Genshin Impact Raiden Shogun: Build, Abilities & More

Genshin Impact enthusiasts are abuzz with the arrival of Raiden Shogun, a highly anticipated character in the game. This blog post delves into the lore and backstory of Raiden Shogun, shedding light on why she has captured the hearts of players worldwide. From her captivating storyline to her unique playstyle and formidable abilities, Raiden Shogun has become a fan-favorite within the Genshin Impact community. As players continue to explore Teyvat’s vast landscapes, understanding the intricacies of this enigmatic character is crucial for maximizing gameplay experiences. Join us as we unravel the mystique surrounding Raiden Shogun and uncover what makes her an indispensable addition to any adventurer’s party.

Overview of Raiden Shogun’s Character and Abilities

Character Design and Appearance

Raiden Shogun, also known as Beelzebul, is a 5-star Electro character in Genshin Impact. She possesses an elegant yet formidable appearance with her ornate samurai armor adorned with intricate details. The character design reflects her role as the Electro Archon and leader of Inazuma. Her regal presence is further emphasized by her long flowing hair, striking gaze, and the majestic aura that surrounds her.

Raiden Shogun’s character design is a blend of traditional Japanese elements and futuristic aesthetics, creating a visually captivating persona that resonates with players. Her attire incorporates ceremonial robes along with advanced technological components, symbolizing her divine authority as well as her mastery over Electro powers. This fusion of ancient tradition and modern innovation adds depth to Raiden Shogun’s visual portrayal, making her an iconic figure within the game.

The attention to detail in Raiden Shogun’s character design showcases miHoYo’s commitment to delivering immersive experiences for players while staying true to cultural inspirations. From the delicate patterns on her attire to the intricate motifs adorning her armor, every aspect of Raiden Shogun’s appearance contributes to shaping a compelling representation of power and grace.

Abilities and Talents

Raiden Shogun possesses an array of formidable abilities that make her a force to be reckoned with in combat. Her Elemental Skill “Transcendence: Baleful Omen” allows her to mark nearby opponents before unleashing powerful attacks that deal AoE Electro DMG based on their max HP. This skill not only inflicts substantial damage but also provides energy for Raiden Shogun herself.

Raiden Shogun’s Elemental Burst “Secret Art: Musou Shinsetsu” enables her to summon Musou no Hitotachi – wielding swift lightning strikes against nearby enemies while enhancing party members’ Normal Attacks with Electro-infused blades called “Musou Isshin.” This burst not only deals significant AoE Electro DMG but also boosts overall party damage output during its duration.

Furthermore, when utilizing Raiden Shogen effectively in combat scenarios or team compositions where she can synergize well with other characters like Fischl or Keqing who can trigger additional Electro reactions through their abilities or elemental bursts will maximize overall damage potential.

Strengths and Weaknesses

As a playable character in Genshin Impact, Raiden Shogun boasts several strengths that make her highly desirable for many players seeking powerful additions to their teams:

  • High Burst Damage Potential: With potent Elemental Burst capabilities combined with supportive effects for party members’ Normal Attacks.
  • Energy Generation: Provides consistent energy regeneration through both normal attacks and Elemental Skill usage.
  • Synergy Potential: Can synergize effectively within various team compositions due to strong support capabilities alongside high personal DPS potential.


  • Long Cooldowns: Some of Raigen Shoquns skills have relatively long cooldown periods which may affect sustained DPS output.
  • Limited Mobility: Lacks mobility-enhancing abilities compared to some other characters.

Raiden Shogun Ascension and Talent Material Guide

Ascension Materials

To ascend Raiden Shogun to higher levels, adventurers will need various materials. These include the Specter’s Energy, Storm Beads, Maguu Kenki, and Ballad Selections. The Specter’s Energy can be obtained by defeating the Electro Hypostasis boss in Inazuma. Meanwhile, Storm Beads are acquired by battling the Thunder Manifestation boss in Inazuma. Maguu Kenki is dropped by the Maguu Kenki enemy found in Inazuma. Lastly, Ballad Selections can be gained through the Sacred Sakura Cleansing Ritual questline.

