Ganyu Genshin Impact: Unveiling Abilities & Best Build

Ganyu, a 5-star Cryo character in Genshin Impact, hails from the Yuehai Pavilion and serves as an emissary and secretary for the Liyue Qixing. With her unique mix of ranged attacks and crowd control abilities, she brings a dynamic element to the game. Genshin Impact enthusiasts are drawn to Ganyu not only for her powerful combat skills but also for her captivating backstory within the game’s lore.

Unveiling Ganyu’s Role and Abilities

Ganyu’s DPS Role

Ganyu is a formidable DPS character in Genshin Impact, specializing in dealing Cryo damage with her bow. As a DPS, she excels at inflicting substantial damage to enemies, making her an invaluable asset in battles. Her ability to consistently deal Cryo damage allows her to effectively freeze opponents, creating opportunities for the team to capitalize on their vulnerabilities. This makes her an excellent choice for players who prefer a ranged attacker with the capability to control the battlefield.

Ganyu’s role as a DPS character means that she is primarily responsible for dealing damage to enemies during combat. Her proficiency in utilizing Cryo abilities not only contributes significantly to the overall damage output of the team but also synergizes well with other characters who can trigger elemental reactions such as Frozen or Superconduct. When combined with other party members who can amplify Cryo effects or provide support through shields and healing, Ganyu becomes even more potent in fulfilling her role as a key damage dealer.

Ganyu’s unique position as a Cryo-based DPS provides players with diverse strategic options when building their teams. Whether it involves pairing her with characters who complement her abilities or forming synergistic combinations that exploit elemental reactions, Ganyu offers flexibility and adaptability that cater to various playstyles and combat preferences.

Trail of the Qilin: Ice Lotus

One of Ganyu’s signature abilities is her Elemental Skill known as Trail of the Qilin, which enables her to summon an Ice Lotus that serves multiple purposes during combat. The Ice Lotus not only taunts enemies, drawing their attention away from fragile teammates, but also inflicts area-of-effect (AoE) Cryo damage upon adversaries within its vicinity.

The Ice Lotus generated by Trail of the Qilin acts as both a defensive measure and an offensive tool, providing crowd control by diverting enemy focus while simultaneously delivering consistent AoE Cryo damage over time. This versatile skill allows players to manipulate enemy movements strategically while capitalizing on opportunities presented by the icy onslaught unleashed by Ganyu’s elemental prowess.

In addition to its tactical utility in battle scenarios, Trail of the Qilin showcases Ganyu’s capacity for crowd management and controlled engagement strategies through its combination of aggro-drawing capabilities and sustained AoE cryogenic punishment against foes.

Celestial Shower: Icicle Barrage

Another defining feature of Ganyu’s arsenal is her powerful Elemental Burst named Celestial Shower, which unleashes a relentless barrage of icicles upon opponents within range. This devastating ability delivers massive amounts of continuous Cryo damage over time, wreaking havoc on adversaries caught within its chilling downpour.

By employing Celestial Shower during intense encounters or challenging confrontations, players can harness this extraordinary offensive capability offered by Ganyu’s Elemental Burst.
The sustained barrage ensures prolonged exposure for targets subjected under its frigid assault; thereby maximizing potential harm inflicted upon them throughout its duration.

Ganyu’s Ascension and Talent Upgrade Guide


Ascending Ganyu is crucial for increasing her base stats and unlocking new abilities. This process allows players to enhance her overall performance in combat. By reaching the maximum ascension level, players can maximize Ganyu’s potential, making her a formidable character in the game.

Obtaining the required materials for ascension involves completing specific tasks and defeating certain enemies. For instance, players may need to gather items such as Qingxin, Nectar, and Hoarfrost Cores from various locations within the game. Defeating Cryo Regisvine also yields essential materials needed for ascending Ganyu.

Players should prioritize ascending Ganyu as it significantly impacts her effectiveness in battles. The increased base stats and unlocked abilities contribute to an improved gaming experience, allowing users to explore more challenging quests with confidence.

Ascending characters like Ganyu not only boosts their combat prowess but also unlocks new opportunities for gameplay progression. It’s a rewarding aspect of character development that adds depth and excitement to the overall gaming experience.

Talent Upgrade

Upgrading Ganyu’s talents is equally important as it directly enhances her abilities, making her more powerful in combat scenarios. Each talent upgrade level attained by Ganyu contributes to improving specific aspects of her skills or attacks.

