Kazuha Genshin Impact: Build, Weapons & More

Kazuha, the latest addition to Genshin Impact in the 1.6 update, brings a breath of fresh air with his Anemo (Wind) Vision and origins from Inazuma. This elegant and poetic character has swiftly won the hearts of players worldwide. With an alluring appearance and captivating playstyle, Kazuha has become a fan favorite within the Genshin Impact community. His arrival not only expands the game’s character roster but also introduces new dynamics to gameplay strategies. As players delve into this new chapter of adventure with Kazuha, they can expect an exhilarating experience filled with wind-based abilities and compelling storytelling.

Kazuha’s Character Overview and Role in Gameplay

Elemental Abilities

Kazuha, a versatile character in Genshin Impact, possesses remarkable skills that make him a valuable asset in any team. His Elemental Skill, Chihayaburu, enables him to unleash Swirl reactions when combined with other elements. This ability not only deals damage but also spreads the elemental effects to multiple enemies at once.

The impact of Kazuha’s Elemental Burst, Kazuha Slash, extends beyond dealing Area of Effect (AoE) damage. It significantly enhances his teammates’ elemental damage for a certain duration after activation. This makes him an excellent choice for players who prioritize maximizing their team’s overall offensive capabilities.

Kazuha’s proficiency at crowd control and creating powerful elemental reactions adds depth to the gameplay experience. For example, pairing him with characters who can trigger strong elemental effects such as Electro-Charged or Overloaded can lead to devastating combinations that overwhelm opponents.

Playstyle Synergy

When strategically integrated into teams with characters specializing in various elements, Kazuha becomes a linchpin for setting up intricate elemental combos. Players can capitalize on his abilities by incorporating Hydro, Pyro, Cryo, or Electro-based characters into their party compositions.

For instance:

  • Combining Kazuha’s Swirl reaction with Diluc’s Pyro attacks creates a potent Melt effect.
  • Pairing him with Tartaglia allows players to unleash Vaporize reactions by using Hydro attacks followed by Tartaglia’s ranged Hydro abilities.
  • Teaming up with Keqing provides opportunities for triggering Superconduct reactions through quick succession of Electro and Anemo moves.

By leveraging these synergies effectively during combat encounters and exploration activities within the game world of Teyvat, players can optimize their gaming experience while harnessing the full potential of Kazuha’s unique skill set.

Team Composition Strategies

In team building scenarios within Genshin Impact battles or challenges requiring diverse tactics and adaptability based on enemy types and environmental conditions,
players must carefully consider how best to integrate Kazuha into their lineups.
This involves assessing which characters complement his strengths and cover his weaknesses,
ultimately leading to well-rounded teams capable of handling various threats efficiently.

Ascension and Talent Materials Required for Kazuha

Ascension Materials

Ascending Kazuha requires specific materials at each level. To reach the first ascension phase, a player needs 1 Vayuda Turquoise Sliver, 3 Sea Ganoderma, 3 Sango Pearl, and 20000 Mora. For the second phase, they’ll need 3 Vayuda Turquoise Fragment, 2 Marionette Core, 10 Sea Ganoderma, and 40000 Mora. Finally, to reach the third ascension phase, players require 6 Vayuda Turquoise Gemstone, 4 Marionette Core ,20 Sea Ganoderma ,and60k Mora.

The Vayuda Turquoise series is essential for ascending Kazuha in Genshin Impact. Each stage demands different quantities of these rare items alongside other common resources like Sea Ganoderma and Sango Pearl.

With each ascension level requiring an increased amount of resources such as Vayuda Turquoise Gemstone or Marionette Cores along with higher amounts of Mora (the in-game currency), players must invest time into gathering these materials to strengthen their Kazuha character effectively.

Talent Level-Up Materials

Talent level-up materials for Kazuha are equally crucial for maximizing his abilities within the game. These include Freedom books which can be obtained from domains on Tuesdays or Fridays; Teachings of Transience that are available on Mondays/Thursdays/Sundays; Guide to Transience obtainable on Wednesdays/Saturdays/Sundays.

