Qiqi Genshin Impact: Ultimate Guide to Builds & Abilities

Qiqi, a Cryo-based character in Genshin Impact, is renowned for her healing abilities. As a 4-star character, she captivates players with her unique backstory as a zombie infused with the power of revival. In the game’s Wish system, players have the opportunity to obtain Qiqi and harness her exceptional skills within their gameplay experience.

Overview of Qiqi’s Abilities and Role

Elemental Skill: Adeptus Art – Herald of Frost

Qiqi, a character in Genshin Impact, fulfills the crucial role of a primary healer within the game. Her Elemental Skill, known as Adeptus Art: Herald of Frost, serves a dual purpose. It not only inflicts Cryo damage on enemies but also provides healing to nearby allies. This unique ability allows Qiqi to actively contribute to both offensive and defensive strategies during battles.

The versatility of Qiqi’s Elemental Skill makes her an invaluable asset in team compositions where sustained healing is essential for survival. By dealing Cryo damage while simultaneously offering healing support, she ensures that her team remains healthy while engaging in combat. For instance, when facing enemies vulnerable to Cryo attacks, Qiqi can effectively deal damage while ensuring that her teammates receive continuous healing.

A key aspect of utilizing Qiqi’s abilities lies in strategically positioning her within the party formation. Placing her close enough to allies who require healing ensures that they benefit from the effects of Adeptus Art: Herald of Frost consistently throughout battles. Players must learn to balance offense and defense by timing the activation of this skill based on their team’s health status and enemy encounters.

Elemental Burst: Adeptus Art – Preserver of Fortune

Qiqi further solidifies her role as a primary healer through her powerful Elemental Burst called Adeptus Art: Preserver of Fortune. Upon activation, this ability creates an Area-of-Effect (AoE) healing effect, significantly boosting the overall survivability of the entire party. Moreover, it converts normal and charged attacks performed by teammates into additional sources of healing.

This exceptional capability transforms offensive actions into opportunities for recovery, allowing players to maintain their health levels even amidst intense combat scenarios. For example, when engaged in prolonged boss fights or challenging domains within Genshin Impact dungeons, activating Adeptus Art: Preserver of Fortune enables players to sustain themselves through consistent use of attacking maneuvers without solely relying on traditional forms of direct healing.

Strategically incorporating Qiqi’s Elemental Burst into gameplay involves understanding the ebb and flow of battle dynamics; knowing when best to trigger this ability can make all the difference between success and failure during arduous encounters with formidable opponents.

Synergies with Teammates

In addition to showcasing Qiqi’s individual abilities and roles within Genshin Impact’s gameplay mechanics,
it is imperative to recognize her synergistic potential when paired with other characters.
For instance,
when teamed up with characters capable
of triggering reactions such as Melt or Superconduct,
Qiqi can amplify their effects while simultaneously providing vital healing support.
her AoE healing effect from Adeptus Art:
Preserver of Fortune enhances the overall sustainability
of teams composed
of melee-oriented characters that require closer proximity to enemies for optimal damage output.

Qiqi’s Ascension and Talent Development

Ascending Qiqi

Ascending Qiqi is crucial for increasing her level cap and unlocking new abilities. This process requires specific materials, including Violetgrass and Hoarfrost Cores. By gathering these resources, players can ascend Qiqi to enhance her overall performance in the game.

In Genshin Impact, ascending characters like Qiqi is essential for maximizing their potential. As she ascends, her stats improve, making her more effective in battles and challenges. Each ascension unlocks new abilities or upgrades existing ones, providing players with a significant advantage when using Qiqi in their party.

Ascension also allows players to reach higher levels with their characters. In the case of Qiqi, this means increased base stats and improved scaling on her abilities as she gains levels beyond the previous cap.

Talent Development

Talent development plays a pivotal role in enhancing Qiqi’s effectiveness in combat scenarios. Players can focus on leveling up Qiqi’s skills such as her Elemental Skill and Burst through talent development. By investing resources into these talents, players can significantly boost Qiqi’s performance during battles.

Improving Qiqi’s talents directly impacts her ability to heal allies effectively while dealing damage to enemies simultaneously. For instance, upgrading her Elemental Skill “Herald of Frost” increases its healing potency and provides additional benefits such as reducing opponents’ Cryo RES (Resistance) over time.

