Genshin Impact Dehya: Ultimate Build Guide & Abilities

Background and Lore

Dehya is a powerful character in the popular game Genshin Impact. She hails from the nation of Sumeru, known for its scholarly pursuits and wisdom. As an Astrologist, Dehya possesses unique abilities that set her apart from other characters in the game. Her background ties into the rich lore of Genshin Impact, adding depth to the world-building aspect of the game. Players are drawn to learning about her origins and how she fits into the intricate narrative woven throughout Teyvat.

Dehya’s story intertwines with ancient prophecies and celestial knowledge, making her an enigmatic figure within Genshin Impact’s lore. Her connection to astrology and mystical forces adds a layer of mystique to her character, piquing players’ curiosity about her role in shaping Teyvat’s destiny. The allure of uncovering more about Dehya’s past and how it influences her present actions captivates players as they delve deeper into the immersive universe crafted by miHoYo.

The developers have intricately woven Dehya’s tale into various quests and events within Genshin Impact, providing players with glimpses into her history while leaving room for further exploration. Learning about Dehya not only offers insight into Sumeru’s culture but also sheds light on pivotal moments in Teyvat’s overarching storyline.

Unique Abilities

Dehya stands out due to unique abilities that make her a valuable addition to any player’s team composition. Her astrological powers enable players to harness elemental energy through different constellations, offering diverse gameplay mechanics that cater to various playstyles. Whether it’s unleashing powerful bursts of starlight or manipulating cosmic forces for crowd control, Dehya brings versatility and strategic depth to combat encounters.

Players appreciate how Dehya’s kit allows them to experiment with synergies between different elements, fostering engaging strategies during battles against formidable foes across Teyvat. Mastering her abilities presents a rewarding challenge for those seeking mastery over complex gameplay mechanics offered by this captivating character.

Player Appeal

The reasons behind why players are drawn towards using Dehya extend beyond just combat prowess; many are captivated by her compelling backstory alongside aesthetic appeal—her elegant design resonates with fans who appreciate attention-grabbing visuals combined with profound storytelling elements found within Genshin Impact.

Moreover, dedicated enthusiasts find joy in unraveling every facet of their favorite characters’ narratives through extensive exploration across Teyvat while piecing together fragments of lore scattered throughout hidden corners of this expansive open-world environment.

Overview of Dehya’s Role and Abilities

Dehya’s Role as a Main DPS Character

Dehya is an exceptional main DPS character in Genshin Impact, known for her remarkable potential in dealing high damage. Her swift and powerful attacks make her a formidable force on the battlefield. With her ability to unleash devastating elemental bursts, she excels at delivering sustained damage output, making her an ideal choice for players who prefer an aggressive playstyle.

Players can capitalize on Dehya’s impressive offensive capabilities by leveraging her unique talents and abilities to maximize their team’s overall combat effectiveness. Whether it’s taking down tough enemies or clearing out hordes of foes, Dehya shines as the primary source of damage in any party composition.

Her proficiency as a main DPS character makes her a popular choice among players seeking to dominate battles with sheer power and precision.

Exploring Dehya’s Elemental Abilities

Dehya wields the power of Pyro, allowing her to unleash scorching flames upon enemies. Her elemental skill “Blazing Fury” enables her to perform quick strikes that not only deal Pyro damage but also leave behind searing flames that continuously inflict harm upon nearby opponents.

Dehya possesses the ability to harness the intense heat of Pyro through her elemental burst “Inferno Assault.” This devastating attack engulfs surrounding adversaries in raging fire, dealing massive Pyro damage over time while bolstering Dehya’s own attack strength.

By strategically utilizing these elemental abilities during combat encounters, players can exploit enemy weaknesses and create potent synergies with other characters possessing complementary elements such as Electro or Hydro. This strategic approach enhances both offensive capabilities and crowd control within battle scenarios.

Learning About Dehya’s Passive Talents

Dehya boasts several passive talents that significantly enhance her overall performance on the battlefield. One of these talents is “Phoenix Ascendant,” which increases the duration of Blazing Fury by 40%, extending its lingering effect on enemies and amplifying its damaging potential.

Another passive talent possessed by this fiery warrior is “Eternal Flame,” granting all party members a 15% increase in attack when affected by Blazing Fury effects — further empowering the entire team during combative situations where sustained offense is crucial for victory.

Furthermore, “Firestarter” stands as another notable passive talent possessed by Dehay that reduces stamina consumption for sprinting while under Blazing Fury effects — providing increased mobility when navigating across expansive environments or engaging in fast-paced skirmishes against adversaries.