To enhance Kazuha’s talents effectively in Genshin Impact gameplay environment players should focus on obtaining these specific talent-level up materials through regular domain runs as well as utilizing resin efficiently during specific days of the week when these items are available.

Players have to plan ahead by organizing their weekly schedule around acquiring Freedom Books from domains on Tuesdays/Fridays while also targeting Teachings of Transience during Mondays/Thursdays/Sundays and Guide to Transience on Wednesdays/Saturdays/Sundays.

Best Artifacts and Weapons for Optimizing Kazuha

The Viridescent Venerer Artifact Set

The Viridescent Venerer artifact set is essential for optimizing Kazuha’s performance. This set enhances Swirl damage, which aligns perfectly with Kazuha’s Anemo abilities. It also reduces enemy resistance, making it easier for Kazuha to deal significant damage to opponents. For instance, equipping Kazuha with a full set of Viridescent Venerer artifacts can greatly enhance his ability to control the battlefield by spreading elemental effects and weakening enemies.

The Viridescent Venerer artifact set consists of the following pieces:

  • Sands of Eon (Hourglass)
  • Goblet of Eonothem (Goblet)
  • Circlet of Logos (Crown)

Each piece focuses on different stats such as ATK%, Elemental Mastery, Energy Recharge, and more. By strategically selecting these artifacts based on their main stats and sub-stats, players can significantly boost Kazuha’s overall combat effectiveness.

Ideal Weapons for Maximizing Kazuha’s Potential

Two standout options are the Skyward Blade and the Freedom-Sworn. The Skyward Blade provides increased CRIT Rate along with a chance to generate Cyclone Blades upon critical hits. These blades will then seek out nearby opponents dealing AoE DMG.

On the other hand, the Freedom-Sworn offers an alternate but equally potent choice due to its passive ability known as “Revolutionary Chorale.” This effect increases ATK by 10% while granting characters who use an Elemental Burst buffs based on weapon refinement rank.

Players should consider refining these weapons using materials like Treasure Hoarder Insignias obtained from defeating members of the Treasure Hoarders faction found throughout Teyvat.

Enhancing Combat Effectiveness through Synergy

To truly optimize Kazuha, players must understand how his artifacts and weapons work in synergy with his abilities. When equipped with appropriate artifacts that increase Anemo DMG Bonus or Elemental Mastery, combined with a suitable weapon choice like Skyward Blade or Freedom-Sworn, players can unleash devastating combos during battles.

For example:

  1. Equipping a Goblet of Eonothem artifact from the Viridescent Venerer set focusing on Anemo DMG Bonus amplifies Kazuha’s Swirl damage.
  2. Combining this setup with a refined Skyward Blade further boosts critical damage output alongside generating Cyclone Blades that deal additional AoE DMG.
  3. Utilizing characters within the party composition who can apply elements such as Hydro or Pyro further enhances Swirl reactions triggered by Kazuha’s abilities.

Kazuha’s Abilities Explained – Chihayaburu and Kazuha Slash


Kazuha’s elemental skill, Chihayaburu, is a powerful ability that creates an AoE wind current, drawing enemies towards its center. This ability provides exceptional crowd control by pulling multiple foes into a concentrated area. With this wind-infused technique, Kazuha can swiftly manipulate the battlefield to his advantage.

The Chihayaburu skill presents an excellent opportunity for players to strategically position enemies for maximum impact. By using this ability effectively, players can group adversaries together, setting them up for devastating attacks from themselves or their teammates. This allows for efficient crowd management and enables swift takedowns of grouped opponents.

Kazuha’s Chihayaburu offers immense tactical flexibility in combat scenarios. Players can capitalize on the wind current to corral enemies into one location before unleashing rapid sword strikes or coordinating powerful elemental combinations with other characters in their party.