By reaching the maximum upgrade level for each talent, players can ensure that they have fully optimized Ganyu’s capabilities on the battlefield. This optimization results in smoother gameplay experiences while using this character during quests or challenges within the game.

To upgrade talents effectively, players must gather specific materials such as Shadow of the Warrior, Teachings of Prosperity, and Guides to Ballad through various activities within “Genshin Impact.” These resources are essential for enhancing Ganyu’s talents progressively throughout the game.

Enhancing Ganyu’s talents through consistent upgrades not only amplifies her individual strengths but also contributes significantly towards creating a well-rounded team composition when strategizing for complex battles or missions within “Genshin Impact.”

Maximizing Potential

Maximizing Ganuy’s potential through ascension and talent upgrades is pivotal for ensuring an optimal gaming experience with this character in “Genshin Impact.” Players who invest time into maximizing these aspects will find themselves better equipped when facing tougher adversaries or tackling more demanding quests within the game world.

Ganyu’s Best Weapons and Artifacts

Amos’ Bow

The Amos’ Bow stands out as an exceptional choice for Ganyu. Its high base attack power and increased damage against distant enemies perfectly complement her long-range combat style. This weapon synergizes well with Ganyu’s abilities, allowing her to deal significant damage from afar.

The increased damage against distant enemies provided by the Amos’ Bow amplifies Ganyu’s effectiveness in maintaining a safe distance while dealing substantial damage. This advantage enables players to strategically position Ganyu on the battlefield, maximizing her potential in combat scenarios.

Moreover, the high base attack of the Amos’ Bow ensures that each shot fired by Ganyu packs a powerful punch, making it an ideal weapon for players aiming to optimize their DPS output with this character.

Blizzard Strayer Artifact Set

For enhancing Ganyu’s Cryo abilities, the Blizzard Strayer artifact set proves to be invaluable. This set provides bonuses specifically tailored to boost Cryo damage and critical rate, aligning perfectly with Ganyu’s strengths as a Cryo-based character.

Equipping Ganyu with pieces from the Blizzard Strayer artifact set significantly enhances her ability to freeze opponents and deal devastating Cryo damage. The synergy between this artifact set and Ganyu’s kit empowers players to unleash her full potential as a formidable Cryo DPS character.

By incorporating artifacts from the Blizzard Strayer set, players can effectively amplify both the offensive and supportive aspects of Ganyu’s skillset, creating a well-rounded build that maximizes her impact on the battlefield.

Other Viable Options

In addition to the Amos’ Bow and Blizzard Strayer artifact set, there are other viable options worth considering for optimizing Ganyu’s performance in battle. The Skyward Harp presents itself as another top-tier weapon choice due to its ability to enhance critical damage and provide additional energy recharge rate for ultimate bursts.

Meanwhile, the Rust bow, known for its increased normal attack damage at close range, offers an alternative playstyle option for players who prefer closer engagements or need flexibility during combat situations where maintaining distance may not be feasible.

Furthermore, when exploring artifact sets beyond Blizzard Strayer, incorporating pieces from the Wanderer’s Troupe set can prove effective in bolstering charged shot damage while also providing bonuses that amplify Elemental Mastery – a valuable stat contributing towards overall elemental reaction potency.

Ganyu’s Talent Prioritization and Usage

Upgrade Priority

When upgrading Ganyu‘s talents, it is crucial to prioritize her Elemental Skill (Trail of the Qilin) and Elemental Burst (Celestial Shower) for maximum damage output. By focusing on these talents, players can significantly enhance Ganyu‘s performance in battles.

It is essential to invest resources into leveling up Trail of the Qilin as it allows players to control enemy movements effectively. This skill creates opportunities for dealing substantial damage while also providing crowd control benefits. Prioritizing Celestial Shower ensures that Ganyu can unleash continuous Cryo damage, contributing to powerful elemental reactions.

Players should aim to maximize the potential of both skills by consistently upgrading their talent levels. This approach enables them to fully harness Ganyu‘s abilities and optimize her role within a team composition.

Strategic Usage

Utilizing Trail of the Qilin strategically during combat situations empowers players to manipulate enemy positions and movements effectively. For instance, when facing multiple opponents or challenging bosses, activating this skill can create openings for unleashing devastating attacks or setting up synergistic elemental combinations with other characters in the party.

