Genshin Impact Hu Tao: Abilities, Builds & Strategies

Genshin Impact enthusiasts are drawn to the enigmatic Hu Tao, a 4-star Pyro character known for her affiliation with the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor. As its director, she wields a polearm and specializes in inflicting Pyro damage. Her Elemental Skill, Guide to Afterlife, enables her to sacrifice HP for increased attack potency and converts normal attacks into Pyro damage. This distinctive playstyle has made Hu Tao a sought-after addition to many teams within the game’s expansive universe.

Overview of Hu Tao’s Abilities and Playstyle

Elemental Burst: Paramita Papilio

Hu Tao’s playstyle in Genshin Impact is centered around managing her HP and making the most of her Pyro abilities. Her Elemental Burst, Paramita Papilio, is a powerful skill that unleashes area-of-effect (AoE) Pyro damage. What makes this ability even more impactful is that it grants an ATK bonus based on her max HP. This means that building Hu Tao with a focus on maximizing her HP can significantly enhance the damage output of this skill.

The key to effectively utilizing Paramita Papilio lies in understanding how to manage Hu Tao’s health pool while ensuring she maintains high enough HP to benefit from the ATK bonus granted by this ability.

For instance, equipping artifacts and weapons that boost her max HP can be crucial for enhancing the potency of Paramita Papilio, allowing players to capitalize on its full potential during combat scenarios.

Unique Mechanic: Paramita Papilio State

In addition to dealing devastating Pyro damage with her Elemental Burst, Hu Tao possesses a unique mechanic known as the Paramita Papilio state. When she enters this state, it not only increases her critical rate but also converts excess HP into a Pyro DMG bonus.

This mechanic further emphasizes the importance of managing Hu Tao’s health strategically during battles. Players need to strike a balance between maintaining enough HP for survival while leveraging the excess HP to amplify their Pyro damage output.

To fully harness the capabilities of this unique mechanic, players may opt for specific team compositions or support characters that complement Hu Tao’s playstyle and help mitigate any drawbacks associated with managing her health pool efficiently.

Maximizing Synergy and Effectiveness

To maximize Hu Tao’s effectiveness in combat, players should consider synergizing her abilities with other characters who can provide healing support or shields to offset potential risks associated with constantly manipulating her own health pool.

Characters like Barbara or Qiqi can offer reliable healing capabilities, ensuring that Hu Tao remains within safe thresholds while still being able to leverage both paramitas – “Paramita Pappilo” & “Parama papillio state”.

Moreover, incorporating characters such as Xingqiu or Chongyun into teams alongside Hu Tao could further amplify the overall elemental reactions and DPS potential during battles due their synergy resulting from Hydro + Cryo reactions respectively.

Best Weapons for Hu Tao’s Pyro Build

The Staff of Homa

The Staff of Homa stands out as the top choice for Hu Tao’s pyro build. With its high base ATK and HP substat, this weapon perfectly complements Hu Tao’s playstyle. Its secondary stat boosts HP, which directly enhances her damage output through her unique mechanic that converts a percentage of her max HP into pyro DMG bonus.

The Staff of Homa is an ideal fit for Hu Tao due to its synergy with her abilities. It not only amplifies her offensive capabilities but also improves her survivability by increasing her maximum health pool, making it easier to maintain the low-HP state required for maximizing damage potential.

This 5-star polearm provides a substantial boost to both offense and defense, aligning perfectly with the balance needed in Hu Tao’s gameplay style.

Other Viable Options

Apart from the Staff of Homa, there are other viable options worth considering for Hu Tao‘s pyro build. The Primordial Jade Winged-Spear is one such alternative that offers a significant increase in crit rate and damage upon accumulating stacks. This can greatly enhance Hu Tao’s critical hits, further boosting her overall damage output.

Another option is the Deathmatch polearm, known for its ability to increase crit rate and ATK when facing one or more enemies simultaneously. This makes it particularly effective in scenarios where multiple foes need to be dealt with swiftly.

Considering these alternatives allows players some flexibility based on their individual preferences or availability of specific weapons. While they may not match up entirely to the Staff of Homa’s synergistic benefits, they still offer valuable enhancements to Hu Tao’s performance.

Ideal Substats

When choosing a weapon for Hu Tao, prioritizing those with high ATK or HP substats becomes crucial in maximizing her damage potential. Since she scales well with these stats due to their direct impact on both offense and defense aspects of gameplay, selecting weapons that complement this scaling ensures optimal performance.

