Gorou in Genshin Impact: Skills, Ascensions & More

Gorou, a 4-star Geo character in Genshin Impact, originates from the nation of Inazuma and serves as the loyal retainer to Shirasagi Himegimi. Possessing unique abilities and skills, Gorou proves to be an invaluable addition to any team seeking balance and support in their adventures within the world of Genshin Impact.

Gorou’s Skills, Ascensions, and Passives

Elemental Skill: Tengu Stormcall

Gorou’s Elemental Skill, “Tengu Stormcall,” is a powerful ability that allows him to summon spectral wolves. These wolves deal AoE Geo damage to enemies within their range. When activated, the spectral wolves can significantly impact multiple foes at once, making it an essential skill for crowd control in battles.

The “Tengu Stormcall” not only inflicts damage but also provides strategic advantages by disrupting enemy formations. For instance, when facing a group of adversaries with varying strengths and weaknesses, using this skill can effectively weaken them all simultaneously.

Gorou’s ability to summon spectral wolves showcases his proficiency as an active character capable of unleashing devastating elemental attacks on the battlefield.

Elemental Burst: Wishbearer

Gorou’s signature Elemental Burst, “Wishbearer,” offers both defensive and supportive capabilities. Upon activation, he creates a protective shield that absorbs incoming damage from opponents’ attacks. Moreover, this shield increases the resistance to interruption for party members within its protective radius.

This makes Gorou an invaluable asset in team-based combat scenarios where protecting allies while dealing significant damage is crucial for victory. The combination of offensive and defensive features in his “Wishbearer” burst demonstrates Gorou’s versatility as an active character who contributes to both offense and defense during battles.

In challenging encounters or boss fights where sustained protection is necessary alongside consistent offensive pressure on foes, Gorou’s “Wishbearer” becomes instrumental in ensuring survival while maintaining relentless assaults against adversaries.

Passive Talents Enhancements

Apart from his formidable active skills like “Tengu Stormcall” and “Wishbearer,” Gorou possesses passive talents that further enhance his prowess on the battlefield.
One such talent reduces stamina consumption during sprinting for all party members by 20%, showcasing his contribution beyond combat situations into exploration aspects of Genshin Impact gameplay.
Another passive talent increases the duration of his Elemental Skill by 2 seconds after holding it down for three seconds before releasing it.
These enhancements demonstrate how Gorou brings value not only through direct confrontations but also through utility improvements benefiting overall gameplay experiences.

Materials Needed for Gorou’s Level Ascension

Obtaining Required Materials

Gorou, a character in Genshin Impact, requires specific materials to ascend to higher levels. These essential materials include Slime Condensate, Basalt Pillar, and Prithiva Topaz. Players can obtain these materials by defeating particular enemies or completing specific quests within the game.

Defeating enemies such as Slimes and Geo Hypostasis will yield the necessary Slime Condensate and Basalt Pillars. Players can acquire Prithiva Topaz by completing designated world quests or by exploring various areas in the game.

It is important for players to strategically plan their gameplay to ensure they have an adequate supply of these materials when aiming to level up Gorou.

Importance of Acquiring Materials

Acquiring the required materials is crucial for leveling up Gorou efficiently. Without these essential items, players may face challenges in enhancing Gorou’s abilities and unlocking his full potential.

By obtaining Slime Condensate, Basalt Pillar, and Prithiva Topaz early on, players can seamlessly progress through Gorou’s ascension phases without unnecessary delays. This proactive approach allows players to maximize their gaming experience without being hindered by material shortages.

Players should aim to gather an ample supply of these materials before embarking on the journey of leveling up Gorou.

Utilizing Strategy for Material Collection

To effectively collect the necessary materials for Gorou’s ascension, players should focus on engaging with specific enemy types that drop Slime Condensate and Basalt Pillars. By targeting areas where these enemies are abundant, players can streamline their material collection process.

Furthermore, staying vigilant for available world quests that offer Prithiva Topaz as a reward is essential. Completing these quests promptly ensures a steady accumulation of this vital material needed for advancing Gorou’s level ascension.

Engaging in co-op mode with other players who may already possess surplus quantities of any required material could also prove beneficial in supplementing one’s own inventory.