Utilizing Chihayaburu during challenging encounters not only showcases Kazuha’s prowess but also highlights the player’s strategic acumen as they deftly maneuver through battles with finesse and precision.

Kazuha Slash

Another remarkable aspect of Kazuha’s arsenal is his elemental burst, Kazuha Slash. This devastating move deals widespread Anemo damage within its AoE range while leaving behind an elemental mark that significantly enhances teammates’ elemental damage output against affected foes.

The impact of Kazuha Slash extends beyond mere offensive capabilities; it has far-reaching implications for team synergy and coordinated assaults. The residual elemental mark left by this secret blade technique empowers allies to unleash even more potent attacks on affected adversaries.

In practical terms, when players deploy Kazuha Slash, they not only inflict substantial damage upon enemies within the area but also pave the way for enhanced follow-up strikes from their entire party. This cooperative synergy amplifies the overall effectiveness of a team composition centered around capitalizing on these lingering effects.

By incorporating characters whose abilities synergize well with Anemo-based enhancements – such as Sucrose or Venti – players can orchestrate devastating chain reactions that exploit the full potential of Kazuha’s unique capabilities.

Maximizing Synergy

When considering optimal strategies for utilizing both Chihayaburu and Kazuah Slash effectively, it becomes evident that certain artifacts and weapons complement these abilities exceptionally well.

  • Artifacts like Viridescent Venerer or Blizzard Strayer are particularly advantageous due to their affinity with Anemo damage bonuses.
  • Equipping weapons such as Freedom-Sworn or Skyward Blade further augments Kazuhas’ proficiency in inflicting Anemo-based devastation while bolstering his supportive role within a team dynamic.

Enhancing Kazuha’s Powers Through Constellation Effects

Unlocking Constellations

Unlocking constellations for Kazuha is crucial in enhancing his overall combat abilities. Each unlocked constellation provides a unique upgrade, allowing Kazuha to become more powerful and versatile in battle. These upgrades can significantly impact the effectiveness of his skills and attacks, making him a more formidable character to use in Genshin Impact.

Constellations are obtained by obtaining duplicate characters from Wishes or by using Starglitter in the shop. As you acquire duplicates of Kazuha, you will unlock different constellations, each offering specific enhancements to his abilities. For example, one constellation might increase the damage output of a particular skill, while another could reduce its cooldown time.

Enhanced Abilities

The effects of unlocking constellations for Kazuha directly influence the performance of his skills such as Chihayaburu and Kazuha Slash. For instance, certain constellations may increase the damage dealt by Chihayaburu or extend the duration of Kazuha Slash’s effects on enemies.

By unlocking these constellations, players can tailor Kazuha’s abilities to suit their playstyle and optimize his performance in various game scenarios. This allows for greater customization and strategic decision-making when utilizing him within team compositions or during challenging encounters.

Versatility and Strategy

Kazuha’s enhanced powers through constellation effects provide players with additional strategies when building their team formations. With each new constellation unlocked, players gain access to improved capabilities that enable them to adapt more effectively to different combat situations within Genshin Impact.

For example:

  • An increased damage effect from Chihayaburu could make it an even more potent crowd control ability.
  • Extending the duration of Kazuha Slash could allow for better synergy with other characters’ elemental abilities or bursts.
  • These enhancements add layers of depth and complexity to gameplay as players explore synergies between characters within their party setups.

Building Kazuha as an Anemo Main DPS and Talent Prioritization

Leveling Up Talents

When building Kazuha as a main DPS in Genshin Impact, it’s crucial to focus on enhancing his normal attack talent. By leveling up this talent, players can significantly boost Kazuha’s damage output when using basic attacks. This allows him to deal more damage consistently during combat, making him a formidable force on the battlefield.

Leveling up the normal attack talent is essential for maximizing Kazuha’s potential as a main DPS character. It directly impacts his ability to deal sustained damage, which is crucial for fulfilling the primary role of a main DPS character in Genshin Impact.

