Diona Genshin Impact: Ultimate Guide to Builds, Abilities, and Team Composition

Diona, a 4-star character in Genshin Impact, serves as the bartender at Mondstadt’s Cat’s Tail. Renowned for her Cryo abilities and support prowess, she has garnered a substantial fan base due to her playful nature and feline attributes. As an integral part of the game, Diona’s unique skill set and endearing persona add depth to the gameplay experience in Genshin Impact.

Diona’s Role and Abilities Overview

Cryo Support

Diona in Genshin Impact excels as a Cryo support character, bringing valuable defensive and healing capabilities to the team. Her unique abilities make her an indispensable asset for any party composition. As a Cryo character, she has the ability to freeze enemies, which can be crucial in controlling the battlefield and protecting teammates from harm.

Her Elemental Skill, Icy Paws, is a versatile tool that allows her to create shields for herself and her teammates. These shields not only absorb damage but also provide protection against incoming attacks. This makes Diona an excellent choice for players looking to bolster their team’s defenses while maintaining offensive pressure.

Signature Mix

One of Diona’s standout abilities is her Elemental Burst, Signature Mix. This powerful ability enables her to heal the entire party while simultaneously dealing Cryo damage to enemies within its radius. The combination of healing and damage-dealing makes Diona invaluable in challenging encounters where survival is paramount.

By leveraging elemental reactions with other characters on the team, such as triggering Melt or Superconduct with Pyro or Electro characters respectively, players can maximize Diona’s elemental mastery stat for increased effectiveness in combat scenarios.

Versatile Addition

Diona’s abilities make her a truly versatile addition to any team composition. Whether it’s providing essential healing during intense battles or fortifying allies with protective shields, she brings a well-rounded set of skills that complement various playstyles. Players have the flexibility to experiment with different party setups knowing that Diona can adapt seamlessly to different combat situations.

Ascension and Talent Materials for Diona

Ascension Materials

To ascend Diona in Genshin Impact, players will need specific materials to unlock her level cap and increase her stats. Some of the essential materials required for ascending Diona include Shivada Jade Sliver, Hoarfrost Core, and more. These materials can be obtained by defeating certain bosses or enemies in the game world.

Acquiring these ascension materials is crucial as they allow players to enhance Diona’s overall performance by increasing her level cap and improving her base stats. For example, obtaining Shivada Jade Sliver allows players to ascend Diona from level 20 to 40, significantly boosting her combat capabilities.

Players can gather these ascension materials through various means such as exploring the game world, completing specific quests, or participating in events that offer these valuable items as rewards. By actively seeking out and collecting these materials, players can ensure that their Diona character reaches its maximum potential.

It’s important for players to prioritize gathering ascension materials for their characters like Diona to continually strengthen them and make progress within the game. Without these essential resources, characters may remain underpowered compared to their full potential.

Talent Level-Up Materials

In addition to ascending characters like Diona, Genshin Impact also features a talent system that allows players to enhance their characters’ abilities further. To improve Diona’s talents effectively, players must collect specific talent-level up materials such as Calla Lily and Energy Nectar.

Obtaining Calla Lily is integral in enhancing one of Diona’s talents called “Kätzlein Style.” This material plays a vital role in unlocking the full potential of this particular ability when used for leveling it up. Similarly, Energy Nectar serves as a crucial resource for upgrading another one of Diona’s talents known as “Signature Mix.”

Gathering these talent-level up materials is essential for maximizing the effectiveness of each of Diona’s abilities during combat encounters and exploration throughout Genshin Impact’s vast open-world environment. By investing time into acquiring these resources, players can ensure that their version of Dioan becomes stronger with enhanced skills at their disposal.

Players should focus on obtaining an ample supply of Calla Lily and Energy Nectar along with other necessary talent-level up items early on so they can continuously develop Dioan’s abilities over time without any hindrances during gameplay sessions.

Unlocking Full Potential

By diligently gathering both ascension and talent-level up resources needed for enhancing Dioan’s strength within Genshin Impact ,players are able unlock his/her full potential . The accrued benefits from accumulating all necessary enhancement elements ensures that Dioan grows stronger over time allowing him/her become an indispensable asset during battles while exploring Teyvat .