Talent Materials for Upgrading Gorou

Obtaining Talent Materials

To upgrade Gorou’s talents, players need to acquire specific materials such as Teachings of Gold, Guide to Gold, and Philosophies of Gold. These materials are essential for enhancing Gorou’s abilities and maximizing his potential in the game. Players can obtain these talent materials by completing weekly boss fights or by purchasing them from the Souvenir Shops located in Mondstadt and Liyue.

The Teachings of Gold, Guide to Gold, and Philosophies of Gold are crucial components required for advancing Gorou’s skills. By obtaining these materials, players can significantly enhance Gorou’s combat effectiveness, making him a formidable asset in their party. The process of acquiring these talent materials adds an element of strategy and resource management to the gameplay experience.

Weekly Boss Fights

One method for obtaining the necessary talent materials is through weekly boss fights. In Genshin Impact, players have the opportunity to challenge powerful bosses on a weekly basis to earn various rewards including talent-upgrading items such as Teachings of Gold, Guide to Gold, and Philosophies of Gold. Defeating these formidable opponents not only provides valuable experience but also yields essential resources needed for character development.

Engaging in weekly boss fights presents an exciting challenge for players while offering substantial rewards that contribute directly to enhancing characters like Gorou. This aspect adds depth and longevity to the gameplay experience as it encourages consistent engagement with challenging content.

Souvenir Shops

Another way to acquire the required talent-upgrading materials is by purchasing them from the Souvenir Shops located in Mondstadt and Liyue within the game world. These shops offer a convenient avenue for players to exchange Anemo Sigils or Geo Sigils – which are obtained through various activities – for different items including Teachings of Gold, Guide To gold, And Philosophies Of gold.

The availability of these talent-upgrading materials at Souvenir Shops provides players with flexibility in gathering resources necessary for developing their characters’ abilities. It allows them to strategically allocate their in-game currency towards acquiring specific items based on their current needs.

Gorou Ascension and Talent Information

Ascension Benefits

Ascending Gorou in Genshin Impact is crucial for enhancing his performance in battles. Each ascension increases his base stats, unlocks new abilities, and raises his level cap. As a result, he becomes more powerful and gains access to stronger talents. By ascending Gorou, players can significantly improve their gameplay experience by maximizing the character’s potential.

Ascensions are essential as they allow players to push their characters beyond their initial limits. For Gorou, each ascension not only boosts his overall strength but also grants him access to additional passive talents that can be instrumental in combat scenarios. This progression system ensures that players have a sense of continuous improvement as they invest time and resources into developing their favorite characters.

Ascending Gorou up to six times provides tangible benefits such as increased health, attack power, defense capabilities, and elemental mastery. These enhancements contribute to making him a formidable asset in the player’s roster while offering versatility in various team compositions.

Materials Required

To ascend Gorou effectively, players need specific materials like Prithiva Topaz Gemstone and Basalt Pillar among others. These materials play a vital role in unlocking the character’s full potential by enabling them to ascend through multiple levels.

The process of gathering these materials may involve exploring the game world extensively or engaging with specific challenges or events designed to reward players with the necessary items for ascension purposes. Understanding where to obtain these materials efficiently can streamline the ascension process for Gorou, allowing players to focus on maximizing his strengths without unnecessary delays.

In addition to acquiring these materials for ascensions, it is important for players to consider optimizing other aspects of Gorou’s development such as talent levels which directly impact his combat effectiveness.

Talent Levels Importance

Talent levels are critical components of character development in Genshin Impact since they determine the strength and efficiency of a character’s abilities during combat encounters. Investing resources into raising talent levels enables Gorou‘s skills to become more potent and impactful when utilized during battles.

By increasing talent levels, players unlock enhanced effects for each skill possessed by Gorou, making him an even more valuable asset within their party setup. The improved performance resulting from higher talent levels allows for smoother progression through challenging content within the game while also providing an edge during competitive activities such as Abyssal Domains or Spiral Abyss floors.

Players should prioritize upgrading talent levels alongside ascending characters like Gorou since both aspects synergize well together when aiming towards creating a formidable roster capable of handling diverse encounters across Teyvat.

Best Weapons and Artifacts for Gorou

Best Weapons

Gorou, as a Geo support character in Genshin Impact, benefits from weapons that enhance his supportive abilities. The Skyward Blade is an excellent choice for Gorou due to its Energy Recharge sub-stat, which helps him generate more elemental bursts. Another great option is the Prototype Rancour, providing both ATK and DEF bonuses upon using Elemental Skill or Burst. The Blackcliff Longsword can be effective for Gorou with its increased CRIT DMG after defeating an opponent.