Acquiring these ascension materials is crucial for enhancing Raiden Shogun’s power and increasing her level cap. By collecting these items from specific bosses and enemies within Inazuma, players can effectively prepare to ascend their character.

Players should also note that ascending Raiden Shogun unlocks new stat bonuses for her character. This includes increased base attack stats as well as an enhancement of other attributes such as energy recharge or elemental burst damage bonus.

Talent Levels

In order to enhance Raiden Shogun’s abilities, players must obtain specific talent materials such as Teachings of Elegance or Guide to Light after reaching certain talent levels with her character. These talent materials are essential for leveling up her talents and improving her combat prowess.

The Teachings of Elegance can be obtained from Taishan Mansion on Tuesdays/Fridays/Sundays while Guide to Light drops from Childe during his weekly boss fight challenge at level 70+. Acquiring these talent materials allows players to upgrade Raiden Shogun’s abilities which are integral for maximizing her potential in battles against powerful foes across Teyvat.

It is recommended for players to prioritize leveling up certain abilities first before others based on their utility and impact during combat scenarios. For instance, focusing on enhancing “Secret Art: Musou Shinsetsu” initially might prove beneficial due to its high damage output potential compared to other talents like “Transcendence: Baleful Omen.”

Best Weapons and Artifacts for Raiden Shogun

Top-tier Weapons

Raiden Shogun excels with polearm weapons such as the Primordial Jade Winged-Spear and Staff of Homa. These weapons enhance her Electro damage and boost her overall damage output. The Engulfing Lightning is another exceptional choice, providing a mix of Energy Recharge and Elemental Burst Damage bonuses.

The Freedom-Sworn sword synergizes well with Raiden Shogun’s support role, offering an Elemental Burst DMG bonus to allies when triggering Sworn Resolution effects. It complements her ability to empower teammates while dealing substantial Electro damage.

For players seeking alternative options, the Blackcliff Pole offers a significant Crit Rate boost upon defeating an opponent, making it suitable for aggressive playstyles that capitalize on critical hits.

Artifact Sets

To maximize Raiden Shogun’s potential, equipping her with the Emblem of Severed Fate artifact set is ideal. This set enhances both Energy Recharge and Elemental Burst DMG, aligning perfectly with Raiden Shogun’s kit focused on unleashing powerful bursts of Electro damage.

Alternatively, the Thundering Fury artifact set amplifies Electro-related reactions by increasing Electro DMG Bonus and decreasing skill cooldowns. This is particularly effective in team compositions where triggering elemental reactions is crucial for dealing massive AoE (Area of Effect) damage.

Players can also consider mixing two-piece sets like Gladiator’s Finale or Noblesse Oblige to further customize their build based on their preferred playstyle or team composition requirements.

Substats Prioritization

When selecting artifacts for Raiden Shogun, prioritizing substats such as Energy Recharge ensures consistent availability of her Elemental Burst ability. High Crit Rate and Crit Damage substats complement her offensive capabilities by maximizing critical hit potential when unleashing devastating attacks.

Balancing these offensive substats with HP% or DEF% provides additional survivability without compromising too much on DPS (Damage per Second). This balanced approach allows Raiden Shogun to sustain herself in prolonged battles while consistently dishing out formidable damage output.

Alternative Options

For players exploring different playstyles or team compositions, alternative weapon choices like the Crescent Pike offer a more physical-focused approach by enhancing normal attack damage after picking up elemental orbs or particles.
As for artifact alternatives, equipping the Tenacity of the Millelith set can bolster Raiden Shogun’s supportive capabilities within diverse team setups due to its focus on shield strength enhancement and ATK increase upon obtaining an elemental shard.