Players must strategically allocate resources towards developing Qiqi’s talents based on their preferred playstyle or team composition. Whether prioritizing healing capabilities or offensive prowess, talent development empowers players to customize how they utilize Qiqis unique skill set within the game.

Material Requirements

Acquiring specific materials is vital for both ascending QiqI and developing her talents effectively within Genshin Impact.

  • Violetgrass: This resource is essential for ascending characters like QIQI, requiring players to explore Liyue region carefully.
  • Hoarfrost Cores: These cores are necessary for ascending certain characters like qIQI, obtained from defeating Cryo Regisvines found across Dragonspine.
  • Teachings of Prosperity: These books are needed for improving qIQI’s talent levels efficiently.

Best Weapons for Qiqi’s Builds

The Sacrificial Sword

The Sacrificial Sword stands out as an exceptional choice for enhancing Qiqi’s combat effectiveness in Genshin Impact. This weapon possesses the unique ability to reset her Elemental Skill cooldown, enabling her to use it more frequently during battles. By resetting the cooldown, Qiqi can unleash rapid sword strikes and heal allies more often, making her a valuable asset in team compositions focused on sustainability and survivability.

The Sacrificial Sword not only complements Qiqi’s healing capabilities but also synergizes well with her playstyle. With this weapon equipped, she can consistently provide support by rapidly triggering her Elemental Skill and ensuring that healing is readily available whenever needed. In challenging encounters or domains where sustained healing is crucial, the ability to reset the cooldown of Qiqi’s Elemental Skill proves invaluable in maintaining the party’s health pool.

When facing enemies with powerful debuffs or crowd control effects, having access to frequent healing from Qiqi becomes even more vital. The Sacrificial Sword empowers players to leverage Qiqi’s healing potential optimally by allowing them to manage challenging situations through consistent application of restorative abilities.

Other Viable Options

Apart from the Sacrificial Sword, several other weapons offer distinct advantages when wielded by Qiqi in Genshin Impact. One such option is the Favonius Sword, renowned for its energy regeneration capability. Equipping this sword enables Qiqi to generate elemental particles swiftly, contributing to faster recharge rates for her Burst ability while facilitating continuous support for her team members.

Another notable alternative is the Aquila Favonia, which enhances damage output and provides additional survivability benefits. When utilized by Qiqi, this weapon amplifies both offensive and defensive aspects of her kit, empowering players to deliver potent attacks while simultaneously bolstering their resilience against enemy assaults.

In various scenarios where maximizing damage output becomes a priority alongside sustaining effective recovery mechanics, selecting suitable weapons like the Aquila Favonia allows players to optimize their approach based on specific combat requirements within Genshin Impact.

Balancing Utility and Offense

When evaluating different weapon options for enhancing Qiqi’s performance in Genshin Impact, it is essential to strike a balance between utility and offense based on individual playstyles and team dynamics. While prioritizing weapons that augment healing capabilities remains pivotal for leveraging Qiqi’s supportive role effectively,
players should also consider incorporating weapons that contribute towards increasing damage potential without compromising on essential restorative functions.
By equipping appropriate weaponry tailored towards reinforcing both defensive attributes and offensive prowess,
players can ensure that each aspect of their character’s build harmonizes seamlessly with diverse combat demands across various game modes.

Optimal Artifacts for Qiqi’s Healer Role

Maiden Beloved Set

The Maiden Beloved set stands out as the optimal choice for maximizing Qiqi’s healing potential. This artifact set enhances her ability to support the team by significantly boosting her healing effectiveness. The 2-piece bonus increases healing bonus, while the 4-piece bonus provides a substantial boost to healing effectiveness when using Qiqi’s Elemental Skill, Preserving Talisman.

This means that equipping Qiqi with the Maiden Beloved set allows her to heal more efficiently, making her an invaluable asset in sustaining the team during challenging battles. The enhanced healing provided by this artifact set can be crucial for keeping characters alive and ensuring their continued contribution to combat scenarios.

Another notable advantage of the Maiden Beloved set is its compatibility with various team compositions and playstyles, making it a versatile choice for supporting different strategies and party setups in Genshin Impact.

Energy Recharge Benefits

In addition to maximizing Qiqi’s healing capabilities, other artifact sets such as Exile or Scholar can provide significant benefits in terms of energy recharge. These sets enable Qiqi to generate energy more rapidly, leading to more frequent usage of her Elemental Burst, which further contributes to maintaining sustained heals and providing Cryo application on enemies.

