Beidou Genshin Impact: Ultimate Guide to Builds & Gameplay

Beidou, the captain of the Crux Fleet from Liyue Harbor, is a formidable playable character in Genshin Impact. Wielding a claymore and harnessing electro abilities, she offers players an exciting combat experience. Obtaining Beidou involves participating in wishes or events within the game. Her presence adds depth to gameplay dynamics and opens up new strategic possibilities for players venturing through the world of Genshin Impact.

Overview of Beidou’s Abilities and Role

Elemental Skill: Tidecaller

Beidou’s ability to deal electro damage makes her a versatile character in Genshin Impact. Her Elemental Skill, Tidecaller, is a crucial part of her kit. When activated, it unleashes electrical damage in an AoE (area of effect), making it effective for crowd control and dealing with multiple enemies at once. This means that Beidou can excel in situations where there are groups of opponents or when facing larger, more challenging foes.

Tidecaller also allows Beidou to counter enemy attacks by absorbing the damage into her claymore before releasing it as electrical damage. This unique mechanic not only adds to her offensive capabilities but also provides a defensive aspect to her playstyle. By timing the activation of Tidecaller correctly, players can turn incoming enemy attacks into opportunities for devastating counter-attacks.

Beidou’s ability to provide both offensive and defensive support through Tidecaller showcases her adaptability as a character within the game.

Elemental Burst: Stormbreaker

Another essential aspect of Beidou’s power lies in her Elemental Burst, Stormbreaker. When unleashed, this powerful ability summons a lightning storm that continuously damages enemies over time within its radius. The sustained nature of this elemental burst makes it particularly effective against tougher opponents with higher health pools or during prolonged engagements.

In addition to dealing significant electro damage over time, Stormbreaker also provides Beidou with an Electro Shield upon activation. This shield not only mitigates incoming damage but also enhances Beidou’s overall survivability during combat scenarios.

The combination of offensive prowess and defensive utility offered by Stormbreaker further solidifies Beidou’s role as a well-rounded character capable of excelling in various combat situations within Genshin Impact.

Main DPS or Sub-DPS/Support Character

Beidou’s diverse abilities enable players to utilize her effectively in different roles within their team compositions. As mentioned earlier, she has the potential to serve as both a main DPS or a sub-DPS/support character based on player preferences and team dynamics.

When built for main DPS duties, focusing on maximizing her Electro Damage bonus through artifacts and weapon choices can elevate Beidou’s effectiveness at dealing consistent high-damage output during battles.
On the other hand, when utilized as a sub-DPS/support character, players may opt for artifact sets that enhance energy recharge rate and provide supportive bonuses such as increased healing effects from sources like food items or other characters’ abilities.
By offering flexibility in how she can be integrated into teams while maintaining high performance across different roles,
Beido demonstrates exceptional versatility compared to many other characters available in Genshin Impact.

Understanding Beidou’s Ascension and Talents

Ascending Beidou

Ascending Beidou is crucial for enhancing her capabilities in Genshin Impact. By ascending her, players can increase her level cap and unlock new passive talents. This allows Beidou to reach higher levels, thereby improving her base stats such as HP, attack power, and defense. Moreover, ascending Beidou also grants access to additional talent levels which further bolster her combat prowess.

Players looking to ascend Beidou will need specific materials such as Vajrada Amethyst Gemstones. These gemstones are an essential requirement for ascending characters in the game and can be obtained through various in-game activities like defeating elite bosses or completing certain domains. As a result of ascension, not only does Beidou become more powerful overall but she also gains access to stronger abilities that significantly impact gameplay.

Ascending characters in Genshin Impact is a strategic move that enables players to maximize their potential on the battlefield. With each ascension phase completed, the character’s strength grows substantially, allowing them to take on tougher challenges within the game world.

Unlocking New Passive Talents

Talents play a vital role in shaping a character’s effectiveness during combat encounters. For Beidou, talents like Retribution and Lightning Storm are pivotal in enhancing both her damage output and survivability on the battlefield.

Retribution is one of Beidou’s passive talents that triggers when she takes damage; this ability then increases the power of her normal attacks by 20% for 5 seconds. On the other hand, Lightning Storm unleashes devastating electro-based damage upon activation while providing Beidou with increased resistance against interruption during its duration.

These passive talents not only elevate Beidou’s offensive capabilities but also provide defensive advantages that contribute significantly towards sustaining herself amidst challenging battles within the game world.