Investing efforts into collecting Shivada Jade Sliver,Hoarfrost Core ,Calla Lily,and Energy Nectar among other key items makes it possible build-up Dioan efficiently . As a result,Dioans’ overall performance improves significantly giving player substantial advantage against formidable opponents encountered across Teyvat .

Top Weapons for Diona

The Sacrificial Bow

The Sacrificial Bow is an excellent choice for Diona. Its ability to reset her Elemental Skill cooldown can significantly enhance her support capabilities in battle. When equipped with this bow, Diona can repeatedly use her Elemental Skill, Icy Paws, which not only deals Cryo damage but also provides a shield to protect the team. This frequent resetting of the skill cooldown allows Diona to maintain a consistent presence on the battlefield as both a healer and a Cryo applicator.

The Sacrificial Bow enables Diona to continuously provide shields and heal allies without extended downtime between uses of her Elemental Skill. This makes it an ideal weapon for players who prioritize sustaining their team’s survivability during challenging encounters or prolonged battles.

Equipping Diona with the Sacrificial Bow empowers her as a reliable support character, allowing players to maximize her utility in various domains, Abyss floors, and boss fights within Genshin Impact.

Favonius Warbow

Another notable option for Diona is the Favonius Warbow, renowned for its energy regeneration effect that aligns perfectly with Diona’s role as an elemental burst-focused support character. With this bow equipped, every critical hit landed by Diona has the potential to generate elemental particles that restore energy to all party members.

The energy regeneration provided by the Favonius Warbow enhances Diona’s ability to unleash her powerful Elemental Burst more frequently throughout battles. As she generates energy particles from critical hits, she contributes towards maintaining consistent access to powerful bursts of healing and Cryo damage amplification.

Players seeking increased uptime on Diona’s supportive abilities will find the Favonius Warbow advantageous when utilizing her in teams focused on delivering sustained crowd control effects or requiring frequent healing output during intense combat scenarios.


For those aiming to amplify Dionas’ Elemental Skill and Burst damage, equipping her with the 4-star bow known as Stringless presents an exceptional choice. This weapon substantially boosts both these aspects of Dionas’ kit without relying on crit rate or crit damage modifiers typically found in other bows’ abilities.

The enhanced performance offered by the Stringless directly complements Dionas’ identity as a versatile cryo-support character capable of providing consistent AoE Cryo application while simultaneously bolstering overall party DPS through amplified skill and burst attacks.

Pairing Stringless with Dionas allows players greater flexibility when building teams around characters reliant upon cryogenic reactions or those heavily invested in maximizing elemental synergy across diverse enemy compositions encountered within Genshin Impact’s expansive world.

Best Artifacts for Diona

Noblesse Oblige

The Noblesse Oblige artifact set is an excellent choice for enhancing Diona’s support capabilities. This set increases the Elemental Burst damage, benefiting the entire team. By equipping Diona with this artifact set, her supportive role becomes even more impactful during battles. The increased Elemental Burst damage can significantly boost the overall performance of the team, making it a valuable asset in various combat situations.

When paired with powerful weapons discussed in the previous section such as “Sacrificial Bow” or “Favonius Warbow,” Diona’s abilities are further amplified by the effects of Noblesse Oblige. This combination allows her to provide substantial support to the team while dealing significant elemental burst damage.

Equipping Diona with this artifact set not only enhances her own abilities but also elevates the performance of other characters within your party, making it a strategic choice for maximizing overall team effectiveness.

Maiden Beloved

The Maiden Beloved artifact set is tailored to increase healing effectiveness, aligning perfectly with Diona’s supportive role in Genshin Impact. This makes it an ideal choice for players looking to maximize Diona’s healing capabilities and strengthen her role as a reliable support character within their teams.

When combined with suitable weapons like “Prototype Crescent” or “The Stringless,” which were previously explored in detail, Maiden Beloved significantly amplifies Diona’s healing prowess on the battlefield. With this artifact set equipped, she becomes an invaluable asset during challenging encounters where sustained healing is crucial for survival and success.

By focusing on boosting healing effectiveness through Maiden Beloved, players can ensure that their teams remain resilient and well-supported throughout various battles and domains in Genshin Impact.

Blizzard Strayer

For players seeking to enhance both offense and defense aspects of Diona’s Cryo abilities, equipping her with the Blizzard Strayer artifact set proves highly beneficial. This particular set specializes in boosting Cryo damage, aligning perfectly with Diona’s elemental abilities and combat style.