Weapons featuring primary stats such as flat ATK bonuses or percentage increases can significantly bolster Hu Tao’s offensive prowess when paired with artifacts focusing on similar attributes like Pyro DMG Bonus or Crit Rate/Damage.

Artifacts and Stats Optimization for Hu Tao

The Crimson Witch of Flames

For Hu Tao‘s artifact set, the Crimson Witch of Flames is highly recommended. This set enhances Pyro damage, aligning perfectly with Hu Tao’s elemental abilities. Equipping her with this artifact will significantly boost her performance in battles.

The Crimson Witch of Flames provides a powerful 4-piece bonus that increases Overloaded and Burning DMG by 40%. When an Elemental Skill or Elemental Burst triggers the effect, it also increases the character’s Pyro DMG Bonus by 15% for two seconds. This makes it an ideal choice to maximize Hu Tao’s potential as a Pyro character.

Another key aspect to consider when optimizing artifacts for Hu Tao is prioritizing certain substats. It is crucial to focus on acquiring artifacts with substats such as ATK%, Pyro DMG Bonus%, Crit Rate%, and Crit DMG%. These stats play a pivotal role in enhancing Hu Tao’s offensive capabilities, making her more effective in combat situations.

Balancing HP and ATK Stats

In addition to focusing on offensive stats like ATK% and crit-related bonuses, achieving a balance between HP and ATK stats is essential for optimizing Hu Tao‘s overall performance. While boosting attack power is important, neglecting HP can make her vulnerable in battles. Conversely, solely emphasizing HP without adequate attack power would limit her damage output.

By striking a balance between these two attributes through artifact selection and stat optimization, players can ensure that Hu Tao remains formidable while also maintaining survivability during intense encounters.

Examples of Optimal Artifact Builds

To illustrate how these recommendations can be applied effectively, here are some examples of optimal artifact builds for maximizing Hu Tao‘s potential:

  • Main DPS Build:

  • Flower of Life (HP), Plume of Death (ATK), Sands of Eon (ATK%), Goblet of Eonothem (Pyro DMG Bonus%), Circlet of Logos (Crit Rate% or Crit DMG%)

  • Sub-DPS/Support Build:

  • Flower of Life (HP), Plume of Death (ATK), Sands of Eon (HP%), Goblet of Eonothem (Pyro DMG Bonus%), Circlettof Logos(Crit Rate% or CritDMG%)

These examples demonstrate how different artifact combinations cater to various playstyles while ensuring that critical stats are prioritized based on the intended role within a team composition.

Ascension Guide for Hu Tao

Required Materials

Ascending Hu Tao requires Agnidus Agate Gemstones, Juvenile Jade, and Diligence Books. These materials can be collected from specific domains, bosses, and weekly boss fights. For example, you can obtain Agnidus Agate Gemstones by defeating the Pyro Regisvine boss in the Domain of Guyun.

Defeating the Cryo Regisvine will give you access to Juvenile Jade, another essential material for ascending Hu Tao. Diligence Books are necessary for her ascension and can be obtained by spending 20 Original Resin at the Taishan Mansion domain.

Benefits of Ascending

Ascending increases Hu Tao’s level cap, unlocks new talents, and enhances her overall stats. By reaching higher ascension levels, players can unlock powerful abilities that significantly improve Hu Tao’s performance in battles. Moreover, increasing her level cap allows players to maximize her potential by leveling up further and unlocking stronger talents.

By enhancing her overall stats through ascension, Hu Tao becomes more resilient in combat situations while dealing greater damage to enemies. This is crucial for maximizing her effectiveness in various game modes such as Spiral Abyss challenges or boss fights.

Domains and Bosses Farming Tips

To efficiently gather the required materials for ascending Hu Tao, it’s essential to optimize your farming strategy. Focus on clearing specific domains multiple times a week to collect enough gemstones and books needed for ascending Hu Tao.

Prioritize defeating weekly bosses like the Pyro Regisvine and Cryo Regisvine as they drop rare materials crucial for ascending characters like Juvenile Jade. Planning your gameplay around these boss respawn timers ensures a steady supply of essential materials needed for character ascension.