Players should consider their playstyle and team composition. For example, if they prefer a more offensive approach with Gorou while still maintaining his supportive role, the Prototype Rancour’s dual bonuses can be advantageous. On the other hand, those focusing on energy generation may find the Skyward Blade more beneficial.

Players should also take into account their available resources when choosing a weapon for Gorou. The availability of refinement materials and enhancement ores might influence their decision regarding which weapon to prioritize.

For maximizing Gorou’s potential as a Geo support character in Genshin Impact, equipping him with suitable artifacts is crucial. Two highly recommended artifact sets for Gorou are the Archaic Petra and Noblesse Oblige sets.

The Archaic Petra set enhances Geo DMG and provides buffs to characters who pick up elemental crystals or particles created by a Geo attack; this makes it ideal for enhancing both damage output and team utility when paired with other Geo characters like Albedo or Ningguang.

On the other hand, Noblesse Oblige boosts Burst DMG while also benefiting the entire party by increasing their ATK after casting an Elemental Burst ability; this set complements Gorou’s role as a support character by amplifying his burst capabilities while empowering teammates at critical moments during combat scenarios.

When deciding between these artifact sets for Gorou, players need to consider their overall team strategy and synergy since each set offers distinct advantages based on different playstyles. Furthermore, obtaining specific artifacts involves farming specific domains in-game where these artifacts drop—this means that players may need to plan out their artifact acquisition strategy based on domain availability schedules or prioritize certain domains over others depending on immediate needs.

Support Builds and Team Compositions for Gorou

Synergy with Geo Characters

Gorou is an exceptional support character in Genshin Impact, specializing in providing shields and damage reduction to the team. His abilities synergize particularly well with other Geo characters like Zhongli or Albedo, resulting in powerful elemental reactions. When paired with Zhongli’s Dominus Lapidis ability or Albedo’s Solar Isotoma skill, Gorou can trigger Crystallize reactions that generate protective crystals matching his element.

Gorou’s innate abilities complement those of other Geo characters, enhancing their defensive capabilities as a team. For example, when teamed up with Zhongli, whose shield provides strong protection but lacks healing effects, Gorou’s presence fills this gap by offering consistent healing through his Elemental Burst ability. This synergy ensures a balanced combination of shielding and healing within the team composition.

The interaction between Gorou and Kokomi presents another compelling aspect of support builds in Genshin Impact. By pairing Gorou’s shielding capabilities with Kokomi’s Hydro-based attacks and healing effects, players can create a versatile team capable of both defense and offense. The combination not only offers enhanced survivability but also enables effective crowd control through the application of various elemental statuses on enemies.

Flexibility in Team Composition

One notable advantage of incorporating Gorou into a team composition is his adaptability to different playstyles and strategies. Whether players prefer an offensive-focused lineup or prioritize defensive tactics, Gorou seamlessly integrates into various setups due to his flexible support kit.

In scenarios where players opt for an aggressive approach focused on dealing high damage output, including Gorou allows for increased sustainability during intense battles while minimizing interruptions caused by enemy attacks. On the other hand, for teams emphasizing strategic defense mechanisms against formidable opponents or challenging domains, Gorous’ supportive skills become instrumental in maintaining the party’s resilience throughout prolonged engagements.

The flexibility offered by Gorou extends beyond combat roles alone; it encompasses diverse exploration activities such as domain challenges and world quests as well. With his capacity to provide reliable shields combined with moderate healing effects across varied situations encountered during exploration endeavors within Teyvat’s expansive landscapes.

Key Elements for Effective Support Builds

When optimizing support builds centered around Goruo, prioritizing artifacts that enhance energy recharge rates proves crucial due to its direct impact on increasing uptime for his Elemental Burst ability – Tengu Stormcall.
Players should focus on acquiring artifacts featuring sub-stats such as Energy Recharge % alongside main stats like HP% or DEF%. These attributes significantly bolster Goruo’s supportive capabilities by enabling more frequent activations of Tengu Stormcall throughout combat encounters without compromising overall durability.
Moreover, selecting weapons tailored towards amplifying utility rather than raw damage output further accentuates Goruos’ role as a dependable support unit within any given party configuration.