Dehya Build Guide for Main DPS

When building Dehya as the main DPS character in Genshin Impact, it’s crucial to focus on maximizing her damage output. To achieve this, prioritize equipping her with artifacts and weapons that enhance her Pyro abilities. Look for artifacts that boost Pyro damage bonus, attack percentage, and crit rate or crit damage.

For the artifact set, consider using the Crimson Witch of Flames, which provides a significant increase in Pyro damage. This set pairs well with Dehya’s elemental abilities and ensures she can deal substantial Pyro damage consistently.

Optimal Stat Priorities

To optimize Dehya’s performance as a main DPS character, prioritize stats that amplify her Pyro DMG. The ideal artifact main stats include Pyro Damage Bonus on the circlet, Attack Percentage on the sands, and either Crit Rate or Crit Damage on the goblet depending on which stat needs improvement.

When selecting substats for artifacts, aim for those that enhance critical hits (Crit Rate and Crit Damage), increase ATK%, and improve Energy Recharge to ensure she can unleash her powerful elemental burst frequently.

As for weapons, choose ones that complement Dehya’s role as a main DPS character by providing additional Pyro damage or boosting critical hit rates. Weapons like “Wine and Song” or “The Catch” are excellent choices due to their ability to enhance both attack power and Elemental Burst potential.

Leveling Up Talents

Leveling up Dehya’s talents is essential to unlock her full potential as a main DPS character. Her normal attack talent should be prioritized first since it directly impacts her basic attacks’ effectiveness—increasing both its level cap and enhancing its overall strength significantly boosts her sustained damage output during combat.

Next comes leveling up Dehya’s Elemental Skill (Trail of Embers) to augment its base DMG while decreasing cooldown time enhances both its utility in combat scenarios where frequent use is necessary.

Finally, focusing on increasing the level of Dehya’s Elemental Burst (Eruption) will substantially elevate its AoE capabilities while also bolstering overall pyro DMG contribution over time.

Selecting the Best Weapons for Dehya

Weapon Options

When choosing weapons for Dehya in Genshin Impact, it’s essential to consider her playstyle. As a character who excels at unleashing roaring barrage, players should explore various weapon options that complement this ability. Swords, claymores, and polearms are all viable choices for Dehya.

Dehya’s swift attacks make swords an attractive option as they can amplify her attack speed and provide additional benefits such as increased damage or healing effects. Claymores are another strong choice due to their high base attack values, which can further enhance the power of Dehya’s charged attacks. Polearms offer extended reach and unique abilities that synergize well with Dehya’s playstyle.

Each weapon type has its own set of advantages when paired with barrageunleashing roaring barrage-focused characters like Dehya. Players should carefully evaluate these options based on their preferred combat style and overall team composition.

Pros and Cons of Different Weapon Choices

To maximize Dehya’s damage, players must weigh the pros and cons of each weapon type available to her. Swords provide agility and swiftness but may lack the raw power offered by claymores. On the other hand, while claymores deliver substantial damage output, they might compromise on attack speed compared to swords.

Polearms offer a balanced approach by combining moderate attack speed with respectable damage potential. However, some polearm abilities may not directly contribute to maximizing barrageunleashing roaring barrage efficiency.

Considering these factors is crucial in determining which weapon will best suit Dehya’s combat capabilities in Genshin Impact. It’s important for players to assess their priorities regarding attack speed, raw damage output, and overall synergy with Dehya’s elemental abilities before making a decision.

Availability and Accessibility

In addition to evaluating each weapon type’s strengths and weaknesses, players should also take into account the availability and accessibility of different weapons for Dehya in Genshin Impact. Some weapons may be easier to obtain through game events or specific wish banners than others.

For example:

  • The “Lithic Blade” sword offers excellent synergy with characters from Liyue.
  • The “Serpent Spine” claymore provides a significant boost in critical rate at the cost of taking periodic damage.
  • The “Dragonspine Spear” polearm grants bonuses when exploring Dragonspine.

Players need to consider whether they have access to certain weapons or if they are willing to invest resources into obtaining them through wishes or other means within the game.

Choosing the Right Artifacts for Dehya

Artifact Sets

Selecting the right artifacts is crucial. The artifact sets that complement her abilities and boost her overall performance are essential. For example, equipping Dehya with the “Emblem of Severed Fate” artifact set can significantly enhance her Elemental Burst damage. This set increases all party members’ Elemental Burst DMG by 25% after using an Elemental Burst.