Stat Priority for Raiden Shogun’s Build

Importance of Elemental Mastery

Elemental Mastery is crucial for optimizing Raiden Shogun’s performance. This stat directly impacts the damage output of her Elemental Burst, Secret Art: Musou Shinsetsu, which deals Electro DMG. By prioritizing Elemental Mastery in Raiden Shogun’s build, players can significantly enhance the damage potential of this powerful ability. As a support character, high Elemental Mastery enables Raiden Shogun to amplify the reactions triggered by other characters in the party when she uses her Burst.

When focusing on maximizing Raiden Shogun’s Resolve Stacks, it becomes essential to strike a balance between building up her Energy Recharge and increasing her overall DPS through stats like Crit Rate and Crit DMG. For instance, if players aim to utilize Raiden Shogun as a primary damage dealer rather than solely as a support character, they may prioritize enhancing her Crit Rate and Crit DMG while still ensuring sufficient Energy Recharge to fuel consistent activation of her Elemental Burst.

In addition to boosting Raiden Shogun’s Electro Damage Bonus through artifact sets like Emblem of Severed Fate or Thundering Fury, players should also consider how their chosen weapon complements these priorities. For example, equipping weapons with substats that align with desired attributes such as Energy Recharge or Critical Hit Rate can further optimize Raiden Shogun’s performance.

Balancing Different Stats

To effectively allocate stat points for Raiden Shogun’s build based on preferred playstyle requires understanding the synergy between various stats and how they impact gameplay. Players who prefer utilizing Raiden Shogun primarily as an energy generator and support character might emphasize Energy Recharge over other stats such as ATK% or CRIT DMG%. This focus allows them to ensure frequent access to her powerful Burst ability while providing consistent energy regeneration benefits for the entire party.

On the other hand, those who opt for using Raiden Shugon as their main DPS character would benefit from prioritizing critical hit rate (Crit Rate) and critical hit damage (Crit DMG). These stats contribute directly to increasing overall damage output during combat scenarios where she takes on a more offensive role within the team composition.

Players aiming for flexibility in utilizing both roles can seek an equilibrium by balancing different stats according to their preferences – allocating resources into enhancing both offensive capabilities (such as ATK%, CRIT Rate%, CRIT DMG%) alongside supportive attributes like Energy Recharge and Elemental Mastery.

Understanding Raiden Shogun’s Elemental Skill and Burst

Elemental Skill: Transcendence – Baleful Omen

Raiden Shogun’s elemental skill, Transcendence: Baleful Omen, is a unique ability that empowers her attacks with Electro damage. When activated, it marks nearby opponents with the Eye of Stormy Judgment, dealing AoE Electro damage over time while also providing energy particles for Raiden Shogun and her teammates. This skill not only inflicts continuous damage but also generates energy for her burst ability.

Raiden Shogun players can strategically use this elemental skill to apply constant pressure on enemies while simultaneously building up energy for her powerful burst attack. By maximizing the uptime of Baleful Omen during combat, players can ensure a steady flow of energy particles to fuel Raiden Shogun’s devastating offensive capabilities.

Utilizing this elemental skill effectively involves understanding its area-of-effect (AoE) range and incorporating it into combos to maintain consistent Electro damage output. For example, pairing it with characters who can crowd control or group enemies together allows Raiden Shogun to maximize the impact of Baleful Omen across multiple targets simultaneously.

Elemental Burst: Secret Art – Musou Shinsetsu

Raiden Shogun’s elemental burst, Secret Art: Musou Shinsetsu, unleashes an immense amount of power in the form of powerful sword strikes imbued with Electro energy. This burst deals significant burst damage within a wide radius around her while converting a portion of her maximum Energy Recharge into additional Energy recharge rate for all party members based on their Energy Cost.

