Bennett Genshin Impact: Ultimate Build Guide & Team Compositions

Bennett, a 4-star Pyro character in Genshin Impact, has captured the attention of players with his unique abilities and versatile role in the game. This blog post delves into Bennett’s background, exploring his significance as one of the sought-after pyro characters and shedding light on why he is a popular choice among Genshin Impact enthusiasts. As an essential part of many teams due to his supportive skills and healing capabilities, understanding Bennett’s strengths and gameplay mechanics can greatly enhance your experience within the expansive world of Genshin Impact. Join us as we uncover what makes Bennett stand out in this immersive gaming universe.

Unveiling Bennett’s Unique Role and Abilities

Support Character

Bennett in Genshin Impact plays a unique role as a support character, offering valuable assistance to the team. His abilities are designed to provide crucial aid and enhance the overall performance of the party. As a support character, Bennett focuses on bolstering his allies’ capabilities rather than dealing massive damage himself. This makes him an invaluable addition to any team composition, especially for players who prioritize teamwork and synergy.

Bennett’s ability to heal party members sets him apart as an essential support character in Genshin Impact. His Elemental Skill, Passion Overload, not only deals Pyro damage but also creates an area of effect healing circle upon impact with enemies or by holding the skill button. This unique combination of offensive capability and healing prowess makes him a versatile asset for sustaining the party during challenging encounters.

Bennett’s Elemental Burst ability, Fantastic Voyage, unleashes a powerful healing area while imbuing characters within its range with bonus attack based on Bennett’s base attack stat. This further solidifies his position as a reliable support character capable of enhancing his teammates’ combat effectiveness.

Benefits for Your Team

Understanding how Bennett’s abilities can benefit your team is crucial for maximizing your party’s potential in Genshin Impact. By incorporating Bennett into your roster of characters, you gain access to significant advantages that can greatly improve your overall gameplay experience.

One notable benefit is Bennett’s capacity to provide consistent healing throughout battles, ensuring that your party remains resilient against formidable foes and environmental hazards. Whether it’s mitigating damage from powerful adversaries or recovering from hazardous conditions such as burning status effects, having Bennett in your lineup significantly increases your team’s survivability.

Moreover, his ability to imbue characters with bonus attack through his Elemental Burst empowers them to unleash devastating assaults on enemies. This enhancement amplifies their offensive capabilities and enables them to tackle challenges more effectively.

In essence, integrating Bennett into your team offers multifaceted advantages encompassing both defensive resilience through healing and offensive potency via increased attack power—making him an indispensable asset for various game scenarios.

Elemental Skill and Burst

Delving deeper into Bennet’s elemental abilities sheds light on their remarkable utility within Genshin Impact’s dynamic gameplay environment.
His Elemental Skill “Passion Overload” allows players to trigger different effects depending on whether they tap or hold down the skill button.
When tapped:

  • Releases swift sword strikes infused with Pyro energy at opponents.
  • Generates elemental particles when it hits opponents.
    When held:
  • Channels energy before unleashing a fierce sword strike imbued with Pyro that creates an area-of-effect Pyro blast along its path.
  • Creates an inspiring atmosphere inside the AoE which heals allies continuously.

Bennett’s Ascension and Talent Materials Breakdown

Ascension Materials

Bennett requires specific materials to ascend to higher levels. These include Agnidus Agate Silver, Everflame Seed, and Varunada Lazurite Sliver. You can obtain these materials from different sources in the game, such as domains, bosses, or through crafting.

To ascend Bennett to higher levels, you need a combination of these materials at various quantities. For example, ascending him from level 20 to 40 requires Agnidus Agate Silver x3, Everflame Seed x3, Varunada Lazurite Sliver x2.

These ascension materials are crucial for enhancing Bennett’s capabilities and unlocking his full potential. By gathering these resources efficiently, you can ensure that Bennett becomes a formidable character within your party.

Talent Level-Up Materials

Leveling up Bennett’s talents is essential for maximizing his performance in battles. The required talent level-up materials include Teachings of Resistance, Guide to Resistance, and Philosophies of Resistance. These items can be acquired through specific activities in the game.

You’ll need varying quantities of each material depending on the talent level you aim to achieve for Bennett. For instance, increasing his Elemental Burst (Passion Overload) from level 6 to 7 demands Guide to Resistance x9 along with other specific items.

Obtaining these talent level-up materials is vital for strengthening Bennett’s abilities and ensuring that he remains an invaluable asset during combat scenarios.

Where to Obtain Materials

In “Genshin Impact,” players can acquire the necessary ascension and talent level-up materials through several means:

  • Domains: Certain domains offer specific ascension or talent level-up materials upon completion.
  • Bosses: Defeating particular world bosses yields essential character enhancement items.
  • Crafting: Some of the required materials can be crafted using recipes obtained throughout the game world.
  • Events: Participating in limited-time events may also provide opportunities to gather these valuable resources.

Understanding Bennett’s Talents and Skills

Elemental Skill: Passion Overload

Bennett’s Elemental Skill, Passion Overload, is a powerful ability that unleashes Pyro damage on enemies. When activated, Bennett performs a jumping attack that deals Pyro damage to opponents in the area of effect. The skill has two charge levels, with the second level causing an explosion after a short delay.

This skill also imbues Bennett with the Pyro element for a brief period, enabling him to trigger elemental reactions when combined with other characters’ abilities or elements. At higher talent levels, Passion Overload becomes more potent, dealing increased damage and having shorter cooldown times.

Passion Overload can be particularly effective when used strategically in combat scenarios. For instance, it can be employed to swiftly eliminate clusters of enemies or deal significant damage to larger foes. By timing its activation carefully during battles, players can maximize its impact and create opportunities for chaining elemental reactions.