When used alongside recommended weapons such as “Blackcliff Warbow” or “Sacrificial Bow,” which were previously highlighted as top choices for Diona’s arsenal,Blizzard Strayer elevates her offensive capabilities significantly while fortifying her defensive potential against opponents’ attacks.

Understanding Diona’s Constellations

“Cat’s Tail Closing Time”

Diona’s first constellation, “Cat’s Tail Closing Time,” is a game-changer. It increases the level of Icy Paws by 3, significantly boosting the skill’s damage output and making it more effective in combat. With this enhancement, Diona becomes an even more formidable support character, able to deal substantial Cryo damage while providing healing and shielding for her team.

The upgrade provided by “Cat’s Tail Closing Time” ensures that Diona remains relevant in battles against tougher opponents as she can contribute more offensively with her enhanced Icy Paws. For players who rely on Diona for both support and damage-dealing capabilities, this constellation is invaluable.

Players will find that combining the effects of this constellation with specific artifacts recommended in the previous section greatly amplifies Diona’s effectiveness in battle.

“Drunkards’ Farce”

Diona’s second constellation, “Drunkards’ Farce,” reduces the stamina consumption of characters shielded by Icy Paws. This effect further solidifies her role as a reliable support character capable of maintaining sustained defense for her teammates without draining their stamina excessively.

By reducing stamina consumption when protected by Icy Paws, characters are able to perform dodges or sprint longer before getting fatigued during intense combat scenarios. This translates to better survivability and maneuverability for the entire party when fighting challenging enemies or bosses.

When considering which constellations to prioritize unlocking for Diona, “Drunkards’ Farce” should be high on the list due to its significant impact on overall team performance during prolonged engagements.

“A Lingering Flavor”

The fourth constellation available for Diona is “A Lingering Flavor,” which increases the duration of Signature Mix’s healing effect. This enhancement makes her healing ability even more potent and long-lasting, providing crucial sustainment during extended battles where consistent healing is essential.

With increased longevity granted by “A Lingering Flavor,” players can rely on Diona’s Signature Mix to provide sustained recovery over an extended period rather than just short bursts of healing. This allows teams to endure prolonged encounters with higher-level enemies or domains without facing resource depletion from frequent health restoration needs.

Pairing this enhanced healing capability with optimal artifact choices mentioned earlier creates a formidable combination that ensures maximum survivability and sustainability throughout various challenges within Genshin Impact.

Maximizing Diona’s Talents and Skills

Level Up

To maximize Diona’s potential in Genshin Impact, it is crucial to focus on leveling up her talents. Start by prioritizing the enhancement of her Elemental Skill, Icy Paws. By increasing its level, you can significantly boost both the damage absorption and shield strength it provides. This allows Diona to endure more incoming attacks, providing better protection for herself and the team.

When upgrading Icy Paws, consider focusing on enhancing its damage absorption first before moving on to strengthening the shield effect. This strategy ensures that Diona can effectively mitigate damage while simultaneously providing support through her shielding abilities.

Another essential aspect of maximizing Diona’s capabilities is enhancing her Elemental Burst, Signature Mix. Elevating this talent not only improves its healing effectiveness but also enhances the Cryo damage it inflicts upon enemies. Prioritizing this upgrade enables Diona to serve as a reliable healer while contributing significantly to crowd control and elemental reactions within the party.

Normal Attack Talent

In addition to prioritizing upgrades for her Elemental Skill and Burst, investing in improving Diona’s Normal Attack talent is crucial for boosting her overall damage output. By raising the level of this talent, you can ensure that she deals increased damage with each normal attack, making her a more potent offensive asset during combat encounters.

Focusing on maximizing all three aspects of Diona’s talents—Elemental Skill (Icy Paws), Elemental Burst (Signature Mix), and Normal Attack—creates a well-rounded character build that excels in both defensive support and offensive contributions within a party composition.

It’s important to note that understanding how these upgrades complement each other is key when optimizing Diona’s performance in combat scenarios. For instance, by combining an enhanced Icy Paws with a leveled-up Signature Mix, players can capitalize on both defensive capabilities and healing prowess during challenging battles or domains.

