Genshin Impact Alhaitham: Abilities, Builds & Strategies

Genshin Impact version 2.3 introduces Alhaitham, a new character from the Inazuma region, offering a unique playstyle to players. Delve into Alhaitham’s backstory and his pivotal role in the ongoing narrative of Genshin Impact. Uncover the formidable abilities and talents that make Alhaitham an invaluable addition to your team. Discover how to unlock this compelling character and seamlessly integrate him into your roster of playable characters.

Alhaitham’s Elemental Abilities and Combat Role

Elemental Abilities

Alhaitham, a character in Genshin Impact, wields the Anemo (Wind) vision. This enables him to manipulate wind currents and deal AoE damage. His elemental skill and burst abilities synergize well with other characters. For instance, his elemental skill can suck enemies into its vortex, setting them up for powerful combos from teammates.

His crowd control capabilities are another highlight of his combat prowess. By effectively utilizing his abilities, players can create openings for their team to unleash devastating attacks on grouped-up enemies or interrupt enemy actions.

Alhaitham’s unique mechanics behind his elemental abilities allow players to turn the tide of battle in their favor. For example, using his burst ability at strategic moments can disrupt enemy formations or provide crucial breathing room for allies to reposition or heal.

Combat Role

Understanding Alhaitham’s role as a support or main DPS character is crucial for optimizing his performance in combat scenarios. As a support character, he excels at creating opportunities for other characters to shine by controlling the battlefield with gusts of wind and drawing enemies together. On the other hand, when played as a main DPS character, he becomes the primary source of damage output through swift strikes empowered by Anemo energy.

Players must also consider Alhaitham’s elemental mastery, which enhances the effects produced when combining elements with those of other characters during co-op play or within an overworld environment filled with various elements waiting to be manipulated.

Synergy and Optimization

In practical terms, Alhaitham’s charged attack has significant potential due to its AoE effect that hits multiple opponents simultaneously. Activating this ability strategically can lead to substantial damage against groups of foes while replenishing energy for subsequent bursts or skills.

Understanding how Alhaitham’s attacks interact with those of other characters is essential for maximizing overall team effectiveness during encounters in Genshin Impact’s diverse world settings such as dungeons, domains, and open-world exploration.

Moreover,dmg calculations involving both normal hits and charged attacks should be taken into account when building teams around him; this will help ensure that each member complements one another without overlapping too much on similar effects while covering each other’s weaknesses.

Ascension and Talent Materials for Alhaitham

Ascension Materials

To unlock higher levels of power and increase Alhaitham’s base stats, players need to gather specific materials from Inazuma. These include Vajrada Amethyst Sliver, Vajrada Amethyst Fragment, Vajrada Amethyst Chunk, and Vajrada Amethyst Gemstone. Each ascension phase requires a different combination of these materials, so planning ahead is crucial to efficiently ascend Alhaitham.

Ascending Alhaitham allows him to reach higher levels, increasing his base stats significantly. For example, at the first ascension phase (20th level), he gains an Anemo DMG Bonus. At the fourth phase (70th level), he unlocks the ability “Storm Breaker,” which deals AoE Anemo DMG upon use.

Players must explore Inazuma thoroughly to collect these essential materials for ascending Alhaitham, ensuring they have enough resources at each stage.

Talent Level-Up Materials

In addition to ascending characters in Genshin Impact, leveling up their talents is crucial for maximizing effectiveness in combat. To level up Alhaitham’s talents effectively, players must gather specific talent materials found in Inazuma.

For instance:

  • Teachings of Light: Used for leveling up Alhaitham’s Normal Attack talent.
  • Guide to Light: Required for enhancing his Elemental Skill talent.
  • Philosophies of Light: Essential for boosting his Elemental Burst talent.

Planning ahead and understanding the resource requirements are vital when aiming to maximize Alhaitham’s potential by leveling up his talents efficiently. This includes farming domains that drop these skill-upgrading materials consistently.

Benefits of Reaching Each Ascension Phase

Reaching each ascension phase with Alhaitham offers various benefits that enhance his overall performance in combat scenarios:

  1. First Ascension Phase:
  • Unlocks new passive talent “Martial Blessing.”
  • Gains Anemo DMG Bonus as a stat boost.
  1. Second Ascension Phase:
  • Increases base ATK significantly.
  • Enhances Martial Blessing passive talent further.
  1. Third Ascension Phase:
  • Boosts CRIT Rate substantially.
  • Further strengthens Martial Blessing passive talent effect.
  1. Fourth Ascension Phase:
  • Unlocks powerful ability “Storm Breaker.”
  • Significantly increases all base stats including HP and DEF.