Strengthening Talent Levels

Enhancing talent levels further augments Beidou’s combat proficiency by increasing the potency of these abilities. As players progress through different stages of talent enhancement using specific materials such as books or boss-dropped items like Storm Beads or Dvalin’s Plumes among others they acquire from battling elite enemies or completing weekly bosses quests), they can effectively boost key aspects of these skills including damage multipliers and durations among others.

Exploring Beidou’s Constellation Effects

Enhanced Abilities

Each constellation upgrade for Beidou in Genshin Impact enhances her abilities and unlocks new effects. These upgrades significantly impact her performance in combat, making her a more formidable character to have on your team. For example, the first constellation “Sea Beast’s Scourge” increases Tidecaller’s damage by 15% when hitting opponents. This enhancement alone can greatly improve Beidou’s overall effectiveness in battles, especially when facing tougher enemies or bosses.

Beidou’s constellations are designed to provide substantial boosts to her existing abilities and introduce new effects that complement her playstyle. As players progress through these constellations, they will notice a marked improvement in Beidou’s combat capabilities, allowing them to tackle more challenging content within the game with greater ease.

The impact of these constellation upgrades cannot be overstated; they not only enhance Beidou’s individual strength but also contribute positively to the overall synergy of a player’s team composition. With each upgrade, players can expect significant improvements in various aspects of Beidou’s kit, such as damage output, survivability, and utility.

Unlocked Effects

As players unlock different constellations, they gain access to diverse effects that further augment Beidou’s skills and talents. These effects range from increased damage percentages to additional functionalities that add depth and versatility to her toolkit.

For instance:

  • C1 “Sea Beast’s Scourge” increases Tidecaller’s damage by 15% when hitting opponents.
  • C2 “Upon the Turbulent Sea” decreases the stamina consumption of Tidecaller at maximum level by 50% for 10s.
  • C4 “Summoner of Storm” will activate Stormbreaker automatically when using Tidecaller as part of Foul Legacy: The Immovable God and the Eternal Euthymia effect ends.

These examples illustrate how each constellation introduces unique enhancements that directly influence gameplay mechanics while aligning with Beidou’s theme as an Electro-based character.

Improved Combat Performance

Best Weapons and Artifacts for Beidou

Top Weapon Choices

Beidou in Genshin Impact can unleash devastating damage with the right weapon. The Wolf’s Gravestone stands out as an exceptional 5-star weapon, elevating Beidou’s damage output to formidable levels. Its ability to boost the entire party’s ATK makes it a top choice for maximizing her potential. The Prototype Archaic (4-star) and Whiteblind (4-star) are also excellent options that provide substantial benefits to Beidou’s playstyle.

The Wolf’s Gravestone is highly sought after due to its unique passive ability, which increases all party members’ ATK by a significant percentage when hitting enemies with less than 30% HP. This not only enhances Beidou’s own attack but also empowers the entire team, making it a valuable asset in challenging battles and domains.

Prototype Archaic offers an alternative approach by providing increased base ATK and an additional chance to trigger a powerful AoE attack after normal or charged attacks. This complements Beidou’s combat style well, amplifying her offensive capabilities even further.

Whiteblind offers defensive bonuses alongside offensive enhancements, making it a versatile option for players who prefer a more balanced approach. Its passive abilities increase shield strength while boosting both DEF and ATK upon hitting enemies.

Optimal Artifact Selection

Selecting suitable gear is crucial for optimizing Beidou’s performance on the battlefield in Genshin Impact. Players aiming to amplify her electro damage should consider equipping artifacts from the Thundering Fury set. These artifacts enhance elemental reactions involving Electro while bolstering overall Electro DMG bonus.

On the other hand, Gladiator’s Finale presents an attractive choice for those focusing on enhancing Beidou’s physical damage output instead of electro-based abilities. Equipping this artifact set grants significant boosts to ATK power while wielding a sword, claymore or polearm – aligning perfectly with Beidou’s preferred weapon type.

By strategically combining these artifacts with compatible weapons such as The Wolf’s Gravestone or Prototype Archaic, players can effectively tailor their build towards maximizing either electro or physical damage based on their preferences and playstyle.