Moreover, employing Celestial Shower at opportune moments is vital for inflicting sustained Cryo damage on enemies while triggering potent elemental reactions such as Frozen or Superconduct. By timing its activation wisely, players can capitalize on maximizing its impact within various battle scenarios.

Strategic usage of these talents not only amplifies Ganyu‘s individual prowess but also contributes significantly to elevating overall team performance in combat encounters.

Example Scenario

In a scenario where players encounter a group of enemies with varying strengths and weaknesses, prioritizing upgrades for Trail of the Qilin would enable them to control enemy movements effectively while creating openings for exploiting vulnerabilities. Simultaneously, investing resources into enhancing Celestial Shower would ensure continuous Cryo damage output during prolonged engagements with tougher adversaries.

Mastering Ganyu’s Gameplay Techniques

Utilize Charged Attacks for Maximum Damage Potential

Ganyu excels in dealing cryo damage through her charged attacks, making it crucial to master this technique for maximum effectiveness. By holding the attack button, players can charge Ganyu’s bow to unleash a powerful cryo-infused arrow that deals significant damage. This charged attack not only hits hard but also has the potential to trigger critical hits, further increasing its impact. To optimize her damage potential, players should focus on timing and precision when executing these charged shots.

Players can capitalize on Ganyu’s aimed shots by targeting an opponent’s weak spots or vulnerable areas to secure critical hits and deal increased damage. Aiming for headshots or specific elemental weaknesses can amplify the impact of her charged attacks, enabling players to efficiently eliminate adversaries with precision and finesse. Understanding enemy behaviors and movement patterns is essential for accurately landing these critical shots.

Ganyu’s charged attacks are versatile tools that allow players to adapt their strategies based on different combat scenarios. For instance, when facing formidable opponents with high defense or multiple enemies clustered together, utilizing fully-charged arrows enables Ganyu to unleash devastating area-of-effect (AOE) cryo damage, effectively controlling the battlefield while dealing substantial harm.

Aim Her Charged Shots Accurately

Aiming Ganyu’s charged shots accurately is pivotal in unleashing their full potential during combat encounters. Players must practice precise aiming techniques to consistently land critical hits and maximize the effectiveness of each shot. By honing their accuracy skills through regular gameplay sessions and targeted practice drills, players can enhance their proficiency in aligning Ganyu’s arrows with strategic precision.

To ensure optimal results from Ganyu’s aimed shots, players should consider adjusting their aim dynamically based on enemy movements and environmental factors such as terrain elevation or obstacles obstructing clear lines of sight. Adapting quickly to changing conditions during battles allows players to maintain accurate targeting while capitalizing on opportunities presented by evolving combat dynamics.

By mastering the art of aiming her charged shots with precision and finesse, players unlock Ganyu’s true potential as a formidable ranged attacker capable of delivering devastating blows from a safe distance without compromising on efficacy.

Utilize Elemental Skill in Combination With Other Characters’ Abilities

Ganyu’s Elemental Skill possesses immense utility when synergized with other characters’ abilities within a team composition. Combining her Frostflake Arrow ability with complementary elemental effects generated by teammates creates potent reactions that significantly amplify overall offensive capabilities.

When paired with characters like Xingqiu or Mona who specialize in hydro-based abilities,
players can orchestrate powerful freeze reactions by skillfully coordinating
the activation timing of respective skills.
This synergy not only inflicts crowd control effects upon enemies but also sets up prime opportunities
for follow-up assaults from other party members,
establishing a harmonious collaboration among characters within the team lineup.

Ganyu’s Team Building Strategies

Elemental Synergy

Pair Ganyu with characters who can apply Hydro or Electro elements to enemies, enabling powerful elemental reactions. For example, characters like Xingqiu and Fischl work well with Ganyu due to their ability to trigger Freeze and Melt reactions. When Xingqiu applies Hydro with his abilities, Ganyu can use her Cryo skills to trigger the Freeze reaction, immobilizing enemies and dealing increased damage.

Support Characters

Support characters such as Bennett or Qiqi can provide healing and additional buffs to enhance Ganyu’s performance. Bennett’s Elemental Burst not only heals the team but also provides an attack buff through his 4-piece Blizzard Strayer set bonus. This boosts Ganyu’s cryo damage even further when she attacks enemies affected by Cryo.

Bennett is a great choice for increasing overall team damage while ensuring survivability during battles. Qiqi’s abilities allow her to heal the team while applying Cryo status on enemies, setting them up for powerful elemental reactions when paired with Ganyu.