Effectively utilizing this ultimate ability involves timing its activation to capitalize on enemy positioning and ensuring maximum coverage within its radius. Furthermore, since Musou Shinsetsu converts part of Raiden Shogun’s own Energy Recharge into additional recharge rate for all party members based on their respective Energy Cost when she casts it, optimizing team compositions around characters with high-energy costs becomes crucial for maximizing overall party performance.

When combined with other characters’ abilities that complement Electro-based strategies or provide crowd control effects such as Venti’s Wind Grand Ode or Sucrose’s Absorption Sculpture in conjunction with Fischl’s Nightrider Oz will enhance both AoE potential and overall DPS output during battles.

Synergies Between Abilities and Other Characters’ Skills

Understanding the synergies between Raiden Shogun’s abilities and those of other characters is essential for maximizing team effectiveness in Genshin Impact raids. Pairing her with supports like Bennett or Xingqiu can further enhance both survivability through healing effects as well as increasing DPS potential through Hydro application from Xingqiu which triggers electrocharged reactions when paired alongside Eula or Beidou.

Energy Cost and Cooldowns

In Genshin Impact raids, managing character resources efficiently is paramount to sustained success in battle scenarios.

Raiden Shogun’s Role as Main DPS and Sub-DPS

Strengths and Weaknesses

Raiden Shogun excels as a main DPS due to her ability to unleash powerful normal damage and charged attacks. Her Elemental Burst, Secret Art: Musou Shinsetsu, enhances the attack damage of all nearby party members based on her Max Energy, making her an excellent choice for sustained damage output. However, she relies heavily on energy regeneration to maintain her burst uptime, which can be a challenge in fast-paced battles.

Raiden Shogun’s reliance on energy regen means that without proper support characters or team composition, she may struggle with consistent burst activation. While her normal attack damage is impressive, she lacks strong reaction damage capabilities compared to other Electro characters like Fischl or Beidou.

In terms of building a team around Raiden Shogun as the main DPS character, players should focus on including sub-DPS characters who can provide consistent elemental reactions to complement her attacks. Characters like Xingqiu or Bennett can enhance Raiden Shogun’s overall performance by providing hydro or pyro reactions while also offering healing or additional buffs.

Utilizing Raiden Shogun as Sub-DPS or Support

While primarily designed for the main DPS role, Raiden Shogun can also function effectively as a sub-DPS or support character in certain team compositions. As a sub-DPS character, she can utilize her Elemental Skill Transcendence: Baleful Omen to quickly apply Electro status and then switch out for another character who specializes in reaction-based damage dealing.

As a support character, Raiden Shogun’s burst provides an energy recharge bonus for other party members when cast at full Energy cost. This makes her valuable for teams that rely on frequent bursts from other characters such as Xiao or Hu Tao.

Importance of Elemental Reactions

In maximizing Raiden Shoguns’ performance regardless of role (main DPS/sub-DPS/support), understanding the importance of elemental reactions is crucial. Pairing her with characters capable of triggering powerful electro-charged reactions such as Fischl (with Oz) will significantly boost overall team damage output.

Furthermore,crit dmg plays an essential role in enhancing these elemental reactions’ effectiveness when building artifacts and weapon selection for both Raijin herself and supporting teammates.

Additionally,reaction dmg potential becomes even more critical when considering artifact sets such as Thundering Fury combined with Gladiator’s Finale 4-piece set bonuses.

Maximizing Raiden Shogun’s Constellations and Effects

Unlocking Constellations

Raiden Shogun has a total of six constellations that can be unlocked through obtaining duplicate copies of her character. Each constellation enhances her abilities, making her an even more formidable force on the battlefield. For example, unlocking the first constellation “Shinkage Bygones” increases the Energy Restoration from Leitos Emblem by 16%. This allows Raiden Shogun to unleash her Elemental Burst more frequently, amplifying her damage output.