By incorporating these energy recharge-focused artifacts into Qiqi’s build, players can ensure that she has access to her abilities at critical moments throughout battles. This not only amplifies her supportive role but also adds flexibility in managing elemental reactions within a team composition.

Furthermore, prioritizing energy recharge through artifacts like Exile or Scholar complements certain weapon choices mentioned in the previous section (Best Weapons for Qiqi’s Builds), creating synergistic combinations that enhance both offensive and supportive aspects of Qiqi’s role within a party.

Understanding Qiqi’s Elemental Skill and Burst

Elemental Skill

Qiqi’s elemental skill summons a Herald of Frost that deals cryo damage and heals nearby allies over time. When activated, the Herald of Frost will follow Qiqi around for a duration, dealing cryo damage to enemies it comes into contact with. Simultaneously, it also provides continuous healing to nearby allies.

The versatility of Qiqi’s elemental skill makes her an invaluable asset in combat scenarios. For instance, when facing off against enemies vulnerable to cryo damage, such as water-based opponents or those affected by hydro status effects like freezing or wetness, Qiqi can strategically deploy her elemental skill to deal consistent cryo damage while simultaneously providing healing support.

Another advantage of using her elemental skill is its ability to provide sustained healing over time. This allows teammates to remain in close proximity to Qiqi and receive continuous health regeneration during prolonged battles or challenging encounters where constant healing is crucial for survival.

The combination of dealing cryo damage and providing healing creates opportunities for team strategies that capitalize on both offense and defense simultaneously. For example, pairing Qiqi with characters who can take advantage of enemy reactions caused by cryo attacks (such as freezing) can lead to powerful crowd control tactics.

Elemental Burst

Qiqi’s elemental burst creates an AoE (Area of Effect) healing effect while converting normal/charged attacks into healing for teammates within the area. Upon activation, this burst ability generates a field that continuously heals all friendly characters standing within its range.

Furthermore, beyond just offering immediate restoration through the AoE effect upon casting her elemental burst ability, Qiqi‘s ultimate move also converts normal and charged attacks from herself and other party members within the field into additional sources of healing for all affected allies.

This unique mechanic effectively transforms offensive actions into supportive ones during battle situations where sustaining health becomes critical. By utilizing this feature strategically alongside well-timed attacks from multiple party members inside the AoE field created by her elemental burst ability ensures consistent recovery throughout extended engagements.


  • Her Elemental Skill offers both offensive capabilities through Cryo Damage.
  • It provides substantial support via continuous heal-over-time effects.
  • The Elemental Burst amplifies these benefits by converting attacking moves into additional sources of group-wide recovery.

Exploring Qiqi’s Passive Skills

Life-Prolonging Methods

Qiqi’s passive skills are crucial to her role as an active character. Her “Life-Prolonging Methods” passive skill enhances the effectiveness of her healing abilities. This means that when she uses her elemental skill, Adeptus Art: Herald of Frost, or her burst, Preserver of Fortune, the healing effect is more potent. For example, when Qiqi triggers a Cryo reaction with other characters’ abilities or bursts, the amount of HP restored to your party members increases significantly due to this passive skill.

Qiqi can keep your team healthy for longer periods during battles because of this enhanced healing effect. It allows you to rely on her for sustained support in challenging encounters where keeping your characters’ HP high is essential.

A Glimpse into Arcanum

Another one of Qiqi’s passive skills is “A Glimpse into Arcanum,” which reduces the stamina consumption of all party members by 20% when climbing. This reduction in stamina consumption can be particularly useful when exploring high cliffs and mountains in the game world. For instance, if you need to climb up a tall structure to reach a hidden chest or complete a puzzle challenge within a limited time frame, having Qiqi in your party can make these tasks less demanding on your characters’ stamina reserves.

This passive skill enables smoother traversal across various terrains without constantly worrying about running out of stamina while climbing. It provides practical benefits during exploration and helps conserve resources for other actions such as sprinting and dodging during combat encounters.

Former Life Memories

Qiqi’s third passive skill is “Former Life Memories,” which unlocks at Ascension 4 and grants a chance for characters within the AoE (Area-of-Effect) generated by heralds left by Herald of Frost’s last attack (either after normal attacks or charged attacks) to gain healing effects that correspond to 50% of Qiqi’s ATK stat. This means that not only does she provide direct healing through her elemental burst but also indirectly supports other characters with additional healing capabilities based on her own attack power.

