizing Electro Status

To optimize the Electrocute effect in Genshin Impact, it’s crucial to ensure that enemies remain constantly affected by the Electro status. Lisa’s abilities play a pivotal role in achieving this objective. By strategically using her skills, players can keep enemies under the influence of Electro for an extended duration, thereby maximizing the potential of triggering Electrocute.

Lisa’s ability to apply and maintain Electro status sets the stage for unleashing powerful elemental reactions and dealing substantial damage to adversaries. For example, her Elemental Skill “Violet Arc” inflicts continuous Electro damage on nearby opponents while also providing an opportunity for charged attacks that further enhance the application of Electro status.

Furthermore, Lisa’s Elemental Burst “Lightning Rose” creates an area of effect where she continuously deals out electro damage over time. This not only ensures a sustained application of Electro but also offers opportunities for additional elemental reactions when paired with other characters’ abilities or bursts.

Players should focus on increasing Lisa’s energy recharge rate to allow more frequent use of her abilities, thus maintaining consistent infliction of Electro status on enemies throughout battles. This approach is essential for harnessing and capitalizing on the Electrocute effect within team compositions.

Synergizing with Other Characters

Pairing Lisa with characters capable of applying additional Electro damage, such as Fischl or Beidou, enhances her ability to trigger and sustain Electrocute against foes effectively. These characters contribute to intensifying overall electro-based assaults while complementing Lisa’s skill set.

Moreover, incorporating teammates who can prolong the duration of enemy affliction by Hydro (such as Barbara) complements Lisa’s capabilities by setting up opportunities for potent electro-charged reactions. This synergy allows players to exploit enemy vulnerabilities efficiently through strategic combinations of character abilities and elemental affinities within their teams.

For instance:

  • Pairing Barbara’s Hydro attacks with Lisa’s electrical prowess triggers electro-charged effects.
  • Combining Fischl’s “Nightrider” raven companion with Lisa’s lightning-infused powers leads to devastating results against groups of adversaries.

Experimentation and Optimization

Triggering the Electrocute effect has proven instrumental in delivering massive damage outputs against groups of enemies in Genshin Impact. However, its full potential is realized through experimentation with diverse elemental reactions and team compositions tailored around maximizing this electrifying phenomenon.

By exploring various combinations involving characters like Xiangling (Pyro), Chongyun (Cryo), or Sucrose (Anemo), players can unlock unique synergies that amplify both individual character strengths and collective elemental affinities within their teams. For instance:

  • Utilizing Xiangling’s Pyronado alongside Lisa’s Lightning Rose generates pyro-electric explosions that decimate multiple foes simultaneously.
  • Incorporating Chongyun into a team composition featuring Lisa enables players to capitalize on frozen-electric interactions through his Cryo abilities.

Advancing Through Lisa’s Constellation Levels

Unlocking Constellations and Enhancing Abilities

Unlocking Lisa’s constellation levels is crucial for enhancing her abilities and providing additional effects. These constellations, represented by violet arcs in her character profile, offer significant improvements to Lisa’s skills and performance in combat. Each unlocked constellation level brings a unique bonus that can greatly impact her effectiveness in battle.

Acquiring duplicates of Lisa through Wishes or events is the primary method to unlock her constellation levels. As players obtain duplicate copies of Lisa, they can use them to advance through her constellation levels, enhancing her capabilities with each progression. Ascending Lisa will also increase the cap for her constellation level, allowing players to further strengthen their favorite Electro user.

The first constellation, known as Infinite Circuit, should be prioritized when advancing through Lisa’s constellation levels. This particular upgrade significantly improves Energy Regeneration efficiency, enabling more frequent Elemental Bursts and empowering Lisa to unleash powerful attacks more frequently during combat scenarios.

Improving Elemental Burst Damage

Subsequent constellations beyond Infinite Circuit continue to bolster Lisa’s prowess on the battlefield. These upgrades not only enhance the damage output of her Elemental Burst but also reduce its cooldown duration. By advancing through these subsequent constellation levels, players can witness a substantial improvement in Lisa’s offensive capabilities as she becomes capable of dealing greater amounts of Electro damage within shorter timeframes.

As players progress through higher constellation levels, such as Hyperbloom and Subtle Delicacy among others, they will notice an exponential growth in both the potency and frequency of Lisa’s abilities on the field. The synergistic effects brought about by these advancements make it clear that unlocking all available constellations is highly beneficial for maximizing Lisa’s potential within Genshin Impact.

Maximizing Potential with Talent Levels

In addition to upgrading Lisa’s constellation levels, it is imperative for players to focus on increasing her talent levels as well. Elevating talents such as Violet Arc and Lightning Rose allows players to further augment their favorite librarian’s combat performance by unleashing even more devastating attacks against adversaries throughout Teyvat.