Prioritizing the enhancement of Kazuha’s Elemental Burst is also vital when building him as a main DPS. The Elemental Burst serves as one of his primary sources of burst damage, allowing players to unleash powerful Anemo-based attacks that can decimate enemies within its area of effect.

Enhancing both the normal attack and Elemental Burst talents ensures that Kazuha excels in dealing consistent and burst damage, making him an effective choice for players who prefer utilizing him as their primary source of offense in their party lineup.

Equipping ATK-Focused Artifacts

When gearing up Kazuha for his role as a main DPS character, equipping him with artifacts that prioritize ATK (Attack) stats is essential. These artifacts enhance his overall offensive capabilities by increasing his base attack power and scaling bonuses from other sources such as weapon passives or team composition effects.

By focusing on ATK-focused artifacts, players can optimize Kazuha’s potential to inflict substantial amounts of damage with each basic attack and Elemental Burst activation. This allows them to capitalize on his strengths as a main source of sustained and burst damage within their party setup.

Choosing artifacts with sub-stats that complement ATK bonuses further enhances Kazuha’s effectiveness as a main DPS character. Sub-stats such as Crit Rate or Crit Damage provide additional offensive boosts that synergize well with an ATK-focused build, amplifying his overall damage output during combat encounters.

Optimizing artifact selection based on ATK priorities ensures that players can harness the full potential of Kazuha‘s offensive capabilities while maintaining consistency in delivering impactful attacks throughout various gameplay scenarios.

Synergies with Constellation Effects

In addition to prioritizing talent upgrades and artifact choices when building Kazuha as an Anemo Main DPS character, leveraging constellations can further enhance his performance in combat situations.
For example:

  • His first constellation increases Swirl DMG by 60% against enemies affected by an element.
  • The second constellation decreases sprinting stamina consumption by 20%, while also providing buffs after sprinting ends.
  • The fourth constellation reduces CD times between Tengu Storm Call’s cooldowns.

Ideal Team Compositions Featuring Kazuha

Synergizing with Elemental Reactions

Kazuha excels when paired with characters who can trigger elemental reactions. For instance, teaming up with Xingqiu allows for powerful Swirl reactions by combining Hydro and Anemo elements. This synergy not only deals damage to enemies but also provides crowd control by inflicting the Wet status on opponents. Fischl is another excellent choice due to her ability to summon Oz, an Electro bird that continuously attacks enemies. When Oz’s attacks come into contact with Kazuha’s abilities, it triggers Electro-Charged reactions.

When building a team around Kazuha, it’s essential to consider how each character’s elemental abilities complement his Anemo skills. By incorporating characters like Xingqiu or Fischl into the party lineup, players can capitalize on the potential for devastating elemental reactions while leveraging Kazuha’s versatile combat style.

Teaming up with characters like Bennett or Jean also enhances the overall performance of a party featuring Kazuha. Bennett brings healing support through his Elemental Burst ability, Passion Overload, which not only heals allies but also increases their attack power based on Bennett’s Max HP. On the other hand, Jean offers healing capabilities as well as crowd control through her Anemo abilities and Swirl reaction effects.

Pairing Kazuha with supportive characters such as Bennett or Jean ensures that he remains resilient during battles while benefiting from additional offensive boosts and recovery options.

Flexible Support Options

In addition to focusing on triggering elemental reactions and providing healing support for Kazuha in battle scenarios, players should consider adding flexible support options to further enhance their team compositions.

Characters like Sucrose, another Anemo user in Genshin Impact, can amplify Kazuha’s effectiveness in combat by creating opportunities for more potent Swirl reactions and increasing overall damage output through her talents such as Wind Spirit Creation and Catalyst Conversion.