Diona’s Utility and Support Capabilities

Defensive Utility

Diona, a Cryo character in Genshin Impact, offers defensive utility through her unique abilities. Her Elemental Skill, Icy Paws, allows her to create a shield that can absorb damage and protect the team from harm. This shield not only mitigates incoming damage but also provides an absorption bonus based on Diona’s Max HP. It is an essential defensive tool for protecting your party during intense battles or challenging encounters.

Diona’s shields from Icy Paws can be strategically deployed to safeguard your team from powerful enemy attacks, ensuring their survival in difficult situations. The ability to absorb damage effectively makes her an invaluable asset when facing formidable opponents or engaging in high-stakes combat scenarios. Her shielding capabilities enable players to maintain their offensive momentum without constantly worrying about sustaining heavy casualties.

The Cryo absorption bonus offered by Diona’s shield further enhances her role as a reliable support character with exceptional protective capabilities. By maximizing this aspect of her skill set, players can significantly bolster their party’s resilience and survivability in various gameplay scenarios.

Elemental Burst

In addition to providing defensive support, Diona excels at supporting the party through her Elemental Burst ability known as Signature Mix. When activated, this skill releases healing spirits that regenerate the HP of nearby characters over time within its AoE (Area of Effect). The sustained healing effect of Diona’s Elemental Burst makes her an indispensable ally for maintaining the overall health and well-being of your team members during prolonged engagements or challenging encounters.

Diona’s proficiency as a supportive character is further emphasized by the versatility of her healing capabilities. Whether it’s recovering from sustained dmg during combat or countering environmental hazards that pose threats to your party’s vitality, she proves instrumental in ensuring that your team remains adequately sustained throughout their endeavors.

Her consistent healing output contributes significantly to the sustainability and endurance of your entire party while navigating treacherous terrains or confronting relentless adversaries across Teyvat. As such, leveraging Diona’s prowess as a dependable healer becomes crucial for overcoming arduous trials and emerging victorious in demanding quests within the game.

Cryo Application

Moreover, beyond defensive utility and supportive roles, Diona’s proficiency extends into applying Cryo status effects on enemies using her Cryo abilities – thereby facilitating potent elemental reactions with other characters possessing complementary elemental affinities such as Pyro (fire) or Electro (electricity). By inflicting enemies with Cryo status through skills like Frost Arrow — which deals cryo dmg, she enables fellow teammates specializing in dealing elemental damage types conducive opportunities for triggering powerful chain reactions via Melt (Cryo + Pyro) or Superconduct (Cryo + Electro).

This capability underscores Diona’s significance not just as a reliable source of defense and restoration but also as a catalyst for enabling diverse elemental interactions among characters within your roster—thus amplifying strategic depth while engaging foes across different domains throughout Genshin Impact’s expansive world.

Enhancing Diona’s Abilities with Constellations

Unique Bonuses

Diona, a Cryo character in Genshin Impact, can greatly benefit from unlocking her constellations. Each constellation provides unique bonuses that enhance her skills and support capabilities. For example, at C1, her Icy Paws not only heals nearby characters but also gains a 15% healing bonus based on Diona’s Max HP.

Investing in Diona’s constellations allows players to upgrade her abilities beyond the basic level. These upgrades significantly improve her overall performance and utility in battle. By obtaining specific constellations for Diona, players can unlock additional effects that amplify the effectiveness of her skills.

The first constellation unlocks an important ability where holding Diona’s Elemental Skill creates an everfrost icicle that deals Cryo damage over time to enemies and then explodes dealing physical damage; this skill also regenerates energy for all nearby characters every 2 seconds for its duration. This enhances not just Diona’s role as a healer but also adds to crowd control and supporting DPS by providing more consistent energy regeneration.

Support Capabilities

Diona’s fourth constellation further strengthens her supportive capabilities by allowing shielded characters within The AoE of Signature Mix (her Elemental Burst) to regenerate 15 Energy when attacked. This is particularly useful when paired with other characters who rely on their elemental bursts frequently or have high-energy costs.

Unlocking each of these constellations improves Dione’s overall performance both as a healer and as a support character through various means such as increased healing effectiveness, enhanced shielding capabilities, improved energy regeneration for teammates which makes it easier to maintain uptime on their burst abilities.