Another suitable artifact set for Dehya is the “Shimenawa’s Reminiscence.” This set boosts attack by 18%. When casting an Elemental Skill, if the character has less than 15 Energy, they gain 30% Energy Recharge for ten seconds.

Lastly, consider the “Tenacity of the Millelith” artifact set. It increases shield strength by 20%, and when protected by a shield created through Crystallize or Shield-based characters within your own party will increase Attack DMG by 4%.

Importance of Substats

Understanding the importance of substats on artifacts is vital as they can further enhance Dehya’s effectiveness in battles. Substats such as Crit Rate, Crit Damage, Energy Recharge, and ATK% play a significant role in optimizing Dehya’s performance.

For instance, having artifacts with high Crit Rate and Crit Damage substats can greatly increase Dehya’s damage output during battles. Similarly, focusing on Energy Recharge substats ensures that she can use her Elemental Burst more frequently.

Consider different combinations based on your playstyle and team composition to maximize Dehya’s potential in combat scenarios.

Customized Artifact Combinations

Customizing artifact combinations based on your preferred playstyle and team composition allows you to tailor Dehya’s build according to specific requirements.
For example:

  • If you prefer a more aggressive approach focused on dealing massive damage with Dehya’s charged attacks and elemental abilities:
  • Prioritize artifacts that boost ATK%, Electro DMG Bonus%, and provide high energy recharge.
  • Alternatively,
  • If your team composition revolves around creating shields or support roles,
  • Focus on increasing shield strength through artifacts while also enhancing other relevant stats like HP%.

Ascension and Talent Materials for Dehya

Ascension Materials

To ascend Dehya to higher levels and bolster her base stats, players will need specific materials. These materials vary depending on Dehya’s current level and ascension phase. For example, ascending from level 1 to 20 may require Vayuda Turquoise Sliver, while reaching level 40 could call for Vayuda Turquoise Fragment.

Ascension materials can be obtained through various means such as boss drops, weekly bosses, or by exploring the world of Teyvat. Players should plan ahead and gather these materials in advance to avoid any delays in leveling up Dehya.

Players must also keep an eye on the domains that drop the required ascension materials for Dehya, ensuring they are well-prepared when it comes time to ascend her further.

Obtaining these essential ascension materials efficiently requires strategic planning and resource management. It is crucial for players to understand where each material can be found within the game world so they can optimize their gameplay experience.

Talent Level-Up Materials

In addition to ascending characters, enhancing their talents is equally important in maximizing their potential. To unlock new abilities and improve existing ones for Dehya, players will need specific talent level-up materials.

For instance, increasing Dehya’s Normal Attack talent might necessitate teachings of resistance alongside other items like treasure hoarder insignias or silver raven insignias. Understanding which enemies drop these items is crucial for efficient farming.

Moreover, certain character-specific books are needed to upgrade Dehya’s Elemental Burst or Skill talents. These books can typically be acquired from specific domains available within Genshin Impact’s open-world environment.

Efficient Material Gathering

Planning ahead is key. By understanding where these resources can be found within the game world, players can streamline their efforts towards gathering them without unnecessary waste of time or energy.

One efficient method involves utilizing interactive maps designed by the community that pinpoint exact locations of valuable resources related to character progression such as ascension crystals or monster drops.

Understanding Dehya’s Elemental Skills and Bursts

Elemental Skills

Dehya’s elemental skill is called “Indomitable Flamethis.” When activated, she summons a spirit that deals Pyro damage to nearby enemies. This skill can be utilized in various combat scenarios, such as crowd control or dealing damage to multiple foes at once. The skill leaves behind a field that continuously deals Pyro damage to enemies within its range.

Dehya’s elemental skill also provides an opportunity for strategic gameplay. For instance, when facing multiple opponents, players can use her elemental skill to create a fiery area of effect (AoE) on the battlefield. This can help control enemy movements and deal consistent damage over time.

Moreover, by timing the activation of Dehya’s elemental skill, players can effectively synchronize it with other characters’ abilities to trigger powerful elemental reactions. For example, combining her Pyro-based skills with Electro abilities from another character can result in Overloaded reactions, dealing additional AoE damage to enemies.

In addition to these strategies, Dehya’s elemental skill offers versatility in team compositions due to its ability to apply consistent Pyro status effects on enemies. This makes her an excellent choice for creating elemental reaction chains and maximizing overall team synergy during combat encounters.