Best Weapons to Enhance Alhaitham’s Performance

Weapon Selection

Alhaitham, a character in Genshin Impact, benefits from various weapons that complement his abilities and playstyle. When choosing weapons for Alhaitham, it is crucial to consider their substats and passives to maximize his damage output. For support builds, focus on weapons that enhance energy recharge or provide healing effects. On the other hand, for main DPS builds, prioritize weapons with high base attack and critical rate/damage bonuses.

Alhaitham’s elemental burst ability, “Astral Rend,” deals massive AoE Pyro damage over time. To capitalize on this ability, equipping him with a weapon that amplifies Pyro damage or increases his overall attack power can significantly boost his performance.

When considering the best weapons for Alhaitham’s support build, options like the “Favonius Warbow” and “Sacrificial Bow” are excellent choices due to their energy regeneration capabilities. These weapons facilitate more frequent use of Alhaitham’s elemental burst by ensuring a steady supply of energy particles.

For an optimal main DPS build, claymores such as the “Wolf’s Gravestone” or “Serpent Spine” are exceptional picks because they offer substantial attack bonuses and critical hit rate boosts. These weapons align perfectly with Alhaitham’s role as a heavy-hitting Pyro character.

Substats and Passives

When evaluating potential weapons, pay close attention to their substats such as critical rate/damage bonuses, energy recharge rates, and elemental mastery enhancements. Consider the passive abilities of each weapon; some may provide increased ATK upon using an elemental skill or burst while others may offer healing effects after defeating enemies.

The substat priority for support-oriented weapons should revolve around increasing energy recharge rates to ensure consistent access to Alhaitham’s powerful elemental burst during battles. Meanwhile, for main DPS-focused options prioritizing critical hit rate/damage bonuses will help maximize his damage potential in combat scenarios.

Understanding how these substats synergize with Alhaitham’s kit is essential when selecting suitable weapons for him based on specific team compositions and playstyles.

Pros and Cons

Each recommended weapon comes with its own set of pros and cons that players must weigh before making an informed decision about enhancing Alhaitham’s performance in Genshin Impact.

  • Pros:
  • The “Favonius Warbow” offers excellent utility through its energy particle generation effect.
  • The “Wolf’s Gravestone” provides significant ATK buffs not only benefiting Alhalthaim but also boosting team-wide offensive capabilities.
  • The “Sacrificial Sword” enables quicker cooldowns for Alhalthaim’s abilities via its passive effect.
  • Cons:
  • The “Wolf’s Gravestone” might be challenging to obtain due to its rarity.
  • While effective at reducing skill cooldowns occasionally triggering its passive might not always align well with battle situations.

Players can acquire these recommended weapons through various means within Genshin Impact:

  1. Wishing System: Utilize Intertwined Fates or Acquaint Fates at Epitomized Path Wanderlust Invocation event banners where featured weapons have increased drop rates.
  2. Battle Pass Rewards: Some top-tier weaponry may be available as rewards in Gnostic Hymn (paid) or Blessing of the Welkin Moon (free) battle passes offered periodically by miHoYo.
  3. Event Shops: Keep an eye out for limited-time events offering exclusive currency exchange opportunities allowing players to obtain specific four-star or five-star weaponry.

Optimal Artifacts and Builds for Alhaitham

Best Artifact Sets

When building Alhaitham, the best artifact sets depend on the role you want him to play. For a damage-focused build, the Viridescent Venerer set is ideal as it enhances Anemo damage. This set reduces opponents’ Anemo resistance, amplifying swirl reactions. On the other hand, if you aim for an energy recharge-oriented build to support your team, consider using the Instructor or Exile sets.

To maximize Alhaitham’s potential in different roles, players should prioritize substats such as Energy Recharge, Elemental Mastery, and Attack Percentage on artifacts. These substats significantly enhance his damage output or support capabilities. For example, high Energy Recharge ensures more frequent bursts of Alhaitham’s elemental abilities.

Build Options

Players can explore various build options for Alhaitham based on their preferred playstyle and team composition. An Anemo damage-focused build capitalizes on maximizing his Swirl reaction effects by boosting his Anemo damage bonus through artifact sets like Viridescent Venerer.