Synergizing Team Compositions with Qiqi

Elemental Reactions

Qiqi’s Cryo abilities make her an excellent choice for synergizing with characters who can trigger elemental reactions. For example, when paired with Diluc, a character who deals Pyro damage, the combination of Cryo and Pyro elements creates Melt reactions, dealing increased damage. This synergy allows players to maximize their team’s damage output by strategically pairing Qiqi with characters that complement her Cryo abilities.

When combined with characters like Fischl, whose Electro attacks can trigger Superconduct reactions, Qiqi becomes an integral part of a team focused on reducing the physical resistance of enemies. The Superconduct reaction not only deals AoE (area of effect) Cryo damage but also decreases the target’s physical resistance, making it easier for the entire team to deal more damage.

Pairing Qiqi’s abilities with those of Chongyun or Xingqiu offers additional strategic benefits. Chongyun’s ability to convert normal attacks into Cryo attacks complements Qiqi’s own Cryo abilities and enhances their freezing effects. Meanwhile, Xingqiu’s Hydro abilities can work in tandem with Qiqi to create powerful freeze or shatter effects against enemies.

Strategic Team Building

In Genshin Impact, building a successful team requires careful consideration of each character’s strengths and how they complement one another. When incorporating Qiqi into a team composition, players should prioritize characters that can capitalize on her Cryo abilities through elemental synergies.

By including characters like Diluc or Fischl alongside Qiqi in their teams, players gain access to potent elemental reactions that enhance their overall combat effectiveness. These combinations allow players to exploit enemy weaknesses while maximizing their party’s offensive capabilities.

Strategic team building also involves considering each character’s role within the party. For instance, while Diluc excels at dealing high single-target Pyro damage as a main DPS (damage per second) dealer, Fischl may serve as a secondary DPS option due to her consistent Electro-based attacks and Oz summon ability.

Flexibility and Adaptability

One notable advantage of integrating Qiqi into various team compositions is her versatility across different playstyles and enemy encounters. Whether facing hordes of enemies or challenging boss battles, players can rely on Qiqito provide consistent healing support while contributing offensively through elemental interactions.

Furthermore,Qiquis’ adaptability allows her to fit seamlessly into diverse party setups without compromising the overall effectivenessofthe group.Forthosewhopreferamoredefensiveapproachtocombat,QiquicanactasareliablehealerandprovideessentialCryoelementalcoverageagainstenemieswithherabilities.Additionally,herteambuffscanenhancetheoveralldefensivecapabilitiesoftheparty,makingheraninvaluableassetineven themostdemandingscenarios.

Violetgrass Farming for Qiqi’s Ascension


Violetgrass is vital for ascending Qiqi and can be found in specific locations in Liyue, such as Qingce Village and Mt. Aozang. These areas are rich with the precious violet flowers that players need to gather to meet the ascension requirements for Qiqi.

Players can find Violetgrass scattered across the area near Qingce Village, especially on top of cliffs or mountainsides. Mt. Aozang also offers ample opportunities to collect this essential material, making it easier for players to farm enough Violetgrass without having to travel too far from Liyue Harbor.

Gathering Strategy

When farming for Violetgrass, it’s essential to have a clear strategy in mind. Players should start by marking key locations where they’ve previously found these flowers so they can revisit them during their farming sessions. Utilizing interactive maps available online can help pinpoint exact spawn points and optimize the farming route.

To efficiently gather enough Violetgrass, players should consider using characters with abilities that make climbing easier or reduce stamina consumption during exploration. Characters like Xiao, who excels at traversing mountainous terrain due to his high jump ability, can significantly aid in collecting more Violetgrass within a shorter time frame.

Respawn Mechanics

Understanding the respawn mechanics of Violetgrass is crucial when planning efficient farming routes. This valuable resource has a 2-day respawn timer after being harvested, which means that revisiting locations every couple of days will yield fresh spawns of these purple blooms.

It’s important for players aiming to ascend Qiqi not only to visit multiple locations but also keep track of when they last gathered from each spot. By doing so, they can ensure that they’re maximizing their harvest potential and avoiding unnecessary downtime waiting for respawns at already depleted spots.

Rating Qiqi’s Constellations and Their Effects

Enhanced Abilities

Each constellation upgrade for Qiqi enhances her abilities, providing additional benefits to her kit. These upgrades significantly improve her overall performance in battle, making her an even more valuable asset to any team composition. For example, the “Life-Prolonging Methods” constellation increases the level of Qiqi’s Elemental Skill, Herald of Frost, by 3. This enhancement not only boosts the skill’s damage output but also extends its duration, allowing for more sustained crowd control and healing support.