Crafting Ideal Synergy

When equipped with The Wolf’s Gravestone along with artifacts from the Thundering Fury set, players can create a synergistic setup that significantly augments both weapon-based attacks and electro-based abilities within Genshin Impact gameplay.
Similarly, pairing Prototype Archaic with Gladiator’s Finale enables players to strike an effective balance between close-combat prowess and enhanced physical damage output during battles.
It is essential for players to experiment with different combinations of weapons and artifacts through trial-and-error until they find the optimal synergy that best suits their individual preferences and desired combat strategies.

Building Beidou’s Stats and Strengths

Prioritize Stats

When building Beidou in Genshin Impact, it’s crucial to focus on increasing her electro damage, physical damage, and energy recharge. To maximize her potential, prioritize leveling up her attack, crit rate, and crit damage stats. By doing so, you can enhance Beidou’s ability to deal massive AoE electro damage.

Beidou excels at dealing significant area-of-effect (AoE) electro damage. This makes it essential to boost her electro-related stats for maximum effectiveness in combat situations. Increasing her physical damage allows for a well-rounded offensive capability that complements her electro abilities.

To achieve the best results with Beidou, concentrating on energy recharge is vital as it enables more frequent use of her elemental burst ability. This ensures consistent and powerful AoE attacks that contribute significantly to the overall team performance.

Enhancing Electro Damage

Boosting Beidou’s electro damage is paramount for unleashing devastating attacks in Genshin Impact battles. By focusing on this aspect of her build, players can witness a cumulative DPS increase when using Beidou in combat scenarios.

One way to enhance electro damage is by equipping artifacts that provide an increase in this specific stat or selecting weapons with effects that amplify such capabilities. For instance:

  • Equip artifacts like Thundering Fury or Gladiator’s Finale set pieces which offer bonuses to electro or normal attack DMG.
  • Utilize weapons such as The Black Sword or Prototype Archaic which augment normal attack DMG while also providing other beneficial effects.

By strategically choosing artifacts and weapons that elevate electro damage, players can witness a noticeable surge in their overall raw power output when utilizing Beidou during battles.

Amplifying Physical Damage

In addition to prioritizing electro damage, enhancing Beidou’s physical prowess contributes significantly to maximizing her efficiency in combat situations. With an emphasis on boosting physical stats alongside the aforementioned focus on electro capabilities, players can ensure a well-rounded approach towards inflicting substantial harm upon adversaries.

Amplifying physical damage involves upgrading relevant artifact sets like Bloodstained Chivalry or Pale Flame which specialize in enhancing normal attack DMG. Similarly, equipping weapons such as Serpent Spine or Snow-Tombed Starsilver further bolsters these efforts by offering additional buffs related to physical DMG bonuses among others.

Beidou’s Elemental Skill and Burst Explained


Beidou’s elemental skill, Tidecaller, is a powerful ability that inflicts electro damage on nearby enemies. When activated, it releases electrical energy in all directions, damaging any foes within its range. By holding down the skill button, players can charge up the attack for a more potent counterattack. This charged version of Tidecaller not only deals increased damage but also provides Beidou with a shield to absorb incoming damage.

Tidecaller offers Beidou an effective means of both offense and defense in combat scenarios. Whether she needs to quickly dispatch nearby enemies or withstand incoming attacks while preparing for a devastating counteroffensive strike, this elemental skill proves to be versatile and invaluable.


Beidou’s signature move is her Elemental Burst, Stormbreaker. When activated, she summons a mighty lightning storm that continuously damages nearby enemies over its duration. This burst of electric power not only deals significant electro damage but also has the added benefit of providing continuous pressure on adversaries as they struggle against the relentless assault from above.

Stormbreaker serves as an excellent tool for crowd control and sustained area-of-effect (AoE) damage during combat encounters. It allows Beidou to assert dominance over multiple opponents simultaneously while dealing substantial electro application across the battlefield.

Synergy with Stats and Strengths

When building Beidou’s stats and strengths, it becomes crucial to consider how her elemental skills complement her overall playstyle. For example, focusing on increasing her electro damage bonus through artifacts can significantly enhance the potency of both Tidecaller and Stormbreaker. Prioritizing energy recharge rate ensures that she can unleash her bursts more frequently during battles.

Strategies for Maximizing Beidou’s Gameplay

Elemental Reactions

To maximize Beidou’s gameplay in Genshin Impact, players should utilize her Elemental Skill to trigger elemental reactions such as Overload or Electro-Charged. By using her skill strategically, players can create powerful combinations with other characters’ abilities, resulting in significant damage output. For example, pairing Beidou with characters like Xiangling or Fischl can lead to potent elemental reactions that deal massive damage to enemies.