Talents and Constellations Breakdown

Talent Levels

Hu Tao’s talents are crucial to maximizing her potential in combat. Her Elemental Skill, Guide to Afterlife, allows her to consume a part of her HP to knock back surrounding enemies and enter the Paramita Papilio state. Meanwhile, her Elemental Burst, Paramita Papilio, increases her crit rate based on the maximum HP that was lost during the skill’s activation. Hu Tao’s Normal Attack combo culminates in the powerful Crimson Bouquet.

Leveling up these talents is essential for enhancing Hu Tao’s overall performance in battle. By increasing talent levels, players can boost their damage output and decrease cooldown times, making Hu Tao more formidable against adversaries.

It’s important for players to prioritize leveling up Hu Tao’s Elemental Skill and Burst first as they directly contribute to maximizing her damage potential.


Unlocking constellations for characters provides significant enhancements to their abilities and often introduces additional effects that can significantly impact gameplay. For Hu Tao specifically, unlocking constellations enhances various aspects of her skills while also providing unique bonuses.

For instance, at C1 (Constellation 1), she gains an extra charge level for Guide to Afterlife after using Paramita Papilio which further boosts its utility in combat scenarios. As players progress through unlocking more constellations for Hu Tao, they will notice substantial improvements in both offensive capabilities and survivability.

By investing resources into unlocking constellations for Hu Tao through wishes or events like Character Event Wishes or Standard Wishes, players can greatly enhance her effectiveness on the battlefield.

Crit Rate Importance

Focusing on critical rate (crit rate) becomes paramount due to its direct influence on dealing high amounts of damage consistently. In particular, since one of Hu Tao’s main strengths lies in delivering devastating bursts of pyro-infused attacks with increased crit rates from Paramita Papilio active state; prioritizing gear attributes or artifacts that increase crit rate becomes essential.

Players should aim towards acquiring artifacts with sub-stats like Crit Rate % or utilizing weapons that inherently provide bonus critical stats alongside other beneficial effects tailored towards boosting overall damage output.

Maximizing Hu Tao’s Elemental Skill and Burst

Activating Paramita Papilio State

Hu Tao’s elemental skill, Guide to Afterlife, is crucial for activating the Paramita Papilio state. When using this skill, she gains an “Undying” status that increases her crit rate and converts excess max HP into a pyro DMG bonus. This allows players to strategically manage Hu Tao’s health pool for optimal damage output.

During the Paramita Papilio state, it’s essential to keep an eye on Hu Tao’s HP levels. Players can deliberately lower her HP by taking damage or using abilities like Bennett’s Passion Overload burst to trigger the maximum Pyro DMG bonus from her elemental skill.

To maximize the benefits of Guide to Afterlife, players should pay close attention to their team composition and consider including characters with healing abilities or shields. For example, Barbara can provide consistent healing support while Diona offers both shielding and healing capabilities.

Unleashing Massive Pyro Damage

Utilizing Hu Tao’s elemental burst, Paramita Papilio, during the activated Paramita Papilio state is key to unleashing massive Pyro damage. This ability not only deals AoE Pyro DMG but also applies the Blood Blossom effect on hit enemies.

Players should aim to time the activation of Hu Tao’s elemental burst when facing groups of enemies or during boss fights for maximum impact. Combining her elemental burst with other characters’ abilities such as Xingqiu’s Guhua Sword: Fatal Rainscreen can further amplify her damage potential through vaporize reactions.

When paired with a character like Xingqiu who can apply Hydro status on enemies before triggering Vaporize reactions with Hu Tao’s Pyro attacks, players can significantly enhance their overall DPS output in combat scenarios.

Team Synergy and Playstyle Considerations

Building a team around maximizing Hu Tao’s elemental skill and burst requires careful consideration of synergies between characters’ abilities and playstyles. Characters like Xingqiu, Bennett, or Albedo complement Hu Tao’s kit by providing additional buffs, heals/shields, or crowd control effects that enable smoother gameplay experiences.

Understanding each character’s role within a team is essential for optimizing performance in various content such as Abyss floors or boss encounters. For example:

  • Xingqiu provides hydro application for vaporize reactions.
  • Bennett offers healing support along with an ATK buff from his ult.
  • Albedo provides geo constructs that resonate with other elements for increased damage output.