Qiqi’s constellations are designed to augment her existing skills and empower her role as a dedicated healer within Genshin Impact. As players invest in unlocking these constellations, they will notice a substantial improvement in Qiqi’s utility during combat scenarios.

Notable Upgrades

One of the most notable constellations for Qiqi is “Rite of Resurrection.” This upgrade increases the Revival HP of Qiqi’s Elemental Burst ability, Adeptus Art: Preserver of Fortune. By enhancing this aspect of her ultimate ability, players can ensure that revived characters re-enter the fray with a significant amount of health, offering them a better chance at surviving subsequent enemy encounters.

Another impactful constellation is “Crimson Bouquet,” which grants a 20% ATK bonus to characters healed by Qiqi’s Elemental Skill. This bonus provides a substantial offensive boost to allies receiving healing from Qiqi, allowing them to deal increased damage during engagements while benefiting from her restorative capabilities simultaneously.

These examples illustrate how constellations can fundamentally alter gameplay dynamics and elevate character performance within Genshin Impact. Players who prioritize unlocking these enhancements for Qiqi will witness tangible improvements in their overall gaming experience.

Strategic Considerations

When evaluating constellation upgrades for Qiqi or any other character in Genshin Impact, it is crucial for players to consider their individual playstyles and preferred team compositions. While certain constellations may offer universally beneficial effects that enhance a character’s viability across various situations—such as increased damage output or improved survivability—others may cater specifically to niche strategies or synergies with specific elemental combinations.

Players should carefully assess each constellation, weighing its potential impact on their desired gameplay approach before committing resources towards unlocking them. Additionally,
consideration should be given to the availability of essential materials required for upgrading constellations—a factor that ties into efficient resource management within Genshin Impact’s progression system.

Free-to-Play Friendly Teams Featuring Qiqi

Synergy with Free-to-Play Characters

Qiqi’s versatility allows her to synergize effectively with free-to-play characters such as Xiangling and Barbara. When teamed up with Xiangling, Qiqi’s healing abilities complement the Pyro damage dealt by Xiangling, creating a balanced and potent team composition. This synergy is particularly advantageous in challenging battles where sustained healing and consistent damage output are crucial for success. When paired with Barbara, Qiqi’s Cryo abilities combine seamlessly with Barbara’s Hydro support, offering both healing and elemental reactions that can control the battlefield.

Combining characters who possess complementary strengths can significantly enhance a team’s overall performance in Genshin Impact. For example, when using a team comprising Qiqi, Xiangling, and an Anemo character like Sucrose or Traveler (Anemo), players can create powerful Elemental Resonance effects that provide additional benefits such as increased movement speed or decreased stamina consumption.

Building Effective Team Compositions

Creating effective teams in Genshin Impact involves careful consideration of each character’s abilities and how they interact with one another. When building a team around Qiqi as the primary healer, it is essential to include characters who can amplify her supportive role while contributing diverse elemental effects to combat encounters.

For instance:

  • Xingqiu: His Hydro abilities not only supplement Qiqi’s Cryo skills but also provide additional healing through his Rain Swords.
  • Fischl: As an Electro character whose Oz ability remains on the field independently, Fischl complements Qiqi’s healing by continuously applying Electro status to enemies.


  1. Players should prioritize equipping artifacts that enhance energy recharge for characters like Xiangling or Fischl so that they can unleash their elemental bursts more frequently alongside Qiqi’s heals.
  2. It is beneficial to experiment with different weapon choices for each character within the team to maximize their individual strengths while maintaining balance across all roles.

Leveraging Elemental Reactions

In Genshin Impact, leveraging elemental reactions plays a pivotal role in combat effectiveness. When incorporating Qiqi into free-to-play friendly teams, players should aim to trigger powerful elemental reactions such as Melt (Cryo + Pyro) or Freeze (Cryo + Hydro) by strategically alternating between her abilities and those of other party members.


  • Combining Qiqi’s Cryo application with Xiangling’s Pyronado ultimate ability results in frequent Melt reactions which deal substantial damage against enemies vulnerable to Pyro attacks.
  • Alternating between Barbara’s Hydro-based attacks and switching back to utilize QiQi’s Cryo abilities allows players to consistently freeze opponents while providing continuous recovery support during intense battles.