Burst Ability

Dehya possesses a potent burst ability known as “Flamethis.” Upon activation, she unleashes intense flames that deal continuous Pyro damage over time while moving freely across the battlefield. The unique aspect of this burst is its mobility feature which allows Dehya to continue attacking while evading enemy attacks simultaneously.

Furthermore, understanding the intricacies of timing and positioning is crucial when utilizing Dehya’s burst ability effectively in combat scenarios. Players need to consider factors such as enemy movement patterns and attack animations when activating her burst ability for maximum impact on both damage output and survivability during battles.

When combined with other characters’ abilities or bursts that complement Pyro elements—such as Hydro or Cryo—the synergy created by these combinations results in devastating elemental reactions like Vaporize or Melt which significantly amplifies overall team effectiveness against adversaries.

Advanced Strategies

To maximize the impact of Dehya’s elemental skills and bursts during combat encounters requires advanced strategies based on precise timing and coordination within teams.
Players should aim at syncing up their characters’ abilities strategically so they align with each other perfectly.
For example:

  • Utilizing Dehya’s flamethrower-like burst after applying Hydro status effects using another character triggers Vaporize—an immensely powerful reaction causing massive bonus vaporized DMG.
  • Coordinating Indomitable Flamethis field along with Geo constructs laid out by another character leads towards crystallization—a defensive strategy providing shields against incoming attacks.

Analyzing Dehya’s Strengths and Weaknesses

Evaluating Dehya’s Strengths

Dehya excels in delivering high burst damage due to her powerful elemental burst, which can deal significant damage to enemies. Her versatility allows her to fit into various team compositions, making her a valuable asset in different scenarios. With the ability to adapt and synergize with other characters, she becomes a formidable force on the battlefield.

Her normal attack sequence is swift and impactful, allowing her to unleash consistent damage output when not relying on her elemental abilities. This ensures that she remains effective even when her bursts are on cooldown or when facing enemies resistant to certain elements.

Dehya possesses an impressive crit rate, enabling her attacks to critically strike more frequently than other characters. This feature further enhances her overall damage potential, making every blow count during combat encounters.

Identifying Dehya’s Weaknesses

Despite these strengths, Dehya has notable weaknesses that players need to consider. One of these weaknesses is her reliance on energy recharge for consistently unleashing powerful elemental bursts. Without sufficient energy recharge support from teammates or artifacts, she may struggle to maintain a high level of offensive output throughout prolonged battles.

Moreover, while being proficient against many enemy types, Dehya is vulnerable against specific foes who possess resistance or immunity against certain elements. This vulnerability requires players to strategize and adjust their approach when facing such adversaries in order to maximize Dehya’s effectiveness in combat situations.

Understanding How To Mitigate Weaknesses and Capitalize on Strengths

To mitigate the challenges posed by energy recharge dependency, players can equip artifacts that enhance this aspect of Dehya’s gameplay. By prioritizing energy recharge stats through artifact selection and set bonuses tailored for this purpose, players can ensure that she has access to frequent elemental bursts without interruptions during battles.

Furthermore, understanding enemy weaknesses and resistances becomes crucial when utilizing Dehya effectively in combat encounters. Players should be mindful of enemy types they are about encounter; if they have resistance against Pyro attacks (Dehya’s element), it might be prudent for players either switch out character or adopt alternative strategies such as applying crowd control effects before executing powerful attacks with Deyha.

Forming Effective Teams with Dehya

Synergistic Team Compositions

When forming teams with Dehya, it’s crucial to consider synergistic team compositions that can maximize her abilities. Pairing her with characters who can trigger elemental reactions is essential for enhancing overall damage output. Characters like Xingqiu and Mona are excellent choices due to their ability to apply Hydro status, which synergizes well with Dehya’s Electro abilities. This combination not only inflicts additional damage but also provides crowd control by applying the Electro-Charged effect on enemies.

Including a character like Sucrose in the team composition can further amplify Dehya’s effectiveness. Sucrose’s Anemo abilities enable her to group enemies together, creating opportunities for more efficient use of Dehya’s AoE (Area of Effect) attacks. This synergy allows for better crowd control and maximizes the impact of Dehya’s skills during combat scenarios.

Moreover, characters such as Fischl or Beidou complement Dehya’s playstyle by providing consistent Electro application through their skills or bursts. Their presence ensures a steady supply of energy particles that contribute to maintaining constant uptime on Dehya’s powerful Elemental Burst ability.