Strategies for Enhancing Lisa’s Gameplay Experience

Utilize Lisa’s Charged Attack

Lisa’s charged attack is a powerful tool for dealing significant single-target damage. By holding down the attack button, players can unleash a charged electrical blast that inflicts heavy damage on a single enemy. This ability is particularly effective against stronger opponents or bosses in the game. When facing formidable foes, players should make it a habit to incorporate Lisa’s charged attack into their combat strategy.

In addition to its raw damage output, Lisa’s charged attack also has the potential to trigger elemental reactions when combined with other characters’ abilities. For example, pairing her with a character who can apply Hydro status to enemies creates an Electro-Charged reaction, dealing continuous AoE (Area of Effect) damage over time. This further amplifies the impact of Lisa’s charged attack and maximizes her offensive capabilities.

Players should aim to master the timing and positioning required to execute Lisa’s charged attacks effectively during combat scenarios. Understanding when to utilize this ability can greatly enhance their overall experience while playing as Lisa in Genshin Impact.

Use Lisa’s Elemental Skill for Crowd Control

Lisa’s Elemental Skill acts as an invaluable crowd control tool that allows players to group enemies together efficiently. By casting her skill near clusters of adversaries, she can inflict Electro status on multiple targets simultaneously, setting them up for devastating chain reactions triggered by subsequent elemental abilities from other characters in the party.

This strategic approach not only enables players to immobilize and weaken groups of enemies but also sets the stage for coordinated assaults involving elemental combinations such as Overloaded or Superconduct. Such tactics significantly amplify overall damage output and streamline encounters within various game environments.

When navigating through challenging dungeons or engaging in intense battles against numerous opponents, leveraging Lisa’s Elemental Skill becomes crucial in maintaining control over chaotic situations while maximizing offensive opportunities available within Genshin Impact’s dynamic gameplay mechanics.

Take Advantage of High Energy Recharge Rate

One notable aspect contributing to the player’s enhanced gaming experience with Lisa is her high energy recharge rate. This attribute empowers players with frequent access to her potent Elemental Burst ability throughout combat engagements.
By capitalizing on this inherent trait, users gain increased flexibility in unleashing devastating area-of-effect attacks at pivotal moments during battle sequences—granting them an edge when confronting tougher adversaries or tackling demanding quests across diverse regions within Genshin Impact’s expansive open world.
Maximizing usage of Lisa’s Elemental Burst not only bolsters offensive prowess but also adds depth and excitement to gameplay experiences by offering varied tactical options tailored towards individual playstyles and preferences.

Conclusion on Maximizing Lisa in Your Adventure

In conclusion, maximizing Lisa in Genshin Impact involves a strategic approach to her abilities, talents, and team composition. By understanding her strengths and weaknesses, players can optimize her electro DPS potential, select the ideal weapons and artifacts, and unleash the Electrocute effect to its fullest extent. Building effective teams around Lisa is crucial for synergistic elemental reactions and maximizing overall combat efficiency. With careful consideration of her constellations, talent upgrades, and gameplay strategies, players can enhance their experience with Lisa as a formidable character in their adventure.

For more in-depth insights into maximizing characters in Genshin Impact and mastering the game’s mechanics, stay tuned for future articles that delve into advanced strategies and team-building tactics.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the best builds for Lisa in Genshin Impact?

Lisa’s best builds in Genshin Impact typically focus on maximizing her Electro damage output. Players often opt for a combination of Elemental Mastery, Energy Recharge, and Electro Damage Bonus to enhance her performance as a support or main DPS character.

How can players optimize Lisa’s Electro DPS potential?

To optimize Lisa’s Electro DPS potential, players should prioritize equipping artifacts that boost her electro damage bonus and elemental mastery. Utilizing weapons with effects that complement her abilities can further enhance her overall damage output.

What are the ideal weapons for Lisa in Genshin Impact?

Ideal weapons for Lisa include those with high base attack stats and bonuses that increase elemental mastery or energy recharge. Weapons such as “The Widsith,” “Sacrificial Fragments,” and “Mappa Mare” are popular choices among players aiming to maximize Lisa’s effectiveness.

How can players effectively harness the Electrocute effect with Lisa?

Players can effectively harness the Electrocute effect by strategically pairing Lisa with characters who possess abilities capable of triggering electro-charged reactions. By combining their skills, players can create powerful chain reactions that deal substantial AoE (Area of Effect) damage to enemies.

What strategies can enhance the gameplay experience when using Lisa in Genshin Impact?

Strategies to enhance gameplay when using Lisa involve understanding enemy weaknesses and exploiting them through effective team compositions. Pairing her with characters who complement her skills and creating synergistic elemental reactions will significantly elevate the overall combat experience.