Artifact Sets

Equipping Ganyu with the 4-piece Blizzard Strayer artifact set enhances her Cryo damage by 15% against enemies affected by Cryo or Frozen. This synergizes perfectly with support characters like Xingqiu who can apply Hydro status on enemies for efficient triggering of Frozen reactions.

Another viable option is the 4-piece Tenacity of the Millelith, which increases shield strength by 20% and grants a Geo DMG bonus upon obtaining an Elemental Shard through Crystallize reaction. When paired strategically within a team composition, this set can provide added protection for both Ganyu and her teammates while boosting overall Geo-related damage output.

Optimizing Ganyu for Freeze and Melt Teams

Building a Synergistic Team

To optimize Ganyu for freeze and melt teams, it’s crucial to build a synergistic team that revolves around triggering these reactions. Characters like Chongyun or Mona can apply Cryo or Hydro elements, respectively, setting up the conditions required for these reactions. For instance, pairing Ganyu with Chongyun allows her charged attacks to deal Cryo damage, enabling the setup of freeze reactions when combined with characters capable of applying Hydro.

Creating a team focused on freeze and melt reactions involves careful coordination of abilities to maximize the damage output from these elemental combinations. For example, timing Ganyu’s Elemental Burst (Celestial Shower) to coincide with Chongyun’s ability will ensure that enemies are continually affected by Cryo, enhancing the potential for freeze reactions. Similarly, combining Kazuha’s abilities with Ganyu’s charged attacks can lead to powerful melt reactions due to his Anemo skills infusing enemies with the element needed for this reaction.

In addition to considering other characters’ abilities in a team built around Ganyu, it’s essential also to factor in their artifacts and weapons. Equipping characters like Chongyun or Mona with artifacts that boost their respective elemental mastery stats can significantly enhance their ability to trigger freeze or melt reactions effectively alongside Ganyu.

Maximizing Damage Output

To maximize the effectiveness of freeze and melt teams centered around Ganyu, players should focus on boosting cryo damage through artifact sets such as Blizzard Strayer or Heart of Depth. These sets provide bonuses such as increased cryo damage bonus when two equipped pieces are used together.
Moreover, leveraging cryo resonance – achieved by having two Cryo characters in a party – further enhances overall cryo-related effects including reducing opponents’ movement speed upon being hit by cryo-based attacks.

When building teams optimized for freeze and melt interactions involving Ganyu, players should also consider utilizing specific weapon types that complement her playstyle. Weapons like Amos’ Bow offer significant benefits due to its passive effect which increases normal attack damage based on travel distance; this pairs well with how players typically use charged shots at longer ranges when employing Ganyu.

Evaluating Ganyu’s Pros and Cons

High Single-Target Cryo Damage

Ganyu, in Genshin Impact, is renowned for her exceptional ability to deal high single-target Cryo damage. This makes her an invaluable asset when facing bosses and tougher enemies. For example, in domains or against elite opponents, Ganyu’s prowess shines through as she can effectively freeze enemies with her abilities and charged shots, allowing the team to focus on dealing massive damage.

Her Cryo abilities are particularly useful when paired with characters who can trigger powerful elemental reactions such as Melt or Freeze. When teamed up with a Hydro character like Xingqiu or Barbara, Ganyu can unleash devastating Melt reactions that amplify her already impressive damage output. She synergizes well with characters like Diona or Qiqi due to their Cryo resonance effects that further enhance her performance.

In scenarios where precision targeting is crucial, such as taking down a specific enemy within a group of adversaries without causing collateral damage, Ganyu’s precise aim and potent attacks make her an ideal choice.

Slower Attack Speed

Despite being a formidable force in delivering heavy-hitting Cryo attacks, one of the drawbacks of using Ganyu is her slower attack speed compared to other bow users in Genshin Impact. This limitation may impact her overall DPS (damage per second) output during extended encounters or fast-paced battles where swift successive strikes are essential for maintaining consistent damage.

To mitigate this drawback and maximize Ganyu’s potential DPS output despite the slower attack speed, players often rely on optimizing artifact sets tailored to increase critical hit rate and cryo damage bonus. By doing so, they compensate for the reduced frequency of attacks by ensuring each strike packs a substantial punch.

Employing support characters who can provide energy regeneration through their abilities helps offset the impact of Ganyu’s slower attack speed by facilitating more frequent unleashing of charged shots empowered by Elemental Bursts.