The Afterlife Mechanic and its Impact on Gameplay

Understanding Hu Tao’s Afterlife Mechanic

Hu Tao’s afterlife mechanic is a unique gameplay feature that sets her apart from other characters in Genshin Impact. This mechanic allows her to consume a certain percentage of her HP to enhance the power of her attacks. By sacrificing a portion of her health, she gains increased damage output for a limited duration, making it crucial to manage her HP effectively during combat.

The afterlife mechanic fundamentally changes the way players approach battles with Hu Tao. It introduces an element of risk and reward, as using this ability requires careful consideration of the character’s remaining health pool. Players must weigh the potential damage increase against the risk of leaving Hu Tao vulnerable to enemy attacks due to reduced HP.

Hu Tao’s afterlife ability also affects team composition and support choices. Players may need to consider including healers or shield-generating characters in their party setup to mitigate the impact of consuming HP for enhanced damage output.

Maximizing Damage Potential through Strategic Management

Effectively managing Hu Tao’s gameplay revolves around optimizing the use of her afterlife mechanic to maximize damage potential without compromising survivability. Players must strike a balance between leveraging the enhanced attack capabilities granted by sacrificing HP and ensuring that Hu Tao remains sufficiently healthy throughout battles.

Strategic planning is essential when incorporating Hu Tao into combat scenarios, especially in challenging encounters such as boss fights or domains with formidable opponents. Timing becomes critical as players aim to activate and deactivate Hu Tao’s afterlife state at opportune moments, aligning with enemy vulnerabilities or phases within battle mechanics.

Furthermore, understanding enemy behavior patterns and attack telegraphs becomes paramount when utilizing Hu Tao’s afterlife abilities effectively. This knowledge allows players to anticipate incoming threats and make informed decisions regarding when best to trigger or deactivate this powerful yet risky enhancement.

Synergies with Elemental Reactions and Team Dynamics

In addition to managing Hu Tao’s own health resources, players can explore synergies between her afterlife mechanic and various elemental reactions within Genshin Impact’s diverse combat system. Pairing HuTao with characters capable of triggering elemental effects like vaporize or melt can amplify overall team damage output while complementing her playstyle.

Moreover, considering how other teammates’ abilities interact with both sustaining afterlife-enhanced assaults (e.g., shields) and exploiting enemies’ weakened states (e.g., crowd control effects) opens up opportunities for creative strategies centered around maximizing collective performance across different party compositions.

Effective Use of Hu Tao’s Pyro Reactions

Pairing with Elemental Characters

Pair Hu Tao with characters who can trigger elemental reactions with her Pyro attacks. For instance, having a character like Xingqiu on the team can enable vaporize reactions when his Hydro abilities are combined with Hu Tao’s Pyro attacks. This combination results in increased damage output, making it an effective strategy for maximizing her potential.

When building a team around Hu Tao, consider characters such as Chongyun or Xingqiu to create elemental reactions that complement her Pyro abilities. Chongyun’s Cryo skills can set up Melt reactions when combined with Hu Tao’s attacks, amplifying the damage dealt to enemies.

Another effective pairing is using Sucrose to group enemies together and swirl their elements before unleashing Hu Tao’s powerful Pyro attacks. Utilizing these elemental combos allows players to capitalize on Hu Tao’s Pyro abilities, resulting in devastating effects during battles.

Amplifying Damage Output

Vaporize and Melt reactions are particularly effective in amplifying Hu Tao’s damage output. Vaporize occurs when a Hydro attack triggers a reaction after a Pyro attack, while Melt happens when Cryo meets Pyro. These reactions significantly increase the damage inflicted by Hu Tao’s already potent attacks.

By incorporating characters like Xingqiu or Chongyun into the team composition, players can strategically trigger these powerful elemental reactions alongside Hu Tao’s Pyro abilities for maximum impact during combat scenarios.

Utilizing these mechanics effectively ensures that each of Hu Tao’s strikes delivers substantial damage while also creating opportunities for sustained elemental combos within the player’s party setup.

Coordinating Elemental Combos

Coordinate elemental combos with other team members for devastating results. For example, combining Amber’s charged shot (Pyro) followed by switching to Hu tao and triggering an enemy affected by Diona’s (Cryo) skill will result in melt reaction which deals massive amounts of damage.

In another scenario, using Bennett (Pyro)’s burst ability followed by switching to Mona (Hydro), then activating Mona ultimate will result in vaporization dealing high amount of hydro-based AoE DMG.