Conversely, an energy recharge-oriented build focuses on supporting the team by ensuring more frequent use of Alhaitham’s elemental burst ability. This allows him to generate additional light mirrors that provide buffs to teammates or deal extra AoE (Area of Effect) damage with each mirror stack.

Synergy with Elemental Abilities

Understanding the synergy between Alhaitham’s elemental abilities and specific artifact sets is crucial for optimizing his performance in combat scenarios. The interaction between his abilities and chosen artifact sets can amplify his strengths while mitigating weaknesses.

For instance, when equipped with Viridescent Venerer artifacts that reduce opponents’ Anemo resistance upon triggering Swirl reactions, Alhaitham becomes more effective at debuffing enemies and boosting overall team damage output through elemental reactions.

Ideal Main Stats and Substats

The ideal main stats for artifacts equipped on Alhaitham vary depending on whether he is built for DPS (Damage Per Second) or support purposes. A DPS-oriented setup benefits from main stats such as Anemo Damage Bonus goblet and Attack Percentage circlet to amplify normal attack or skill damage output.

On the other hand, a support-focused configuration may prioritize Energy Recharge sands to ensure consistent availability of Alhiahtim’s burst ability during combat engagements.
Subsequently enhancing these configurations with relevant substats like Crit Rate/Damage further augments either offensive or supportive capabilities.

Understanding Alhaitham’s Strengths and Weaknesses

Alhaitham’s Strengths

Alhaitham excels in high AoE damage potential and possesses remarkable crowd control abilities. His Elemental Burst, “Duality of the Unforeseen Stars,” inflicts massive area-of-effect damage, making him a valuable asset in battles against multiple enemies. His elemental skill, “Stellar Vortex,” not only deals substantial damage but also pulls opponents towards its center.

Alhaitham’s high AoE damage potential allows him to swiftly clear out groups of adversaries, giving his team an advantage in challenging encounters. For instance, when faced with hordes of enemies during domain challenges or Abyssal Spire floors, Alhaitham can effectively unleash devastating attacks that cover a wide radius.

Another key strength lies in his crowd control abilities. By utilizing the pull effect of his Stellar Vortex skill strategically, players can gather opponents into a concentrated area before unleashing powerful attacks or combining elemental reactions for maximum impact.

In addition to these strengths, Alhaitham has the flexibility to adapt to various combat scenarios due to his versatile skill set and high potential for causing widespread destruction on the battlefield.

Mitigating Alhaitham’s Weaknesses

Despite his formidable strengths, Alhaitham is hindered by his reliance on energy recharge for consistent burst damage output. To mitigate this weakness effectively, players should focus on building their team composition around supporting Alhaitham’s energy needs through characters with energy-generating abilities or those who provide Energy Recharge buffs.

Moreover, carefully selecting artifacts that prioritize Energy Recharge as one of their main stats can significantly enhance Alhaitham’s performance in prolonged battles where maintaining consistent burst damage is crucial. By equipping him with artifacts such as Sands of Eon (Timepiece) featuring Energy Recharge as its primary stat or sub-stats that boost this attribute further strengthens his overall effectiveness in combat situations requiring sustained offensive capabilities.

Furthermore, pairing him with characters like Zhongli or Sucrose—whose abilities generate particles and provide additional energy regeneration—can help alleviate the burden placed on Alhaitham’s energy reserves during intense confrontations.

By addressing these weaknesses through strategic team composition choices and artifact selections tailored specifically for enhancing Energy Recharge rate will enable players to optimize Alhiaham’s performance even under demanding circumstances.

Strategic Utilization and Optimization

Understanding when to utilize Alhiaham’s abilities strategically is pivotal for maximizing their impact across different combat scenarios. When facing numerous foes clustered together within close proximity during domains or challenging boss fights such as Azhdaha or Childe/Tartaglia encounter phases where enemies are concentrated within specific areas; deploying Stellar Vortex at opportune moments ensures effective crowd control while setting up opportunities for synergistic elemental reactions from other party members.

Additionally,optimizing Ahalthiam’s performance based onhis strengths involves integrating tactics such as positioning himself strategically before activating Duality of the Unforeseen Stars amidst clusters of adversaries enables efficient utilization of its expansive AoE coverage resulting in significant cumulative damage output over time.

Alhaitham’s Constellations and Their Impact on Gameplay

Available Constellations

Alhaitham, the enigmatic character in Genshin Impact, offers a range of constellations that significantly influence his abilities. Each constellation bestows unique enhancements to various aspects of Alhaitham’s playstyle. For instance, unlocking specific constellations can augment his projection attacks or provide following effects that amplify his combat prowess.