Gorou’s Strengths, Weaknesses, and Rating

Gorou’s Strengths

Gorou excels in providing shields to the party, enhancing their survivability in challenging battles. His ability to generate shields not only protects the team from incoming damage but also allows for strategic positioning during combat. He boasts the capability to deal Area of Effect (AoE) Geo damage, enabling him to contribute offensively while supporting his teammates.

His shield-generating prowess makes him a valuable asset when facing formidable opponents or engaging in prolonged encounters where sustained protection is crucial. For instance, when navigating domains with intense enemy attacks or participating in high-level boss fights, Gorou’s shielding abilities can significantly aid the entire party by mitigating damage and creating opportunities for coordinated strikes.

Moreover, his AoE Geo damage output adds another layer of utility to his kit. By inflicting widespread elemental effects on enemies within range, he contributes to crowd control and offensive pressure simultaneously. This makes him a versatile choice for various combat scenarios where managing multiple adversaries is essential.

Gorou’s strengths are particularly evident when incorporated into specific team compositions that leverage his support-oriented skills alongside synergistic characters who benefit from enhanced durability and elemental interactions.

Gorou’s Weaknesses

Despite his formidable strengths, Gorou may encounter challenges against foes with high elemental resistance or those capable of swiftly penetrating through shields. In such situations, his effectiveness in both defensive and offensive roles could be compromised as enemies resist or counteract his primary abilities.

Furthermore, while Gorou excels at bolstering party survivability through shielding mechanics, he might face difficulties maintaining consistent impact without sufficient support from other team members. The success of utilizing Gorou hinges on cohesive teamwork and complementary character choices that maximize the benefits derived from his unique skill set.

To mitigate these weaknesses effectively requires careful consideration of team dynamics and strategic planning when deploying Gorou into diverse combat scenarios. Understanding potential vulnerabilities enables players to optimize their approach by compensating for any shortcomings associated with using this character.

Rating Assessment

When evaluating all aspects of Gorou’s performance, including strengths and weaknesses mentioned earlier along with additional factors such as versatility and support capabilities – it becomes apparent that he garners an above-average rating overall within Genshin Impact’s character roster.
By offering reliable shield generation coupled with AoE Geo damage potential,
he establishes himself as a dependable option for parties seeking enhanced resilience paired with offensive contributions.
While certain limitations exist regarding elemental resistances and shield durability under duress,
his adaptability across different playstyles underscores why many players consider him an advantageous addition to their teams.

Gorou Constellations and Effects

Unlocking Constellations

Gorou’s constellations are crucial for enhancing his abilities in battle. Each time a player obtains a duplicate Gorou character from Wishes, they unlock a constellation. These constellations provide unique effects that further improve Gorou’s performance in combat. For instance, unlocking a constellation may increase the level of his Elemental Skill or reduce its cooldown.

Constellations are essential for maximizing Gorou’s potential on the battlefield. With each unlocked constellation, players can witness significant improvements in Gorou’s overall effectiveness, making him an even more formidable asset to their team.

Unlocking these constellations requires dedication and patience as it often involves multiple pulls from Wishes to obtain duplicate characters. However, the rewards of enhancing Gorou through his constellations make the effort worthwhile.

Unique Effects

Each constellation offers distinctive effects that contribute to bolstering Gorou’s capabilities during battles. These effects can range from empowering specific skills to providing additional buffs that amplify his strengths.

For example:

  • One of Gorou’s constellations might enhance the damage output of his Elemental Burst, allowing him to deal more substantial damage to enemies within its radius.
  • Another constellation could decrease the cooldown of one of his abilities, enabling him to utilize it more frequently throughout encounters with adversaries.
  • Some constellations might introduce entirely new mechanics or features that augment Gorou’s playstyle and strategic options when engaging foes.

These unique effects not only diversify Gorou’s skill set but also add layers of complexity and versatility to how he can be utilized within different team compositions and combat scenarios.

Maximizing Performance

By strategically obtaining duplicates of Gorou through Wishes and unlocking his various constellations, players can significantly elevate his performance on the battlefield. This process allows them to tailor their approach based on their preferred playstyle while capitalizing on synergies with other characters in their roster.