These coordinated efforts not only showcase the synergy between different characters but also highlight how strategic planning and execution of elemental combinations can lead to overwhelming advantages during gameplay.

Strengths and Weaknesses of Hu Tao

High Pyro Damage

Hu Tao is renowned for her ability to unleash high Pyro damage on her opponents. Her elemental skill, Guide to Afterlife, allows her to convert a percentage of her max HP into Pyro DMG that can be dealt over time. This makes her an excellent choice for melting down the health bars of enemies vulnerable to Pyro attacks.

Her charged attack, which consumes stamina but deals significant damage in return, further enhances her offensive capabilities. When players strategically utilize this move alongside other characters who can trigger powerful reactions with Pyro, such as Vaporize or Melt, they can maximize Hu Tao’s potential for dealing immense damage.

In team compositions featuring characters like Xingqiu or Chongyun who are adept at setting up elemental reactions with Hydro or Cryo respectively, Hu Tao becomes an even more formidable force on the battlefield.

AoE Capabilities

Another notable strength of Hu Tao lies in her exceptional AoE (Area of Effect) abilities. Her elemental burst ability creates a powerful AoE effect that not only inflicts massive Pyro DMG on nearby enemies but also regenerates a portion of Hu Tao’s HP based on the amount of damage dealt. This unique combination enables Hu Tao to sustain herself while unleashing fiery devastation upon multiple foes simultaneously.

By positioning herself strategically amidst clusters of adversaries and activating this devastating move at opportune moments during combat scenarios such as Abyssal Domains or Spiral Abyss chambers, players can effectively capitalize on Hu Tao’s potent AoE prowess.

Vulnerability to Resistance and Interruptions

On the flip side, despite being a powerhouse. Such adversaries significantly mitigate the impact of Hu Tao’s assaults by shrugging off much of the incoming Pyro DMG she inflicts upon them.

Furthermore, due to the nature of some encounters where foes incessantly disrupt character actions through knockbacks or stuns—rendering them unable to execute their moves—players controlling Hu Tao may find themselves frustrated by these interruptions that impede their effectiveness in battle.

Management of HP

An additional aspect contributing towards both intrigue and complexity surrounding playing as HuTao, is centered around how she draws power from managing her own HP pool—a mechanic integral to maximizing her performance but one which might present a learning curve for some players unaccustomed to such gameplay dynamics.

For instance: if players allow herHP*to plummet too low without adequate preparation,*she will become incapacitated temporarily after using certain skills; conversely,*if they maintain herHPat excessively high levels,*they would miss out on leveraging several critical aspects ofher kit.This delicate balance requires meticulous attention throughout engagements

Team Composition Strategies with Hu Tao

Energy Regeneration and Shield Support

When building a team around Hu Tao in Genshin Impact, it’s essential to include characters who can provide energy regeneration or shield support. Characters like Xingqiu and Bennett are excellent choices due to their abilities to generate energy particles for Hu Tao. Xingqiu’s Rain Swords not only provide Hydro damage but also regenerate energy for the team, while Bennett’s Elemental Burst not only heals but also increases the entire party’s attack.

Characters such as Diona and Zhongli can contribute significantly by providing shield support. Diona’s Cryo abilities create a protective barrier, reducing incoming damage for the team, whereas Zhongli’s Dominus Lapidis creates a shield that absorbs damage based on his max HP.

Experiment with different combinations of these characters to find the most effective synergy for supporting Hu Tao’s playstyle.

Elemental Synergy and Healing Abilities

Consider adding characters like Xingqiu or Bennett to your team composition when playing alongside Hu Tao in Genshin Impact. Both Xingqiu and Bennett offer valuable elemental synergy and healing abilities that complement Hu Tao’s strengths.

Xingqiu’s ability to trigger Hydro-related elemental reactions pairs well with Hu Tao’s Pyro attacks, creating powerful Vaporize effects that deal increased damage. His ability to heal the active character while using his Elemental Burst makes him an invaluable asset when fighting challenging enemies.

On the other hand, Bennett provides consistent healing through his Passion Overload skill while also increasing the entire party’s attack power with Fantastic Voyage. This combination of healing and attack boost can greatly enhance Hu Tao’s performance in combat situations.

Finding Optimal Synergy

To maximize Hu Tao’s potential, players should experiment with various team compositions to discover which synergies work best for their preferred playstyle. For example, combining her with Pyro-based characters like Xiangling or Diluc could amplify Pyro-based elemental reactions such as Melt or Overload.