The first constellation for Alhaitham increases the level of one of his talents by three. This enhancement directly boosts the power and effectiveness of one of his key abilities, making it a valuable addition to consider when planning your progression with him.

Another constellation grants Alhaitham an additional charge for one of his skills. This extra charge allows for more flexibility in using this particular ability during battles, providing strategic advantages and opening up new tactical possibilities when engaging enemies.

Beneficial Enhancements

Understanding how each constellation impacts Alhaitham’s abilities is crucial for tailoring your approach to match your preferred role with him. Whether you prioritize dealing damage from a distance or prefer close-quarters combat, certain constellations offer specific benefits that align with different playstyles.

For example, if you favor unleashing devastating projection attacks from afar as part of your combat strategy, unlocking certain constellations can enhance these ranged capabilities significantly. On the other hand, if you thrive in close-range skirmishes and swift movements around the battlefield, there are constellations tailored to bolstering those aspects of Alhaitham’s toolkit.

Unlocking Multiple Constellations

As you progress through unlocking multiple constellations, their cumulative impact on Alhaitham’s overall performance becomes increasingly pronounced. The combined enhancements from various constellations synergize to elevate not just individual abilities but also contribute to shaping a more formidable and versatile combatant in diverse scenarios.

Maximizing Alhaitham’s Potential with Talent Prioritization

Importance of Talent Leveling

Talent leveling is crucial for maximizing Alhaitham’s potential in Genshin Impact. By upgrading his talents, players can significantly boost his damage output and unlock powerful effects that enhance his overall performance. Whether it’s increasing the damage dealt by Elemental Burst or improving the effects of Elemental Skill, talent leveling plays a pivotal role in shaping Alhaitham into a formidable character.

Investing in talent levels ensures that Alhaitham remains competitive and relevant as players progress through different game modes, such as Spiral Abyss or challenging boss fights. The enhanced abilities obtained through talent upgrades not only contribute to dealing higher damage but also provide additional utility, making him more versatile based on the player’s preferred playstyle.

Talent levels are directly linked to maximum damage potential, allowing players to unleash Alhaitham’s full power during combat encounters. Therefore, understanding the significance of talent leveling is essential for harnessing Alhaitham’s capabilities effectively.

Prioritizing Talents Based on Playstyle

When deciding which talents to prioritize for leveling up, players should consider their preferred playstyle and how they utilize Alhaitham within their team composition. For example, if a player frequently relies on his Elemental Burst for massive AoE (Area of Effect) damage in battles, prioritizing this particular talent would be beneficial.

On the other hand, those who value sustained elemental support may choose to focus on enhancing his Elemental Skill first. This approach allows players to tailor Alhaitham’s strengths according to their unique gameplay preferences and team dynamics.

By strategically investing resources into specific talents based on individual playstyles, players can optimize Alhaitham’s performance and ensure that he complements their team synergies effectively.

Efficient Talent Leveling Materials

To level up Alhaitham’s talents efficiently requires specific materials obtainable from various sources within Genshin Impact. These materials include Character Level-Up Materials like Teachings of Light or Guide to Light obtained from domains or Ley Line Outcrops across Teyvat.

Additionally,** Gems**, Gold Books ,and Silver Books are necessary for ascending characters beyond level 90; these can be acquired by completing weekly bosses like Azhdaha or Childe/Tartaglia respectively every week! Players must plan ahead and allocate sufficient resources towards acquiring these materials consistently while considering other characters’ needs within their roster.

Effective Team Compositions with Alhaitham as Main DPS

Synergizing Characters

When building a team around Alhaitham as the main DPS character, it’s essential to consider characters whose abilities complement his playstyle. For example, pairing him with characters like Fischl or Beidou can enhance his crit rate and crit dmg, increasing his overall damage output. Including characters such as Bennett or Xingqiu can provide healing and support to ensure Alhaitham’s sustainability in battle.

Understanding the roles of each character within the team is crucial for maximizing Alhaitham’s potential. For instance, while Alhaitham focuses on dealing high physical damage, having a sub-DPS character like Xingqiu who specializes in hydro attacks can trigger powerful elemental reactions when paired with Alhaitham’s abilities.