Long Cooldowns Management

Another aspect that requires careful consideration when utilizing Ganyu in combat is the long cooldown periods associated with some of her most potent abilities. Her Elemental Burst “Celestial Shower” has a significant cooldown duration which demands strategic planning during engagements to ensure its availability at critical moments throughout prolonged battles.

Players must exercise prudence in timing their use of “Celestial Shower” alongside other characters’ elemental bursts or skills to orchestrate impactful chain reactions while avoiding leaving themselves vulnerable during downtime between activations.

Unlocking the Potential of Ganyu’s Elemental Skill and Burst

Strategic Use of Trail of the Qilin

Ganyu’s elemental skill, Trail of the Qilin, offers versatile strategic opportunities in combat. By positioning this ability effectively, players can control enemy movements, protecting themselves and their teammates while dealing area-of-effect (AoE) Cryo damage. For instance, when facing multiple opponents, casting Trail of the Qilin strategically can create a barrier that obstructs enemy advances and provides a safe zone for allies to operate within. This not only shields teammates from harm but also allows them to focus on delivering devastating attacks without worrying about being overwhelmed by adversaries.

Ganyu’s elemental skill can be employed tactically to manipulate enemy positions during boss fights or challenging encounters. By placing the AoE Cryo damage field in specific locations, players can force enemies into unfavorable areas or restrict their movement options. This manipulation enables players to gain an upper hand in battles by controlling the battlefield and dictating where engagements take place.

Furthermore, when facing enemies with high mobility or erratic behavior patterns, using Trail of the Qilin strategically allows players to limit opponents’ movements and confine them within designated areas for more efficient targeting and crowd control. In this way, Ganyu becomes an invaluable asset for managing chaotic situations through calculated placement of her elemental skill.

Triggering Elemental Reactions with Celestial Shower

Ganyu’s elemental burst, Celestial Shower, introduces continuous Cryo damage over time that makes it ideal for triggering elemental reactions with other characters’ abilities. When paired with characters possessing Pyro-based skills or bursts such as Diluc or Xiangling—both capable of inflicting Pyro status—Celestial Shower creates powerful melt reactions that significantly amplify overall damage output against opponents.

Moreover, combining Ganyu’s Celestial Shower with Hydro-inflicting characters like Mona or Barbara results in devastating frozen status effects on enemies due to Cryo-Hydro interactions. These combinations capitalize on Ganyu’s ability to set up potent elemental reactions that immobilize foes temporarily while increasing vulnerability to subsequent attacks from both herself and her teammates.

Notably, leveraging Celestial Shower alongside Electro-based characters like Fischl or Beidou produces electrifying superconduct reactions which reduce opponent physical resistance significantly—a valuable advantage during prolonged engagements against heavily armored adversaries.

Delving into Ganyu’s Passive Talents and Constellations

Ganyu’s Passive Talents

Ganyu, the adept Cryo archer in Genshin Impact, possesses passive talents that offer a range of advantages. These passive abilities significantly enhance her overall performance and provide various benefits to players. For instance, one of her passive talents increases movement speed by 20% for all party members when they are inside the AoE (Area of Effect) field created by her Elemental Burst ability. This is particularly useful in domains or battles where swift movement is crucial.

Another noteworthy passive talent reduces stamina consumption for characters within the AoE field created by Ganyu’s Elemental Skill ability. This reduction allows players to navigate terrains more efficiently, especially during exploration or combat scenarios requiring frequent dodging and sprinting. These weapon passives can make a substantial difference in resource management during extended gameplay sessions.

Furthermore,Ganyu’s passive talent provides an advantage by decreasing the consumption rate of Stamina for all party members. This proves beneficial when traversing through this challenging terrain while exploring or engaging in specific challenges within this region.

Assessing the Viability of Different Builds for Ganyu

Cryo DPS Build

Ganyu’s Cryo DPS build centers on maximizing her damage output through Cryo-infused attacks and critical hits. This build is ideal for players who prefer dealing significant damage to enemies. By equipping Ganyu with a powerful bow and artifacts that enhance her attack, cryo damage, and critical rate, players can unleash devastating blows on opponents. For example, using the “Amos’ Bow” combined with artifacts like Blizzard Strayer set can significantly amplify Ganyu’s cryo abilities.

This build allows Ganyu to excel as the primary damage dealer in a team composition. Her charged shots become even more potent when paired with appropriate weapons and artifacts. Leveraging her passive talents such as “Undivided Heart” further enhances her ability to deal massive cryo damage consistently.