Alternatively, integrating Anemo-based characters like Sucrose or Venti into the team could enhance crowd control capabilities while spreading elements across multiple enemies simultaneously.

Essential Materials for Upgrading Hu Tao

Character EXP Materials

Leveling up Hu Tao requires specific materials such as Character EXP materials, Mora, and Enhancement Ores. These are crucial for increasing her level and enhancing her combat abilities. The Character EXP materials can be obtained from various sources such as defeating enemies, completing quests, or purchasing them from the in-game shop.

Obtaining these Character EXP materials involves engaging in different activities within the game. Players can participate in Ley Line Outcrops to acquire valuable character experience items. They can also receive these materials as rewards for completing certain domains or challenges within the game world of Genshin Impact.

Acquiring a sufficient amount of these resources is essential to ensure that players can efficiently level up Hu Tao and maximize her potential on their team.

Talent Level-Up Materials

In addition to Character EXP materials, upgrading Hu Tao’s talents requires specific items such as Teachings of Diligence, Guide to Diligence, and Philosophies of Diligence. These talent-level up materials play a vital role in enhancing Hu Tao’s combat skills and unlocking new abilities that contribute to her overall performance in battles.

Players can obtain these talent-level up materials by participating in domain challenges tailored to each type of material needed for upgrading Hu Tao’s talents. By successfully completing these challenges, players have the opportunity to collect an ample supply of Teachings of Diligence, Guide to Diligence, and Philosophies of Diligence required for leveling up Hu Tao’s talents effectively.

It is important for players aiming to strengthen Hu Tao‘s abilities to prioritize gathering an adequate number of these talent-level up materials through consistent participation in the corresponding domain challenges available within Genshin Impact.

Farming Locations

To gather the necessary upgrade resources mentioned above effectively for leveling up Hu Tao, players must engage with specific domains designed around providing character experience items or talent-level up materials. Furthermore,** Ley Line Outcrops serve as reliable sources where players can acquire essential resources through focused farming efforts aimed at obtaining required enhancement ores along with other valuable items like Mora.

Weekly boss fights offer another avenue for obtaining critical upgrade resources necessary for strengthening characters like Hu Tao. Defeating weekly bosses provides opportunities not only to earn rare artifacts but also secure much-needed character experience items or talent-level-up material drops that contribute significantly towards enhancing Hu Tua’s capabilities on your team.


Hu Tao in Genshin Impact offers a dynamic playstyle with her unique abilities and elemental mastery. From optimizing her artifacts and stats to understanding the intricacies of her elemental skill and burst, players can maximize her potential in combat. Considering her strengths and weaknesses, as well as effective team compositions, is crucial for achieving success with Hu Tao. As players delve into upgrading her talents and constellations, they unlock new levels of power, making her a formidable asset in any party. With this comprehensive guide, players can harness the full potential of Hu Tao and elevate their gameplay experience in Genshin Impact.

For more insights into Genshin Impact characters and gameplay strategies, continue exploring reputable sources and engaging with the community to refine your skills and knowledge.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Hu Tao a 5-star character in Genshin Impact?

Yes, Hu Tao is a 5-star Pyro polearm user in Genshin Impact. She hails from the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor and serves as its 77th Director.

What are the best weapons for Hu Tao’s Pyro build?

The best weapons for Hu Tao’s Pyro build include the Staff of Homa, Primordial Jade Winged-Spear, and Blackcliff Pole. These weapons complement her playstyle by enhancing her damage output.

How should players optimize artifacts and stats for Hu Tao?

Players should focus on equipping artifacts that boost HP%, Crit Rate, Crit Damage, and Pyro DMG Bonus to maximize Hu Tao’s potential. Balancing these stats will significantly enhance her performance in combat.

What is the Afterlife mechanic in relation to Hu Tao’s gameplay?

Hu Tao’s Afterlife mechanic allows her to consume a set portion of her current HP to enter the Paramita Papilio state, enhancing her attack based on the amount of HP consumed. This unique ability adds depth to her playstyle and impacts strategic decision-making during battles.

What team compositions work well with Hu Tao?

Effective team compositions with Hu tao often include characters like Xingqiu or Bennett for support abilities that complement her strengths. Characters such as Zhongli can provide powerful shields to protect Hu tao during combat scenarios.