By strategically manipulating these interactions within the party composition featuring QiQi alongside other free-to-play characters like Xiangling or Barbara enables players not only sustain themselves throughout prolonged engagements but also dish out significant harm against adversaries.

Maximizing Qiqi’s Potential in Gameplay

Leveling Up Talents

Qiqi’s healing output can be significantly increased by leveling up her talents. This allows her to provide more effective support during combat. By focusing on leveling up Qiqi’s talents, players can ensure that she remains a reliable healer for the team. For example, increasing the talent “Adeptus Art: Herald of Frost” will not only boost her damage but also enhance her healing abilities.

Players should prioritize upgrading specific talents such as “Adeptus Art: Herald of Frost,” which directly impacts her healing capabilities. Increasing the level of this talent will result in higher damage and stronger healing effects, making Qiqi an even more valuable asset in the team.

Equipping appropriate weapons and artifacts is crucial for enhancing Qiqi’s supportive role in combat. Players should consider using weapons with high base attack stats or those that provide additional benefits to healing or energy recharge. Equipping artifacts that focus on HP bonuses and energy recharge can further amplify Qiqi’s ability to heal and support the team effectively.

By prioritizing leveling up Qiqi’s talents alongside equipping suitable weapons and artifacts, players can optimize her potential as a healer within their teams. This strategic approach ensures that Qiqi becomes a formidable force in supporting the team during battles while maximizing her overall impact on gameplay.

Utilizing Elemental Skill and Burst

Effectively utilizing Qiqi’s Elemental Skill, “Herald of Frost,” allows players to trigger consistent Cryo damage while simultaneously providing continuous healing effects for teammates through normal attacks. Pairing this skill with other characters who benefit from Cryo Resonance enhances its overall effectiveness in combat scenarios.

In addition to leveraging her Elemental Skill, players must strategically use Qiqi’s Elemental Burst, “Adeptus Art: Preserver of Fortune.” Activating this ability not only deals AoE Cryo damage but also regenerates HP for all nearby allies based on Qiqi’s ATK stat at regular intervals over 15 seconds.

To maximize Qiqis’ potential within gameplay, it is essential for players to master the art of timing when activating these abilities during battles. By doing so, they ensure consistent cryo application along with uninterrupted healing throughout various encounters across Teyvat.


In conclusion, Qiqi in Genshin Impact is a versatile and valuable character with her healing abilities and crowd control potential. Understanding her skills, optimal gear, and team synergies is crucial for maximizing her effectiveness in gameplay. Whether players focus on her healing role or capitalize on her Cryo elemental abilities, Qiqi can significantly enhance a team’s performance in various game modes.

For more in-depth strategies and discussions on Genshin Impact characters and gameplay, players are encouraged to explore community forums, watch tutorial videos, and engage in theorycrafting with fellow enthusiasts. Keeping up-to-date with the latest patches and updates from the game developers will also provide valuable insights into optimizing Qiqi’s potential within the ever-evolving Genshin Impact universe.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are Qiqi’s main abilities in Genshin Impact?

Qiqi’s main abilities include “Adeptus Art: Herald of Frost” which deals Cryo damage and regenerates HP for her teammates, and “Adeptus Art: Preserver of Fortune” which releases the power of cryo to heal allies.

How can players maximize Qiqi’s healing potential?

To maximize Qiqi’s healing potential, players should focus on building her with artifacts that boost her healing effectiveness, such as Maiden Beloved or Tenacity of the Millelith. Using a weapon like “Sacrificial Sword” can help reduce the cooldown of her elemental skill.

Good team compositions featuring Qiqi often include characters who can trigger reactions with Cryo, such as Chongyun or Kaeya. Pairing her with characters who benefit from consistent healing and Cryo application creates strong synergy for various challenges in the game.

Where can players farm Violetgrass for Qiqi’s ascension in Genshin Impact?

Violetgrass can be found on cliffs around Liyue Harbor and Qingce Village. Players can also find it near Qingyun Peak. It is essential for ascending characters like Qiqi; however, it grows on high terrain and may require climbing to collect.

How effective is Qiqi for free-to-play teams in Genshin Impact?

Qiqi is highly effective for free-to-play teams due to her exceptional healing capabilities and Cryo application. Her supportive role makes her a valuable addition to any team composition without relying on rare 5-star characters or weapons.