Obtaining these constellations can significantly improve Raiden Shogun’s performance as both a Main DPS and Sub-DPS character in Genshin Impact. As players progress through the game and participate in events or make wishes, they have opportunities to acquire duplicate copies of Raiden Shogun, thereby unlocking these powerful constellations.

Beneficial Constellations

Among all the constellations available for Raiden Shogun, certain ones stand out as particularly beneficial for enhancing her playstyle. The fourth constellation “Eternal Godwind” is especially impactful as it increases Maximum Number of Chakra Desiderata stacks by 3. This empowers Raiden Shogun to maintain higher levels of damage output over extended periods during battles.

Another noteworthy constellation is “Scarlet Leaves Pursue Wild Waves,” which is the sixth and final one for Raiden Shogun. It enhances the effects of her Elemental Skill Musou Isshin by causing it to decrease opponents’ RES against all elements except Electro by 30% for 6s when casted at maximum energy cost. These enhancements elevate Raiden Shogun’s capabilities even further, solidifying her position as a top-tier character in Genshin Impact.

Strategies for Obtaining Constellations

Players can obtain duplicate copies of characters like Raiden Shogun primarily through making wishes using Intertwined Fates or Acquaint Fates in Genshin Impact’s gacha system. Another strategy involves participating in special event banners that feature specific characters at increased drop rates. By strategically allocating resources and seizing opportunities during such events, players can increase their chances of obtaining multiple copies of Raiden Shogun and unlocking these valuable constellations.

In addition to wishes and event participation, players may also receive Starglitter from pulling duplicates or finding them within Stardust Exchange shop where they could purchase additional fates allowing them another chance at getting duplicates needed to unlock those important constellations for maximizing their favorite characters’ potential including Raiden shugon.

Ideal Team Compositions with Raiden Shogun

Synergistic Characters

When building a team comp around Raiden Shogun, it’s crucial to consider characters that can complement her abilities. For instance, pairing her with characters like Fischl or Beidou can capitalize on the Electro element resonance effect, enhancing overall damage output. Including characters such as Bennett or Xingqiu can provide healing and support capabilities to ensure sustained survivability in battles.

Raiden Shogun excels as a main DPS due to her powerful elemental burst and skill. When utilized in this role, she benefits from sub-DPS characters who can trigger elemental reactions effectively. For example, incorporating Sucrose for crowd control and Anemo element infusion or Xingqiu for Hydro application enhances Raiden Shogun’s ability to trigger powerful Electro-charged reactions.

Elemental Resonance Effects

Understanding the impact of elemental resonance effects is pivotal when constructing a team around Raiden Shogun. Utilizing the 4-piece Thundering Fury artifact set on her allows for increased Electro damage while triggering an elemental reaction. Pairing her with characters like Keqing and Lisa creates an all-Electro team that maximizes the resonance bonus of decreased skill cooldowns.

Moreover, combining Raiden Shogun with characters from different elements opens up opportunities for diverse elemental resonances. For instance, having Zhongli in the party alongside Raiden Shogun grants access to Geo resonance effects which enhance shield strength and provides additional protection against enemy attacks.

Balancing Roles and Elemental Reactions

Maintaining a balanced mix of roles within the team comp is essential for optimal performance. While Raiden Shogun shines as a main DPS character due to her high damage potential, including support characters like Diona or Barbara ensures consistent healing throughout battles.

In addition to balancing roles, leveraging various elemental reactions contributes significantly to combat effectiveness. By integrating Cryo-based characters such as Ganyu or Qiqi into the composition alongside Raiden Shogun’s Electro abilities, players can unleash Superconduct reactions that reduce enemy physical resistance – amplifying overall damage dealt by the team.

Free-to-Play Friendly Options for Raiden Shogun

Viable Weapons

For Raiden Shogun, free-to-play players can consider the Crafted Polearm called “Prototype Starglitter” as a viable weapon option. This polearm provides a good balance of base attack and energy recharge, which complements Raiden Shogun’s kit. Another accessible choice is the Polearm known as “Lithic Spear,” which offers increased crit rate and attack bonuses based on the number of characters from Liyue in the party.