In addition to this, including a character like Sucrose who excels at crowd control and elemental mastery enhancement can further amplify Alhaitham’s ability to trigger potent elemental reactions during combat. By strategically combining these characters’ abilities, players can create a well-rounded team that synergizes effectively with Alhaitham‘s strengths.

Elemental Reactions and Combos

It’s important to explore the various elemental reactions and combos that can be triggered by incorporating specific characters alongside Alhaitham. For example, utilizing an Anemo character like Sucrose or Venti in the team composition allows for Swirl reactions that spread elements across enemies, amplifying their vulnerability to subsequent attacks from Alhaitham.

Moreover, pairing him with Pyro characters such as Bennett or Xiangling enables powerful Melt reactions when their Pyro skills are combined with Alhathim’s Cryo abilities. This synergy significantly boosts overall damage output against opponents vulnerable to these elemental combinations.

Furthermore, considering Electro-charged reactions facilitated by characters like Fischl or Beidou enhances sustained damage over time while providing opportunities for crowd control effects during combat encounters. Understanding how these elemental interactions complement each other is key to creating effective team compositions centered around maximizing Alhathim’s potential as the primary DPS character.

Balanced Team Composition

Creating a balanced team composition ensures that players can adapt effectively to different combat situations while leveraging Alhathim’s capabilities optimally. Including support characters proficient in healing and shield generation such as Diona or Zhongli adds durability and survivability to the team during challenging battles.

Integrating versatile sub-DPS characters capable of triggering diverse elemental reactions expands strategic options for dealing with enemy defenses more efficiently. Characters like Chongyun or Kaeya bring Cryo abilities into play which not only complement but also enhance certain aspects of Ahlathim’s kit, opening up new avenues for inflicting devastating damage upon adversaries through Frozen status effects coupled with precise physical strikes.

Advanced Combat Strategies for Mastering Alhaitham

Chaining Elemental Abilities

To maximize Alhaitham’s potential as a formidable main DPS in Genshin Impact, mastering the art of chaining his elemental abilities is crucial. Start by initiating combat with his plunging attack, followed by a swift transition to his rush attack. This sequence allows you to swiftly close the distance between enemies while dealing substantial damage. Once engaged, seamlessly integrate Alhaitham’s elemental skill, the projection attack, into your combo to unleash devastating area-of-effect damage on surrounding foes.

Alhaitham’s elemental burst, known as Foliar Incision, serves as the pinnacle of his offensive arsenal. To optimize its impact, strategically time its activation after executing a series of normal attacks and elemental skills. This ensures that your enemies are already weakened before being subjected to the full force of Foliar Incision’s immense power.

Utilizing Alhaitham’s abilities in rapid succession not only amplifies their individual effects but also creates synergistic interactions that culminate in overwhelming devastation for your adversaries.

Managing Energy Recharge

Efficient energy management is imperative when striving for consistent burst damage output with Alhaitham. Equipping him with artifacts that boost energy recharge rates significantly enhances his capacity to unleash successive bursts of powerful attacks and crowd control abilities.

Moreover, consider upgrading Alhaitham’s talent levels and weapon enhancements to further augment his energy regeneration capabilities. By prioritizing these aspects during character progression, you ensure that he remains an unstoppable force throughout prolonged engagements without succumbing to resource depletion.

Dodging and Positioning Techniques

Survivability plays a pivotal role in any battle scenario within Genshin Impact, especially when assuming the role of main DPS with characters like Alhaitham. Mastering evasive maneuvers such as dodging at precise moments enables you to evade incoming enemy assaults effectively while maintaining an advantageous position on the battlefield.

Leveraging environmental elements and obstacles strategically can provide temporary cover during intense skirmishes, affording valuable moments for repositioning or recuperation before resuming relentless offensives against your foes.

Crowd Control Mastery

Alhaitham possesses innate crowd control capabilities integral to dictating the flow of combat encounters. Utilize his projection attack judiciously to immobilize groups of adversaries momentarily while capitalizing on this window of opportunity by unleashing devastating follow-up assaults or coordinating team-wide offensive strategies tailored around exploiting their incapacitated state.

Furthermore, integrating supportive characters within your team composition from our previous discussion can amplify Alhaitham’s crowd control prowess through synergistic elemental reactions and complementary abilities from other characters’ kits.

Should You Pull for Alhaitham? Evaluating His Place in the Meta

Strengths and Weaknesses

Alhaitham boasts remarkable burst damage potential, making him a formidable force on the battlefield. His Elemental Burst, “Celestial Obliteration,” deals devastating AoE Geo DMG that can obliterate enemy shields and deal significant damage. His Elemental Skill, “Wings of War”, allows for swift repositioning during combat.