Players looking to maximize Diona’s potential should consider investing resources into unlocking these constellations as they directly impact how effective she is at supporting the team during battles.

Analyzing Diona’s Strengths and Weaknesses

Healing and Shielding Abilities

Diona in Genshin Impact excels at providing support through her healing and shielding abilities. Her Elemental Skill, Icy Paws, not only deals Cryo damage to enemies but also creates a shield that absorbs damage for the entire party. This makes her an invaluable asset in challenging battles where survivability is crucial. Her Elemental Burst, Signature Mix, releases a field of cold air that continuously regenerates the HP of characters within it.

Diona’s healing capabilities make her an essential character for sustaining the team during prolonged engagements or difficult encounters with powerful adversaries. She can effectively mitigate incoming damage while simultaneously restoring health to ensure the team’s longevity on the battlefield.

Her support potential extends beyond just healing as she provides protection through her shielding abilities, making it easier for other characters to focus on dealing damage without being overly concerned about their own survival.

Cryo Abilities Against Electro and Hydro Enemies

In addition to her support role, Diona’s Cryo abilities make her particularly effective against Electro and Hydro enemies. Being able to freeze water surfaces with her attacks allows Diona to control enemy movements by creating obstacles or immobilizing them outright. Furthermore, when facing off against Electro opponents such as Fatui agents or Hydro foes like Abyss Mages, Diona’s Cryo skills provide a significant advantage due to elemental reactions like Superconduct (Cryo + Electro) and Frozen (Cryo + Hydro).

By strategically leveraging these elemental interactions, players can exploit enemy weaknesses while simultaneously capitalizing on Diona’s ability to control the battlefield through freezing effects.

Vulnerabilities Against High Cryo Resistance and Heavy DPS Requirements

Despite these strengths, Diona may struggle against enemies with high resistance to Cryo or those that require heavy DPS output due to their high health pools or rapid health regeneration rates. In scenarios where adversaries possess substantial resistance against Cryo-based attacks or are immune altogether, Diona’s effectiveness diminishes significantly.

Furthermore, when confronted with challenges demanding swift elimination of targets through sustained damage output rather than crowd control or support measures alone—such as certain boss fights—her contributions might be comparatively limited.

While she excels in supporting roles by bolstering survivability and exploiting elemental weaknesses under normal circumstances; however; there are instances where other characters specializing in heavy offensive capabilities may be more suitable choices.

Building the Ideal Team Around Diona

Synergistic Pairings

When building a team around Diona, it’s crucial to consider her cryo abilities and how they can be maximized through synergistic pairings. Characters like Diluc or Klee are excellent choices due to their ability to create powerful melt reactions when combined with Diona’s cryo attacks. This synergy results in increased damage output, making it an ideal pairing for offensive playstyles.

Pairing Diona with characters like Bennett or Xingqiu offers significant benefits by maximizing healing and support capabilities. Bennett’s burst not only provides healing but also boosts attack power, complementing Diona’s role as a healer and support character. Xingqiu, on the other hand, brings hydro elemental reactions into play, further enhancing the team’s survivability while providing additional damage output.

Defensive Enhancements

Including a Geo character such as Zhongli or Ningguang in a team with Diona can significantly enhance defensive capabilities. Both Zhongli and Ningguang have shields that provide added defense to the entire party, complementing Diona’s own shield-generating abilities. This combination ensures that the team is well-protected against enemy attacks, allowing for more sustained engagements in challenging battles.

When considering different team comps, it’s important to evaluate how each character complements Diona’s strengths while compensating for her weaknesses. For instance, if focusing on offensive strategies, pairing her with Diluc or Klee can lead to devastating elemental combos that capitalize on cryo-melt reactions. On the other hand, prioritizing defensive tactics may call for including characters like Zhongli or Ningguang to bolster the team’s resilience through shields and barriers.

Flexibility and Adaptability

One of the key aspects of building an ideal team around Diona is maintaining flexibility and adaptability based on specific challenges or scenarios encountered in Genshin Impact gameplay. While certain pairings may excel in dealing with particular enemies or domains due to elemental advantages, others might offer better crowd control options when facing multiple foes simultaneously.

It’s essential for players to experiment with various combinations within their teams until finding a setup that best suits their preferred playstyle while effectively leveraging Diona’s unique strengths as a cryo-based healer and support character.