Support Roles for Energy Regeneration

In addition to considering elemental synergies, it is vital to include support characters in the team setup that specialize in energy regeneration. Characters like Bennett and Albedo are valuable additions due to their abilities’ capacity for generating energy particles at a high rate.

Bennett’s burst not only heals allies but also provides an energy boost upon activation, ensuring that Dehya has access to her burst consistently throughout battles. Similarly, Albedo’s Transient Blossoms generate abundant geo-energy particles when his skill is utilized effectively within the team composition.

Furthermore, incorporating characters like Diona or Zhongli into the lineup offers benefits beyond healing and shielding capabilities; they provide significant assistance in managing Dehya’s energy consumption, enabling her sustained offensive presence during prolonged engagements.

Crowd Control Considerations

Considering roles focused on crowd control within the team composition enhances Dehyas’ effectiveness, especially when facing multiple opponents simultaneously. Characters such as Venti excel at controlling enemy movements through his Anemo abilities while creating opportunities for uninterrupted execution of Dehyas’ powerful attacks against grouped adversaries.

Another effective choice would be including characters like Kazuha or Jean whose Anemo-based skills possess crowd-controlling properties capable of grouping enemies together or launching them into vulnerable positions—allowing maximum utilization of Dehyas’ area-of-effect capabilities.

Optimizing Dehya’s Constellations and Talents

Dehya’s Constellations

Dehya’s constellations are crucial for enhancing her abilities at different levels. Each constellation unlocks new effects, improving her overall performance in combat. For example, unlocking the first constellation “Light Guiding Tetrahedron” increases the level of the skill “Single Fiery Sanctum Field” by 3, boosting its damage output. As you progress through her constellations, you’ll notice significant improvements in her skills and capabilities.

Investing in Dehya’s constellations strategically can greatly enhance her effectiveness in battle. Prioritize unlocking constellations that directly impact her key abilities or provide substantial utility to your team composition. By focusing on specific constellations, such as those that increase damage or improve supportive effects, you can tailor Dehya to suit your preferred playstyle and team synergy.

Unlocking a constellation requires dedication and resources but offers valuable benefits that significantly augment Dehya’s role within your party. Carefully consider which constellation upgrades align with your gameplay preferences and objectives before investing resources into them.

Leveling Up Talents

Prioritizing certain ones can further improve Dehya’s damage output and utility during battles. Focus on leveling up talents such as “Single Fiery Sanctum Field” to maximize its potential impact on enemies while supporting your other active characters.

By allocating resources towards increasing talent levels associated with essential skills like “Single Fiery Sanctum Field,” you empower Dehya to fulfill a more specialized role within your party composition. This strategic approach ensures that she remains a formidable force capable of contributing significantly to combat scenarios.

Strategically planning how you allocate resources for talent upgrades is crucial for maximizing their efficiency across various game modes and challenges. Consider the balance between enhancing offensive capabilities through increased damage output and reinforcing supportive aspects tied to healing or protective effects based on your team dynamics’ requirements.

Resource Planning

Planning wisely. Assess the immediate benefits offered by each upgrade against long-term advantages they provide within diverse gameplay situations.

Carefully manage resource distribution by evaluating which upgrades offer the most substantial enhancements aligned with your desired playstyle and party synergy goals when making decisions about upgrading constellations or talents related to Dehya specifically.

Efficient Farming Locations for Dehya’s Materials

Specific Farming Locations

To obtain the necessary materials for ascending and leveling up Dehya efficiently, players can primarily focus on specific locations within the game. For example, to acquire Whopperflower Nectar, players can head to Stormterror’s Lair where Whopperflowers are abundant. Similarly, for Dew of Repudiation, they can explore areas such as Sal Terrae in Inazuma. This targeted approach helps in streamlining the farming process and ensures that players collect the required materials without unnecessary detours.

Players may also consider exploring domains or boss fights that have a higher drop rate for Dehya’s materials. For instance, confronting elite opponents like Maguu Kenki or Azhdaha might yield better results when aiming to gather specific ascension materials for Dehya. By targeting these locations strategically, players can efficiently farm the necessary resources without spending excessive time wandering around aimlessly.

Exploring different regions and understanding which enemies drop specific materials is crucial when farming for Dehya’s requirements. For example, hunting down Ruin Sentinels in various regions could be beneficial if they drop essential items needed for ascending Dehya.

Optimizing Farming Runs

Optimizing farming runs involves planning efficient routes and strategies to minimize travel time while maximizing material collection. Players should plan their routes based on proximity between different resource nodes and enemy spawn points. By doing so, they can avoid unnecessary backtracking and ensure a smoother farming experience.