However, Alhaitham is not without weaknesses. His long cooldown periods may leave him vulnerable between bursts. Furthermore, as a polearm user with limited mobility outside of his skills’ activation range, he may struggle against agile opponents who can outmaneuver him.

In comparison to other characters in Genshin Impact, Alhaitham shines as an offensive powerhouse but falls short.

Fit into Team Compositions and Playstyle Preferences

When considering whether to pull for Alhaitham, players should evaluate how well he integrates into their existing team compositions and aligns with their preferred playstyles. For teams focused on dealing massive burst damage or breaking enemy shields quickly, Alhaitham can be a valuable addition due to his potent burst capabilities.

On the other hand, players favoring more versatile characters capable of providing consistent elemental reactions or support effects might find that Alhaitham’s skill set does not fully align with their preferences. It’s crucial to assess whether he complements your current roster and enhances your overall gameplay experience before deciding to invest resources in acquiring him.

Impact of Constellations

The impact of Alhaitham’s constellations on his viability in different game modes cannot be overlooked. Each constellation level unlocks enhancements that significantly improve his combat prowess and utility. For instance:

  • C1 (Stellar Rebirth) grants additional Energy regeneration.
  • C2 (Celestial Empowerment) increases the duration of Wings of War.
  • C6 (Heavenly Descent) provides bonus Geo DMG based on Max HP after using Celestial Obliteration.

These constellations elevate Alhaitham’s performance across various game modes such as Abyssal Domains and Spiral Abyss by amplifying his strengths or mitigating some of his weaknesses.

Community Opinions and Expert Reviews

To make an informed decision about pulling for Alhaitham, it is essential to consider community opinions and expert reviews within the Genshin Impact player base. Engaging with discussions on forums, social media platforms dedicated to gaming communities like Reddit or Discord channels specific to Genshin Impact can provide valuable insights from diverse perspectives.

Seeking out expert reviews from content creators known for their in-depth character analyses can offer comprehensive evaluations backed by extensive testing scenarios across different team compositions and game modes.

Conclusion: Unleashing Alhaitham’s Full Potential in Genshin Impact

Alhaitham emerges as a formidable force in Genshin Impact, showcasing a diverse set of elemental abilities and combat prowess. From understanding his strengths and weaknesses to optimizing his talent prioritization and team compositions, the journey to mastering Alhaitham is filled with strategic depth and rewarding gameplay. With the right weapons, artifacts, and constellations, players can unleash his full potential as a main DPS character, elevating their overall gaming experience.

For those seeking to dominate in Genshin Impact, embracing the intricacies of Alhaitham’s capabilities is key. As players delve into the world of Teyvat, they are encouraged to experiment with different builds and strategies to uncover the true extent of Alhaitham’s power. By staying informed about the latest updates and strategies, players can stay ahead of the curve and maximize their success in harnessing Alhaitham’s abilities.

Frequently Asked Questions


What are Alhaitham’s elemental abilities in Genshin Impact?

Alhaitham wields the Cryo element, enabling him to freeze enemies with his Elemental Skill and create a powerful area-of-effect cryo burst with his Elemental Burst. His abilities provide crowd control and damage potential.

How should I prioritize Alhaitham’s talents for maximum effectiveness?

Prioritize leveling up Alhaitham’s Normal Attack talent first, followed by his Elemental Burst and then his Elemental Skill. This sequence optimizes his overall damage output and utility in combat scenarios.

What are the best weapon choices to enhance Alhaitham’s performance?

Weapons like “Aquila Favonia,” “Primordial Jade Cutter,” or “The Black Sword” can significantly boost Alhaitham’s damage output due to their high base attack stats and beneficial passives that complement his playstyle.

What team compositions work well with Alhaitham as the main DPS character?

Pairing Alhaitham with characters who can trigger reactions such as Superconduct or Freeze, like Kaeya or Rosaria, enhances his crowd control capabilities. Including a healer like Bennett or Qiqi ensures sustained survivability during battles.

Should I pull for Alhaitham? How does he fare in the current meta of Genshin Impact?

Alhaitham excels as a Cryo DPS character, offering strong crowd control capabilities along with respectable single-target damage. In certain team compositions, especially those focused on reaction-based strategies, he proves to be a valuable addition despite not being considered top-tier in the current meta.