Beidou’s ability to trigger these elemental reactions not only increases the overall damage dealt but also adds a layer of versatility to the team composition. This strategic approach allows players to capitalize on Beidou’s strengths and exploit enemy weaknesses effectively.

Players aiming for maximum efficiency should experiment with different character combinations and observe how Beidou’s Elemental Skill interacts with other elements in the game. Understanding these interactions can significantly enhance overall combat effectiveness.

Timing Her Elemental Burst

In addition to utilizing her Elemental Skill, it is crucial for players seeking maximum dps increase to time Beidou’s Elemental Burst with other characters’ abilities for optimal damage output. Properly syncing her burst with other party members’ skills amplifies the impact of each ability, leading to devastating results during combat encounters.

For instance, coordinating Beidou’s Burst activation alongside Diluc’s Pyro attacks or Mona’s Hydro abilities creates powerful chain reactions that overwhelm opponents. This coordinated approach ensures that every character contributes synergistically towards achieving victory in battles.

By understanding each character’s mechanics and mastering their timings, players can orchestrate seamless combos that showcase the full potential of their team while leveraging Beidou’s strength as a high-damage dealer within this synergy.

Wise Use of Counterattack

Another key aspect of maximizing Beidou’s gameplay involves using her counterattack wisely during engagements. Players must learn when and how to deploy this unique mechanic effectively not only as a defensive maneuver but also as an offensive tool for dealing substantial damage.

When facing formidable foes or challenging encounters, timing is critical when executing her counterattack ability. By blocking incoming attacks precisely at the right moment and retaliating swiftly, players can unleash devastating blows upon adversaries while mitigating potential harm directed at their party members.
Utilizing this strategy enables players not only to protect their team from harm but also turn defense into offense seamlessly during intense battles.

Team Compositions with Beidou

Electro Characters

When building a team around Beidou, it’s crucial to pair her with characters who can trigger elemental reactions with her electro abilities. For instance, pairing Beidou with characters like Fischl or Xingqiu can lead to powerful combos. When Fischl’s Oz is on the field, her constant electro damage provides ample opportunities for triggering Beidou’s elemental burst. Xingqiu’s ability to apply Hydro status allows for the vaporize reaction when combined with Beidou’s electric attacks.

Pairing Beidou with these characters not only maximizes her potential but also creates devastating elemental combinations that deal significant damage to enemies. This synergy ensures that each character complements the others’ abilities and enhances overall combat effectiveness.

Healer Inclusion

In addition to forming a strong offensive lineup, it is essential to include a healer in the team composition when utilizing Beidou. While she excels in dealing damage as a main DPS character, having a healer such as Qiqi or Barbara ensures survivability during battles. These healers provide consistent healing support and help sustain the team through prolonged engagements.

The inclusion of a healer not only increases the team’s longevity but also enables players to take more risks during combat without constantly worrying about their characters’ health levels. With reliable healing support from one of these characters, players can focus on maximizing their offensive capabilities while maintaining sustainability throughout battles.

Artifacts and Buffs

When considering which artifacts are best suited for Beidou, focusing on those that enhance her electro-based skills should be prioritized. Equipping her with sets like Thundering Fury or Gladiator’s Finale will significantly boost her performance by increasing both her electro damage output and overall attack power.

Moreover, incorporating buffs from other teammates’ artifact sets further amplifies Beidou’s prowess in battle scenarios. By strategically selecting artifact sets for other members of the team—such as Keqing who benefits from using Gladiator’s Finale—the entire party gains additional bonuses that contribute towards enhancing their respective roles within the group.

Free-to-Play Options for Beidou Users

Viable Weapon Option

The Debate Club is a viable 3-star weapon for Beidou early in the game. Its ability to trigger an AOE attack after normal or charged attacks makes it a decent choice. Despite its lower base stats compared to 4-star weapons, the AOE damage bonus can compensate for this drawback. For players who are still building their weapon inventory, the Debate Club provides a solid option for dealing with multiple enemies at once.

Artifact Set Bonuses

Adventurer’s Set artifacts offer decent stat bonuses that can benefit Beidou until better options become available. The 2-piece set bonus provides an ATK increase, which contributes to her damage output. Meanwhile, the 4-piece set bonus grants energy upon triggering an Elemental Burst, aiding in her skill rotation and maintaining consistent damage during battles.