The enhancements provided by these constellation unlocks serve as valuable assets for optimizing team dynamics and achieving success across various challenges present within Genshin Impact’s expansive world.

Using Elemental Skill and Burst with Gorou

Positioning for Maximum AoE Damage

When using Gorou‘s elemental skill, it’s crucial to position yourself strategically. This allows you to maximize its area of effect (AoE) damage potential. By placing Gorou in the center of a group of enemies, his elemental skill can deal damage to multiple foes at once. This is particularly effective when facing hordes of opponents or during co-op battles where enemies are clustered together.

Strategic positioning also enables you to make the most out of Gorou’s elemental shard generation mechanic. When enemies are within range, he generates these shards which provide additional benefits such as healing and energy restoration for teammates. With precise placement, you can ensure that both offensive and supportive aspects of his elemental skill are optimized.

In intense combat situations, utilizing Gorou’s elemental skill effectively not only deals significant damage but also contributes to team survivability through generated shields and healing effects. It adds a layer of protection for your team while dealing substantial AoE damage to adversaries simultaneously.

Creating Shields with Elemental Burst

Gorou’s elemental burst should be employed strategically during intense battles or when facing formidable opponents. The primary function of his burst is creating shields that absorb incoming damage, providing crucial protection for your entire party.

By activating his elemental burst at strategic moments, such as when powerful enemy attacks are imminent or during prolonged engagements, you can mitigate substantial amounts of incoming damage. This significantly enhances the survivability and sustainability of your team in challenging scenarios.

Moreover, the shields created by Gorou’s elemental burst have an added advantage due to their spectral husk properties—absorbing certain types of enemy attacks and converting them into energy for your team members’ use.

Synergizing Constellations Effects

Gorou’s constellations enhance the effectiveness and utility of both his elemental skill and burst abilities further.

  • For instance, unlocking specific constellations may increase the number or duration of generated elemental shards, amplifying their beneficial effects on teammates.
  • Certain constellation levels improve shield strength or add supplementary effects like increased attack power while under the protection provided by Gorou’s elemental burst shields.

These constellation enhancements synergize seamlessly with strategies involving optimal usageof both his elemental skillandburst abilities.To maximizeGorou’s utilityin battle,it is essentialto consider howhisconstellationscomplementhisskillset,andintegrate themintostrategicdecisionsregardingpositioningandtimingwhenusinghisabilities.

How to Use Gorou in Gameplay

Utilizing Gorou as a Support Character

Gorou excels as a support character in Genshin Impact, specializing in providing shields and damage reduction to the team. His elemental skill, “Trial of the Wolflord,” creates a shield that absorbs damage for the entire party. This shield not only protects your characters but also reduces incoming damage. Players should strategically deploy Gorou’s shield during intense battles or against powerful enemies to ensure their team’s survival. His elemental burst, “Silvermane Claw,” further enhances his supportive role by increasing the defense of all nearby party members.

When using Gorou as a support character, players should prioritize positioning him effectively within the team composition. Placing him alongside more fragile characters who require additional protection can maximize his effectiveness. For example, pairing Gorou with Pyro characters like Diluc or Hu Tao allows them to benefit from both his protective abilities and synergistic elemental reactions.

Players must also consider timing when utilizing Gorou’s support capabilities effectively. Understanding enemy attack patterns and knowing when to activate his elemental skill or burst can significantly impact battle outcomes by mitigating damage at crucial moments.

Creating Powerful Combos with Other Characters’ Skills

In addition to providing defensive support, players should leverage Gorou’s elemental abilities to create potent combos with other characters’ skills. His Geo element provides opportunities for crystallize reactions when paired with other elements such as Electro, Hydro, Pyro, or Cryo.

For instance:

  • Pairing Gorou with an Electro character like Beidou triggers crystallize reactions that generate Electro-charged particles.
  • Teaming up with Hydro-based characters like Mona results in vaporize reactions that deal increased damage.
  • Combining forces with Pyro users such as Xiangling leads to melt reactions which amplify overall damage output.

By strategically switching between characters and coordinating their abilities, players can unleash devastating chain reactions while benefiting from Gorou’s shielding prowess simultaneously.


Should You Get or Wish for Gorou?