Free-to-play players should also take advantage of refining their weapons to enhance their performance without relying on gacha luck. For instance, refining the Prototype Starglitter or Lithic Spear can significantly boost their stats, making them more competitive with 4-star or 5-star gacha weapons.

Enhancing Artifact Sets

Free-to-play options such as the Gladiator’s Finale and Noblesse Oblige are excellent choices for enhancing Raiden Shogun’s performance. The Gladiator’s Finale set increases normal attack damage, while Noblesse Oblige boosts elemental burst damage – both aligning well with Raiden Shogun’s playstyle.

Moreover, focusing on these artifact sets allows free-to-play players to allocate resources efficiently instead of spreading them thin across various options. By prioritizing specific artifact sets that synergize with Raiden Shogun’s abilities, they can maximize her potential within resource constraints.

Alternative Strategies

Free-to-play users can employ alternative strategies to optimize Raiden Shogun without spending real money by leveraging her synergy with other farmable characters like Fischl and Xiangling. These characters provide valuable elemental support through Oz (Fischl) and Guoba (Xiangling), amplifying Raiden Shogun’s electro-based attacks when she triggers reactions using her Elemental Skill or Burst.

Incorporating crowd control elements into the party composition — such as Anemo resonance for increased stamina efficiency — enables better energy management for frequent use of Raiden Shogun’s powerful Elemental Burst during battles against tough opponents.

Optimizing Build

To optimize Raiden Shogun’s build with limited resources, it is essential for free-to-play enthusiasts to focus on upgrading talents that directly impact her overall performance in combat scenarios. Prioritizing talents related to her Elemental Skill and Burst ensures that even with constrained resources, players can still make significant strides in maximizing her potential without relying solely on rare materials obtained through wishes or real-money transactions.

Furthermore, cultivating a thorough understanding of enemy behavior patterns allows free-to-play individuals to capitalize on opportunities where they can unleash devastating attacks by positioning nearby party members strategically during combat encounters.

Should You Invest in Raiden Shogun?

Pros and Cons

Raiden Shogun boasts high damage potential and an Elemental Burst that can deal massive AoE Electro damage. However, she has a long cooldown period, making her less effective for sustained battles. Her Elemental Skill requires precise timing to maximize its effectiveness, which may not suit all players.

Investing in Raiden Shogun allows you to experience the thrill of playing a powerful Electro character with unique abilities. On the other hand, allocating resources to her means sacrificing them for other characters who might better fit your playstyle or team composition.

Considering your playstyle preferences is crucial when deciding whether to invest in Raiden Shogun. If you enjoy playing as a support character or utilizing fast-paced combat mechanics, she might not align with your preferences due to her slower pace of combat.

Long-Term Benefits

Building up Raiden Shogun’s talents and constellations can lead to significant improvements in her performance over time. With each talent level-up and constellation unlocked, she becomes more formidable on the battlefield.

By focusing on enhancing Raiden Shogun’s talents and unlocking her constellations, you can ensure that she remains relevant even as new characters are introduced into the game. This long-term investment can provide stability for your team compositions across various updates and meta shifts within Genshin Impact.

Future Updates Impact

Understanding how future updates or character releases may affect Raiden Shogun’s viability is essential before committing substantial resources to her development. New characters or balance changes could potentially shift the meta and impact how effective she is compared to other options available at that time.

As Genshin Impact continues to evolve through regular updates and new content additions, it’s important to stay informed about any adjustments made to existing characters or introductions of new ones that could influence Raiden Shogun’s standing within the game.