Moreover,Albedo, a Geo character known for his exceptional defensive capabilities and Transient Blossoms damage-dealing effects can complement Kazuhas playstyle effectively due to his area-of-effect (AoE) Geo DMG skill known as Abiogenesis: Solar Isotoma which resonates well within different environments enhancing both offense & defense of kazuhas kit.

Mastering Kazuha’s Combat Style in Genshin Impact

Utilize Chihayaburu

Kazuha’s elemental skill, Chihayaburu, is a versatile ability that can be used to control the battlefield. When engaging multiple enemies, using Chihayaburu effectively will enable players to group enemies together. This creates an opportunity to trigger powerful elemental reactions for massive damage. For example, combining Chihayaburu with Pyro characters’ abilities or attacks can result in devastating Overloaded reactions, dealing substantial AoE (area of effect) damage to clustered foes.

Chihayaburu also provides great utility in exploration and puzzle-solving scenarios within the game world of Teyvat. Players can use it to reach high ledges or activate mechanisms by generating wind currents at strategic locations.

In combat situations, mastering the timing and positioning of Chihayaburu is crucial for maximizing its potential impact on enemy groups. By understanding when and where to deploy this skill effectively, players can gain a significant advantage during battles against challenging opponents.

Elemental Burst Combos

One of Kazuha’s key strengths lies in his Elemental Burst ability known as Kazuha Slash. When strategically timed with other characters’ abilities or bursts, it has the potential to create devastating combos that deal immense damage while providing crowd control effects.

For instance, pairing Kazuha’s Elemental Burst with Anemo characters such as Sucrose or Venti allows players to create powerful Swirl reactions that spread elements throughout the battlefield. This not only deals additional elemental damage but also amplifies existing elemental statuses present on enemies.

Moreover, coordinating Kazuha’s Elemental Burst with Hydro-based attacks from characters like Mona or Xingqiu results in potent Vaporize reactions that deal tremendous hydro-boosted damage against affected foes.

Players should experiment with different team compositions featuring various elementally diverse characters alongside Kazuha to discover unique combo potentials based on their individual playstyles and preferences.

Synergies and Team Compositions

To fully harness the combat style of Kazuha in Genshin Impact, players must consider forming synergistic teams built around elemental interactions and character abilities that complement each other.

For example:

  • Building a team comprising Diluc (Pyro), Fischl (Electro), Bennett (Pyro), and Kazuha offers an excellent mix for triggering Melt reactions while benefiting from strong pyro-based DPS capabilities.
  • Alternatively, incorporating Barbara (Hydro) into a team alongside Beidou (Electro), Xiangling (Pyro), and Kazuha allows for diverse elemental resonance bonuses along with opportunities for Electro-Charged reaction setups.

Understanding how different elements interact when combined is essential for creating effective team compositions centered around leveraging both Chihayaburu grouping tactics and well-timed Elemental Bursts.

Support-Oriented Build

For a support-oriented build in Genshin Impact, the Noblesse Oblige artifact set is an excellent choice. This set enhances teammates’ elemental burst damage after using Kazuha’s own elemental burst ability. It provides a significant boost to the entire team’s damage output, making it ideal for supporting other characters during co-op battles or challenging domains.

The Noblesse Oblige artifact set consists of the following pieces:

  • Flower of Life (Circlet)
  • Plume of Death (Feather)
  • Sands of Eon (Hourglass)
  • Goblet of Eonothem (Goblet)

Equipping these artifacts on Kazuha allows him to maximize his supportive capabilities by empowering his allies with increased elemental burst damage. For example, when paired with characters like Diluc or Hu Tao who heavily rely on their elemental bursts for massive damage, this setup can significantly elevate their overall performance and make them even more formidable in combat scenarios.

Kazuha’s skillset naturally complements the support role due to his Anemo abilities that create favorable conditions for teammates to capitalize on. By utilizing the Noblesse Oblige artifact set, players can fully harness Kazuha’s potential as a valuable asset in any team composition focused on dealing substantial elemental burst damage.