Utilizing characters with exploration-enhancing abilities such as Venti or Kazuha can help cover larger areas more quickly due to their Anemo-based skills enabling swift traversal across terrains. Moreover, employing characters with high damage output or crowd control abilities enables quicker dispatching of enemies during farming runs, saving valuable time and effort.

Furthermore, coordinating co-op gameplay with friends or other players allows individuals to divide tasks among themselves during material gathering expeditions. This collaborative approach not only makes farming more efficient but also adds an element of social interaction within the game.

Events and Limited-time Opportunities

Staying updated on events or limited-time opportunities is essential when aiming to gather Dehya‘s materials more easily. Certain events offer increased drop rates for specific ascension materials related to new characters like Dehya as part of their rewards system—participating in these events during their duration provides an excellent chance to stockpile essential resources efficiently.

Moreover, keeping an eye out for special event shops offering discounted prices on character ascension materials allows players to procure them at reduced costs compared to regular methods of acquisition through exploration or combat encounters.

Evaluating the Worth of Pulling for Dehya

Assessing Value

When deciding whether to spend in-game currency or real money on acquiring Genshin Impact’s Dehya, it’s crucial to assess her value. Consider factors such as your current team composition, playstyle preferences, and the availability of other characters. If you have a team that lacks a powerful healer, especially one with supportive abilities like Dehya’s, pulling for her could significantly enhance your gameplay experience. Moreover, if you enjoy playing support roles and appreciate characters with unique healing mechanics, then adding Dehya to your roster might be highly valuable.

On the other hand, if you already have a strong healer or numerous characters who can fulfill similar roles within your team composition, spending resources on obtaining Dehya may not be as beneficial. It’s essential to evaluate whether she brings something new and indispensable to your gameplay style before investing in acquiring her through wishes or banners.

Furthermore, considering the availability of other characters is important when assessing the worth of pulling for Dehya. If there are upcoming character releases that better suit your playstyle or fill gaps in your current roster more effectively than she does, it might be prudent to save resources for those future opportunities instead.

Weighing Potential Benefits

Weighing the potential benefits of adding Dehya to your roster against the resources required to obtain her is critical in making an informed decision. For instance, if you lack a Cryo character with crowd control abilities and see potential synergy between Dehya and existing members of your team (such as enabling elemental reactions), this could indicate high value in pursuing her acquisition.

Moreover,**consider how much impact having Dehay would bring compared with alternatives available at different prices. This includes thinking about how much time it takes farming materials versus earning money needed for purchases within game systems.

Additionally,**the potential benefits extend beyond just combat prowess; consider any story implications surrounding Dehay too!

Lastly,**weigh up all these factors against what else players want from their gaming experiences: do they care most about winning battles? Or maybe they’re looking forward more towards enjoying narrative elements?


In conclusion, mastering Dehya in Genshin Impact requires a strategic approach to building her as a main DPS character. From selecting the best weapons and artifacts to understanding her elemental skills and forming effective teams, every decision plays a crucial role in optimizing her potential. By evaluating her strengths and weaknesses and considering efficient farming locations for her materials, players can make informed choices when investing in Dehya.

For players seeking to enhance their Genshin Impact gameplay with Dehya, applying the insights from this guide will be instrumental in maximizing her effectiveness within the game.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Dehya a 5-star character in Genshin Impact?

Yes, Dehya is a 5-star Geo character in Genshin Impact. She wields a polearm and excels as a main DPS with her powerful elemental abilities.

The recommended weapons for Dehya’s main DPS build include the Primordial Jade Winged-Spear, Staff of Homa, and Lithic Spear. These weapons complement her playstyle and maximize her damage output.

How can players optimize Dehya’s constellations and talents?

Players can optimize Dehya’s constellations by focusing on increasing her damage potential through constellation upgrades. Enhancing her talents such as “Boulder Blade” and “Max Rock ‘n’ Roll” will significantly boost her performance.

What are some efficient farming locations for obtaining materials specific to Dehya?

Players can efficiently farm materials for Dehya from domains like the Hidden Palace of Zhou Formula and Ridge Watch. These locations offer essential ascension and talent materials required to enhance Dehya’s abilities.

Should players consider pulling for Dehya in Genshin Impact?

Considering her exceptional combat prowess as a Geo polearm user, players who prioritize building diverse teams or enjoy playing with unique characters may find it worthwhile to pull for Dehya. However, individual player preferences should also be considered before making this decision.