Playstyle Preferences

When deciding whether to obtain Gorou in Genshin Impact, it’s crucial to consider your playstyle preferences. If you enjoy playing as a support character who can provide reliable shields and enhance the overall performance of your team, then obtaining Gorou could be highly beneficial for you. His abilities are tailored towards supporting the team by providing defensive capabilities and enhancing elemental reactions.

Gorou is adept at creating protective barriers that shield the entire party from incoming damage, making him an excellent choice for players who prioritize survivability and teamwork in their gameplay. His Elemental Burst ability creates a field that continuously heals allies within its radius while dealing damage to enemies. This makes him invaluable in situations where sustained healing and protection are essential for success.

Another aspect to consider is Gorou’s interaction with other characters in your team composition. If you have characters that benefit from having a dependable shield provider or thrive in scenarios where they can capitalize on enhanced defense, then adding Gorou to your roster becomes even more appealing.

Team Composition Needs

In assessing whether to wish for Gorou, players should also evaluate their team composition needs. If your current lineup lacks a reliable shield provider or requires additional support capabilities, acquiring Gorou through wishes can address these specific needs effectively.

For example, if your existing characters struggle with surviving challenging encounters due to limited defensive options, integrating Gorou into your team can significantly improve their resilience. Furthermore, if you find yourself frequently relying on healing abilities during battles but desire an alternative approach centered around shields and sustained protection, incorporating Gorou into your party setup offers a viable solution.

By evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of your current team composition alongside the unique benefits that Gorou brings as a support character with exceptional shielding abilities, players can make informed decisions regarding whether wishing for him aligns with their strategic objectives within Genshin Impact.

Considerations Before Wishing

Before committing resources to wish for Gorou, it’s important to weigh the potential impact of acquiring him on both individual gameplay experiences and broader progression goals within Genshin Impact. Assessing how he complements existing characters in combat scenarios and understanding his role within different domains or challenges helps determine his value based on each player’s distinct priorities.

Considering future updates or expansions that may introduce new characters or alter game dynamics is crucial when evaluating long-term investments such as obtaining specific characters through wishes. Players should balance immediate tactical advantages against potential shifts in meta strategies over time before making definitive choices about pursuing certain characters like Gorou through gacha mechanics.

evaluating personal playstyle preferences,
team composition requirements,
and long-term considerations
will help determine whether obtaining Gorou aligns with individual objectives
and enhances overall enjoyment of Genshin Impact.


Gorou in Genshin Impact is a versatile and valuable addition to any team. With his unique abilities and support-oriented playstyle, he can significantly enhance the effectiveness of a team in various situations. From providing shields to boosting elemental damage, Gorou proves to be an asset worth considering for both exploration and combat scenarios. Players should carefully consider their team compositions and playstyle preferences when utilizing Gorou to maximize his potential.

As the game continues to evolve, staying informed about character updates, new artifacts, and weapon releases is crucial for optimizing gameplay. Experimenting with different team compositions and strategies can lead to a deeper understanding of Gorou’s capabilities. By staying engaged with the Genshin Impact community and seeking out reliable sources of information, players can ensure that they are making well-informed decisions regarding their characters and team setups.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are Gorou’s main strengths in Genshin Impact?

Gorou excels as a support character due to his ability to provide consistent healing and shield protection for the team. His Elemental Burst also enhances the entire party’s attack, making him valuable in prolonged battles.

How should players utilize Gorou’s Elemental Skill and Burst effectively?

Players should strategically position themselves to make the most of Gorou’s abilities, ensuring that allies benefit from both his healing and attack-boosting effects. Coordinating with other characters’ elemental abilities can maximize their impact.

What are the best weapons and artifacts for optimizing Gorou’s performance?

For maximizing Gorou’s supportive capabilities, equipping him with weapons like “The Catch” or “Favonius Warbow” can enhance his energy recharge. Artifacts such as Tenacity of the Millelith or Emblem of Severed Fate further boost his supportive attributes.

Should players prioritize obtaining or wishing for Gorou in Genshin Impact?

Given his unique supportive role, acquiring Gorou is beneficial for players seeking a versatile support character capable of enhancing team survivability through consistent healing and shield generation.

What are some effective team compositions involving Gorou in Genshin Impact?

Pairing Goruo with characters who have high damage potential but lack survivability can create formidable teams. Characters like Hu Tao or Razor benefit greatly from his shielding abilities while dealing heavy damage.