Another alternative could be using two pieces of The Exile artifact set combined with two pieces of any other set that complements Beidou’s playstyle and abilities. This combination allows players to take advantage of both energy recharge and additional buffs from another artifact set.

Maximizing Potential Through Resource Management

It’s crucial for free-to-play users to focus on maximizing Beidou’s potential through careful resource management. Prioritizing her talent upgrades based on their impact on gameplay efficiency is essential due to the limited availability of resources as a free-to-play player.

When deciding which talents to level up first, previewing preferences should be considered based on how they align with one’s current team composition and combat strategy. Players may opt to prioritize talents that provide increased dmg bonuses, such as Tidecaller or Stormbreaker, depending on their preferred playstyle and team synergy.

Tips for Playing Beidou Effectively

Master the Timing

To maximize Beidou’s potential in Genshin Impact, mastering the timing of her counterattack is crucial. By understanding when to trigger this ability, players can both deal significant damage and defend against incoming attacks. For example, waiting for a powerful enemy attack before activating her counter can result in a devastating retaliation.

Beidou’s counterattack not only inflicts damage but also provides a shield that absorbs incoming attacks. This makes it essential to time the activation precisely to gain both offensive and defensive advantages simultaneously.

Players should practice anticipating enemy movements and attack patterns to effectively utilize Beidou’s counterattack at opportune moments during combat scenarios.

Experiment with Equipment

In Genshin Impact, each character’s effectiveness can be greatly enhanced by selecting appropriate artifact sets and weapon combinations. For Beidou, players should experiment with different artifact sets and weapons to find the best fit for their preferred playstyle.

For instance, equipping artifacts that enhance electro damage or increase overall attack power can significantly boost Beidou’s offensive capabilities. Choosing weapons that complement her abilities – such as those providing energy recharge or increasing critical hit rates – can further optimize her performance on the battlefield.

By testing various combinations of artifacts and weapons, players can tailor Beidou’s setup according to their individual preferences while ensuring she remains formidable in combat situations.

Utilize Her Abilities

To fully harness Beidou’s potential as a playable character in Genshin Impact, it is essential for players to practice using her abilities across diverse combat scenarios. Whether facing hordes of enemies or engaging powerful bosses, understanding how each of her skills operates is key to maximizing their impact during gameplay.

For example, experimenting with different techniques like using her elemental burst (Tidecaller) alongside charged attacks or combining it with other characters’ abilities through elemental reactions allows players to unleash devastating combos on adversaries.

Conclusion and Final Thoughts on Beidou

In conclusion, Beidou in Genshin Impact is a versatile and formidable character with a unique playstyle that can greatly enhance any team composition. Her abilities, such as Tidecaller and Stormbreaker, make her a valuable asset in both exploration and combat scenarios. Understanding her constellations, optimizing her gear, and leveraging her elemental skill and burst are crucial for maximizing her potential on the battlefield. With the right team composition and strategic gameplay, Beidou can shine as a powerful DPS or support character.

For those seeking to master Beidou’s gameplay, it is recommended to experiment with different weapon and artifact combinations, explore synergies with other characters, and continuously refine her build to suit individual playstyles. Embracing the depth of Beidou’s abilities and strategically incorporating her into team compositions can lead to a rewarding experience in Genshin Impact.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are Beidou’s main abilities in Genshin Impact?

Beidou possesses the abilities Tidecaller and Stormbreaker. Tidecaller allows her to counter incoming attacks, while Stormbreaker unleashes electro damage on enemies.

How should I build Beidou’s stats and strengths?

Prioritize building Beidou with high Electro Damage Bonus and Crit Rate. Focus on artifacts that enhance her attack power and energy recharge rate for optimal performance.

Which team compositions work well with Beidou in Genshin Impact?

Beidou synergizes effectively with characters like Fischl, Xingqiu, or Bennett due to their elemental interactions. This combination can create powerful reactions during battles.

What are some free-to-play options for enhancing Beidou’s capabilities?

Players can obtain the Prototype Animus as a free-to-play weapon option for Beidou, providing substantial ATK bonuses when refined. Sets like Thundering Fury from the Thunder Manifestation event offer valuable artifact options.

How can players maximize their gameplay when using Beidou in Genshin Impact?

To optimize gameplay with Beidou, players should focus on timing her Elemental Burst (Stormbreaker) effectively to deal maximum damage within its duration. Utilizing her counter ability strategically also enhances her combat prowess.