Another advantage of this build is its effectiveness against enemies vulnerable to Cryo attacks. When facing off against foes weak to Cryo elemental reactions, Ganyu’s DPS capabilities shine through, making it easier for players to overcome challenging encounters.

However, one downside of focusing solely on a Cryo DPS build is that it may limit Ganyu’s utility in triggering elemental reactions or providing support to teammates. Players should consider their team composition and playstyle before committing fully to this approach.

Support Build

On the other hand, a support build emphasizes Ganyu’s role in triggering elemental reactions and providing utility to the team rather than solely concentrating on dealing high damage output. With this approach, players equip Ganyu with gear that enhances her ability to apply Cryo effects consistently while boosting energy recharge rates.

By utilizing weapons like “Sacrificial Bow” or “Favonius Warbow,” players can ensure frequent access to Ganyu’s Elemental Burst (Celestial Shower), allowing her to continuously apply Cryo status effects during battles. Moreover, equipping artifact sets such as Wanderer’s Troupe can bolster both Ganyu’s Elemental Skill (Trail of the Qilin) and Burst abilities.

This support-oriented strategy enables **Ganyuto contribute effectivelyto trigger powerful elemental reactions withinthe party while maintaining consistent crowd control over adversaries.Thebuild also grantsa higher degreeof flexibility by allowingplayers totailor theirteamcomposition accordingtothepresent requirementsand challenges they face throughoutthe game.

Whilethisapproachmay notfocusas heavilyondamageoutput,Ganycanstillmakeasignificantimpactbyenablingherteammatestoleverageelementalreactionsfordevastatingeffects.Thus,thisbuildprovesvitalinasupportiverolewithinateamdynamicrequiringbothoffensiveanddefensivestrategies.

Experimentation with Weapon and Artifact Combinations

Players are encouragedtoundertakeextensiveexperimentationwithdifferentweaponandartifactcombinationsinorderto findtheidealbuildthat alignswiththeirpreferredplaystyle.Forthoseinterestedindishingoutmaximumdamage,aCryoDPSbuildmightbe themostappealingoption.However,support-mindedplayerswillfindvalueinaSupportBuildforsustainingelementalreactionsandsupplyingutilitytotheteam.


This comprehensive guide has unveiled the intricacies of Ganyu in Genshin Impact, from her abilities and ascension to team building strategies and talent prioritization. By delving into her gameplay techniques, weapons, and artifacts, players can optimize Ganyu for Freeze and Melt teams while assessing her pros and cons. Understanding the potential of her elemental skill and burst, as well as her passive talents and constellations, allows for the evaluation of different builds to maximize her effectiveness in the game.

For further mastery of Ganyu’s gameplay, players are encouraged to experiment with various team compositions and refine their understanding of elemental reactions. Embracing a detail-oriented approach will undoubtedly elevate the gaming experience and unlock the full potential of this enigmatic character.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are Ganyu’s main abilities in Genshin Impact?

Ganyu possesses a Cryo vision and wields a bow. Her Elemental Skill, Trail of the Qilin, creates an Ice Lotus that taunts enemies and deals AoE Cryo DMG. Her Elemental Burst, Celestial Shower, rains down icicles on opponents within its radius.

How can players optimize Ganyu for Freeze and Melt teams?

To optimize Ganyu for Freeze teams, pair her with characters like Chongyun or Kaeya to trigger Frozen status. For Melt teams, combine her with Pyro characters such as Xiangling or Bennett to maximize the damage output from melting reactions.

What are some effective team building strategies for using Ganyu in Genshin Impact?

When building a team around Ganyu, consider including characters who can provide crowd control or support elemental reactions. Characters like Venti or Sucrose can help group enemies together for easier targeting with Ganyu’s charged shots and AoE abilities.

Which weapons and artifacts work best for enhancing Ganyu’s performance in combat?

The Amos’ Bow is one of the top choices due to its high base ATK stat and ability to increase arrow damage over distance traveled. As for artifacts, the Blizzard Strayer set complements her Cryo abilities by boosting critical rate against frozen/cryo-affected enemies.

How should players prioritize their investment in Ganyu’s talents?

Players should prioritize leveling up Celestial Shower (Elemental Burst) first since it significantly enhances her burst damage potential. Next would be Trail of the Qilin (Elemental Skill), followed by normal attack talent upgrades.