Evaluating Diona’s Worth in Your Genshin Impact Roster

Cryo Support

Diona is a valuable addition to any team composition, particularly for players seeking a Cryo support character. Her ability to apply Cryo status to enemies and provide consistent Cryo application makes her an essential asset for triggering elemental reactions such as Superconduct and Frozen. This enables increased damage output and crowd control, making her an excellent choice for teams that rely on these reactions.

Diona’s Elemental Skill, Icy Paws, not only deals Cryo damage but also creates a shield upon hitting opponents. This shield scales with Diona’s max HP and provides protection against incoming attacks. Her Elemental Burst, Signature Mix, heals the active character while continuously regenerating their HP over time. These abilities make her versatile in various situations by providing both offensive support through applying Cryo status and defensive support via healing and shielding.

In terms of playstyle considerations, if you enjoy setting up powerful elemental reactions or need reliable healing/shielding capabilities within your team composition, then Diona is undeniably worth considering. For example:

  • If your main DPS relies heavily on physical damage or benefits greatly from the Superconduct reaction (Cryo + Electro), having Diona in your roster can significantly boost overall performance.
  • In challenging battles where survivability is crucial due to high enemy aggression or environmental hazards, Diona’s healing and shielding abilities can be game-changing.

Team Needs

When evaluating whether Diona is the right fit for your roster in Genshin Impact, it’s important to consider your team needs alongside individual character strengths. If you lack a dedicated healer or struggle with sustaining your party during intense battles or exploration activities, incorporating Diona into your lineup could address these concerns effectively.


  • If you already have other characters who fulfill similar roles as healers or shields within your current team setup, adding another one might not provide significant value.
  • On the other hand,
  • if you’re aiming to diversify elemental coverage within your party,
  • need additional options for triggering specific elemental reactions,
  • require more flexibility when adapting to different challenges,

then including Diona may be highly beneficial given her unique skill set.



  1. Assessing how well she complements existing characters’ abilities should guide decision-making.
  2. Weighing the balance between offense (triggering powerful elemental combinations) and defense (sustaining health/shielding) will help determine if she aligns with your preferred playstyle.
  3. Considering future updates that introduce new content like Spiral Abyss floors with distinct challenges may influence whether investing in Diona now would pay off later.


In conclusion, Diona is a versatile and valuable addition to any Genshin Impact roster. Her unique abilities as a Cryo character, combined with her healing and shielding capabilities, make her an asset in various team compositions. Understanding her strengths and weaknesses, maximizing her talents and constellations, and equipping her with the right weapons and artifacts are crucial for unleashing her full potential. Evaluating Diona’s worth within the context of individual play styles and team dynamics is essential for harnessing her utility effectively.

For Genshin Impact players seeking to optimize their gameplay, incorporating Diona into their teams can significantly enhance their overall performance. By leveraging the insights provided in this guide, players can strategically build and empower Diona, unlocking her ability to provide exceptional support while contributing to successful combat strategies. As players continue to explore the world of Teyvat, integrating Diona into their teams can lead to more rewarding and triumphant adventures.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are Diona’s main abilities in Genshin Impact?

Diona has the ability to create a Cryo field with her Elemental Skill, and her Elemental Burst can heal allies while dealing Cryo damage to enemies. Her Icy Paws also provide shielding for teammates.

How should I build Diona’s artifacts for optimal performance?

For Diona, it is recommended to focus on artifacts that enhance her healing effectiveness and energy recharge. Look for sets like Maiden Beloved or The Exile to boost her support capabilities.

What are the best weapons for Diona in Genshin Impact?

Diona performs well with weapons like “The Sacrificial Bow,” “Favonius Warbow,” or “Elegy for the End.” These weapons complement her supportive role by enhancing energy regeneration and providing additional utility.

Which characters synergize best with Diona in a team composition?

Characters such as Diluc, Razor, Chongyun, or Keqing work well alongside Diona due to their elemental interactions and need for consistent healing support. Characters who benefit from Cryo resonance can further maximize team synergy.

How does increasing Diona’s constellations affect her performance?

Unlocking constellations improves various aspects of Diona’s abilities such as increased shield strength, enhanced healing effects, and reduced cooldowns. It significantly enhances her utility as a support character within a team composition.