Conclusion: Elevating Your Gameplay with Raiden Shogun

Recap Key Points

Raiden Shogun, also known as “God of Eternity,” is a 5-star Electro character in Genshin Impact. Her elemental burst, Musou Isshin, unleashes the might of the Shogun’s army, dealing AoE Electro damage and boosting her allies’ energy recharge. Her Elemental Skill, Transcendence: Baleful Omen, marks enemies with the Eye of Stormy Judgment, enhancing her normal attacks and converting their damage to Electro. These abilities make her a force to be reckoned with in battle.

Raiden Shogun’s Severed Fate constellations further enhance her abilities, granting additional bonuses such as increased energy recharge and elemental burst damage. Her unique traits and skills set her apart as a formidable character capable of turning the tides in combat.

Emphasize Unique Strengths

Raiden Shogun’s prowess lies in her ability to control the battlefield with powerful Electro attacks. Her Upward Slash inflicts massive damage on foes and can be charged for even greater impact. This makes her an excellent choice for dealing with Electro-based enemies and shields. Moreover, her vision hunt decree allows her to harness the power of the Musou no Hitotachi sword, further amplifying her strength in battle.

Her story quest “Imperatrix Umbrosa Chapter” provides insight into her character and motivations, adding depth to her role in the game’s lore. This makes Raiden Shogun not only a formidable combatant but also an intriguing figure within the world of Teyvat.

Experiment with Builds and Team Compositions

Players are encouraged to experiment with different builds and team compositions involving Raiden Shogun. Pairing her with characters who can trigger electro-related reactions such as Superconduct or Overloaded can maximize her potential. Equipping artifacts that enhance energy recharge and electro damage can further elevate her effectiveness in combat.

Her synergy with characters like Bennett, Xingqiu, or Sucrose can create powerful elemental combinations that devastate opponents. By exploring various team setups and playstyles, players can uncover the full extent of Raiden Shogun’s capabilities and adapt their strategies accordingly.

Highlight Overall Impact

Utilizing Raiden Shogun in Genshin Impact has a profound impact on the gameplay experience. Her presence elevates team dynamics by providing consistent Electro damage and energy support. Whether navigating challenging domains or engaging in intense boss battles, Raiden Shogun’s abilities significantly contribute to overcoming formidable adversaries.

By incorporating Raiden Shogun into their teams, players gain access to a versatile character capable of excelling in different phases of combat. Her ability to control the battlefield and empower allies demonstrates why she is considered one of the best additions to any roster in Genshin Impact.

In conclusion, Raiden Shogun’s unique strengths, captivating story involvement, and potential for diverse team compositions make her an invaluable asset for players seeking to enhance their gameplay experience in Genshin Impact.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are Raiden Shogun’s main abilities?

Raiden Shogun possesses the “Transcendence: Baleful Omen” Elemental Burst and the “Secret Art: Musou Shinsetsu” Elemental Skill. These abilities allow her to deal Electro damage, enhance her Energy Recharge, and unleash devastating attacks on enemies.

How do you maximize Raiden Shogun’s potential as a DPS character?

To optimize Raiden Shogun as a DPS character, focus on equipping her with weapons that boost Electro damage and artifacts that enhance her attack stats. Prioritize leveling up her talents and constellations to unlock powerful effects for sustained damage output.

Ideal team compositions often include characters who can provide energy regeneration or support Raiden Shogun’s Electro-based abilities. Pairing her with characters like Bennett, Fischl, Xingqiu, or Sucrose can amplify her capabilities in combat.

Is Raiden Shogun suitable for free-to-play players?

While obtaining specific weapons or characters may be more challenging for free-to-play players, it is possible to build an effective team around Raiden Shogun using available resources. By strategically utilizing farmable equipment and synergistic characters from the base roster, she can still shine in battle.

Should I invest in building Raiden Shogun for my Genshin Impact gameplay?

Investing in building Raiden Shogun depends on your playstyle preferences and current roster of characters. If you enjoy playing as an Electro-focused character with potent burst damage capabilities and have compatible teammates or resources available to support her growth, she could be a valuable addition to your lineup.