DPS Build

In contrast, if players aim to optimize Kazuha as a main DPS character, the Wanderer’s Troupe artifact set stands out as an exceptional choice. This particular set greatly amplifies charged attack damage which aligns perfectly with a DPS-focused playstyle centered around unleashing powerful charged attacks against opponents.

The Wanderer’s Troupe artifact set comprises four pieces:

  • Flower of Life (Circlet)
  • Plume of Death (Feather)
  • Sands of Eon (Hourglass)
  • Goblet of Eonothem (Goblet)

When equipped on Kazuha, this artifact combination substantially bolsters his charged attack capabilities, allowing players to unleash devastating blows upon enemies within Genshin Impact’s vast world. The enhanced charged attacks not only increase overall damage output but also contribute significantly towards swiftly eliminating adversaries during intense battles and challenging encounters across different game modes.

Maximizing Elemental Mastery for Swirl and Elemental DMG Buffs

Enhancing Swirl Reactions

Increasing elemental mastery on artifacts can significantly boost the damage of Swirl reactions triggered by Kazuha. By prioritizing elemental mastery in artifact selection, players can maximize the impact of Kazuha’s abilities. This stat directly influences the strength of elemental reactions, making it a crucial factor in enhancing his performance.

Swirl reactions occur when Anemo (wind) meets another element, spreading that element to nearby enemies. For instance, if Kazuha triggers a Swirl reaction with Pyro (fire), it will spread Pyro to other enemies within range. By focusing on increasing elemental mastery, players can ensure that these reactions deal substantial damage, effectively controlling crowds and dealing with multiple foes at once.

Pairing Kazuha with characters who possess high elemental damage capabilities further amplifies his effectiveness in triggering powerful swirl reactions. Characters like Diluc or Klee bring strong Pyro attacks to the team, which synergize well with Kazuha’s Anemo abilities. The combination of high elemental mastery and complementary characters creates a formidable force capable of inflicting significant damage through powerful elemental interactions.

Leveraging Additional Elemental Damage

In addition to boosting swirl reactions, maximizing elemental mastery also contributes to enhancing additional elemental damage buffs generated by various character abilities within Genshin Impact. When combined with characters who possess skills that provide additional elemental buffs such as increased attack or defense bonuses after triggering an element-based ability, Kazuha becomes even more potent on the battlefield.

By strategically choosing artifacts that prioritize elemental dmg bonus, players can further augment their team’s overall combat prowess. For example, equipping artifacts that offer increased Anemo or general elemental dmg bonuses allows players to capitalize on Kazuha’s strengths while ensuring a balanced approach towards optimizing their party members’ potential.

Players aiming to create a synergy between different elements should consider building teams around characters like Xingqiu or Fischl whose abilities generate additional effects upon triggering specific elements such as Hydro or Electro respectively. These effects not only complement but also enhance Kazuha’s capabilities during combat scenarios.

Unleashing Powerful Buffs

The strategic allocation of resources towards increasing swirls, leveraging additional elemental buffs and optimizing overall party dynamics enables players to unleash powerful buffs through Kazuha’s skill set within Genshin Impact.

  • Prioritizing elemental mastery enhances the potency of swirl reactions triggered by Kazuha.
  • Pairing him with characters possessing high elemental damage further boosts his effectiveness.
  • Utilizing artifact sets focused on providing additional elemental bonuses augments overall combat potential.
  • Creating synergistic teams based on diverse elements maximizes party efficiency during battles.

Sea Ganoderma Farming and Efficient Material Gathering for Kazuha

Planning Your Route

To efficiently gather Sea Ganoderma and other materials needed to ascend and level up Kazuha, it’s crucial to plan your farming route. Start by identifying the beaches and islands in Inazuma where Sea Ganoderma can be found. Prioritize visiting these locations to ensure you collect all the required materials.

When planning your route, consider using an interactive map or online resources that highlight the specific locations of Sea Ganoderma. This will help you create a systematic path, minimizing backtracking and ensuring you cover as much ground as possible during each farming session.

Another strategy for efficient material gathering is to combine multiple objectives into one trip. For example, if there are other character ascension materials or valuable resources near areas where Sea Ganoderma grows, prioritize visiting those spots alongside collecting Sea Ganoderma.

Consider creating a checklist of required materials before setting out on your farming journey. This will help you stay organized and focused while exploring beaches and islands in search of Sea Ganoderma.

Optimizing Gathering Efficiency

Efficient material gathering involves optimizing your approach to maximize resource collection within a given timeframe. One way to achieve this is by utilizing characters with abilities that enhance exploration efficiency, such as those with increased movement speed or enhanced gathering capabilities.

Consider bringing along characters who possess skills that reveal nearby resources or increase the chances of obtaining rare items. By leveraging these abilities, you can streamline the process of finding Sea Ganoderma while also uncovering other valuable treasures during your travels across Inazuma’s coastal areas.

Furthermore, timing can play a significant role in optimizing efficiency when farming for Sea Ganoderma. Keep track of respawn timers for resource nodes so that you can revisit them when they have replenished their yields.

Incorporating elemental interactions into your approach can also contribute to efficient material gathering. As mentioned in the preceding section about “Maximizing Elemental Mastery for Swirl and Elemental DMG Buffs,” utilizing elemental combinations effectively not only enhances combat prowess but also aids in revealing hidden resources through elemental reactions.

Leveraging Traveler Experience

Drawing from experience gained while traversing various regions within Teyvat can provide valuable insights into efficient material gathering practices applicable to Inazuma’s coastal environments.
By capitalizing on knowledge acquired from previous experiences with similar resource-gathering mechanics present in Mondstadt and Liyue regions,
you may discover overarching strategies that apply universally across different terrains.
Leverage this familiarity with exploration dynamics honed throughout past adventures to adapt quickly
to new landscapes like those found on Inazuma’s shores.


In conclusion, mastering Kazuha’s abilities and optimizing his build is essential for unleashing his full potential in Genshin Impact. From understanding his character overview to selecting the best artifacts and weapons, every aspect contributes to maximizing his combat prowess. Whether focusing on Anemo main DPS or support roles, prioritizing talent upgrades and team compositions tailored to Kazuha is crucial for success in the game.

For further exploration, players can experiment with different artifact sets and elemental mastery strategies to fine-tune Kazuha’s performance. Efficient material gathering for ascension and talent upgrades will also be key in fully developing Kazuha. By delving deeper into these aspects, players can elevate their gameplay experience with Kazuha in Genshin Impact.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are Kazuha’s main abilities in Genshin Impact?

Kazuha’s main abilities include Chihayaburu, which unleashes a gust of wind that pulls in objects and opponents, and Kazuha Slash, a powerful Anemo attack that deals damage to enemies.

How can players optimize Kazuha’s performance in Genshin Impact?

To optimize Kazuha’s performance, players should focus on using artifact sets like Viridescent Venerer or Wanderer’s Troupe to enhance his Anemo damage and Elemental Mastery. Equipping him with suitable weapons such as the Freedom-Sworn sword also helps maximize his potential.

What materials are required for ascending and enhancing Kazuha in Genshin Impact?

Players need specific Ascension Materials like Sea Ganoderma, Sakura Bloom, and more to ascend Kazuha. Talent enhancement requires items such as Teachings of Diligence and Guide to Resistance.

Ideal team compositions featuring Kazuha often include characters who can synergize well with his Anemo abilities. Characters like Xingqiu or Bennett can provide excellent support for elemental reactions while enhancing overall team effectiveness.

Where can players efficiently farm Sea Ganoderma for enhancing Kazuha in Genshin Impact?

Sea Ganoderma can be efficiently farmed at locations near bodies of water around Inazuma. Players should visit areas around islands or coastlines where these unique ascension materials grow abundantly.