Elemental Burst: Fantastic Voyage

Bennett’s signature move is his Elemental Burst, Fantastic Voyage. When unleashed, this ability triggers a large-scale Pyro blast around Bennett while simultaneously creating an Inspiring Field at the location where he cast the burst. The field continuously regenerates HP for allies within its radius and boosts their base attack stats based on Bennett’s Max HP.

As players invest in upgrading this talent through talent materials obtained from specific domains or bosses as mentioned in the previous section about “Bennett’s Ascension and Talent Materials Breakdown”, they unlock additional effects such as increasing healing potency and extending the duration of both HP regeneration and attack bonus granted by Fantastic Voyage.

In combat situations, utilizing Fantastic Voyage effectively involves positioning Bennett strategically so that allies can benefit from both its healing properties and attack enhancements throughout battles. This makes him not only valuable for sustaining team members but also for amplifying their offensive capabilities during challenging encounters.

Effective Use of Skills in Combat

To leverage Bennett’s talents optimally in combat scenarios requires careful consideration of team composition and battle dynamics. Players should aim to pair him with characters who possess complementary elements that synergize well with his Pyro abilities.

For example:

  • Pairing him with characters who have Hydro abilities enables triggering Vaporize reactions.
  • Combining him with Electro-based characters allows for triggering Overloaded reactions.
  • Teaming up with Cryo-focused characters facilitates triggering Melt reactions.

Evaluating Bennett’s Elemental Strengths and Playstyle

Synergizing with Pyro Element

Bennett’s elemental skill unleashes a powerful Pyro attack, which can trigger various elemental reactions when combined with other characters’ abilities. For instance, pairing Bennett with a character who wields the Anemo element can create Swirl reactions, spreading Pyro damage to nearby enemies. This synergy amplifies the overall damage output of the team.

Triggering Vaporize by combining Bennett’s Pyro attacks with Hydro-based characters like Xingqiu or Barbara results in increased damage. These elemental reactions not only deal substantial damage but also provide crowd control by inflicting status effects on enemies.

Furthermore, his ability to generate consistent Pyro effects complements characters that thrive on this elemental affinity. Diluc, for example, benefits greatly from Bennett’s Pyro application as it enhances Diluc’s charged attacks and further boosts his already formidable DPS potential.

Support Healer and Damage Booster

Bennett excels as a support healer due to his unique healing capabilities embedded within his elemental skill. The Passion Overload ability not only deals impressive Pyro damage but also heals allies within its area of effect based on Bennett’s max HP.

Moreover, pairing him with characters like Chongyun or Xingqiu allows for continuous healing while maintaining offensive pressure through their respective abilities. This enables players to sustain their team during battles without compromising on dealing significant damage to opponents.

Bennett serves as an efficient damage booster, empowering teammates’ attacks through his Elemental Burst ability – Fantastic Voyage. This burst increases both base attack and bonus pyro DMG for active party members within its radius. When coupled with heavy-hitters such as Razor or Keqing, the amplified attack stats elevate their combat prowess substantially.

Maximizing Potential in Team Compositions

To maximize Bennett’s potential in different team compositions, consider building teams that revolve around leveraging his strengths effectively. For instance:

  • Pairing him with characters who possess high energy regeneration rates ensures frequent activation of Fantastic Voyage.
  • Combining him with Electro-based units like Fischl creates Overloaded reactions that deal AoE (Area of Effect) pyro DMG.
  • Including Cryo-based heroes such as Kaeya enables Melt reactions when paired strategically.

Bennett’s Best Artifacts and Builds for Optimal Performance

When enhancing Bennett’s abilities, the right artifacts play a crucial role. The Treasure Hoarder Insignia is an exceptional choice for supporting his performance. This artifact set provides a boost to ATK, thus increasing Bennett’s damage output. Another viable option is the Noblesse Oblige set, which enhances his elemental burst effectiveness, benefiting both support and DPS builds.

For the main stats on these artifacts, prioritizing ATK% on the Sands of Eon will significantly amplify Bennett’s damage potential. Equipping him with a Goblet of Eonothem featuring Pyro DMG Bonus% further maximizes his elemental mastery and overall impact during battles. Lastly, selecting a Circlet of Logos with either Crit Rate or Crit DMG ensures that he can unleash devastating blows.

Different Build Options for Supporting or DPS Roles

Players have two primary options: support or DPS roles. For those focusing on support capabilities, emphasizing energy recharge through artifact substats is essential. This allows him to deploy his powerful elemental burst more frequently while providing healing and attack buffs to teammates.

On the other hand, players looking to utilize Bennett as a DPS character should prioritize boosting his base ATK stat through artifacts and weapon selection. By equipping him with artifacts that enhance physical or Pyro damage bonus along with critical hit rate/damage substats, he becomes a formidable force in dealing sustained damage within the team composition.

It’s important to note that understanding each build option’s specific requirements helps optimize Bennett’s contribution based on team dynamics and combat scenarios encountered in Genshin Impact.

Beneficial Substats for Bennett

In addition to choosing appropriate artifact sets and main stats, paying attention to beneficial substats greatly impacts how effectively Bennet performs in battle situations. Prioritizing substats such as Energy Recharge increases his ability cooldowns’ efficiency when used as a support character.
Furthermore, seeking out artifacts with Crit Rate/Damage boosts ensures that every strike counts when utilizing him as a damaging force within your party setup.
Lastly,CD Reduction (Cooldown Reduction) plays an integral role in ensuring that Bennet can consistently maintain uptime on his elemental burst ability – especially vital when employing him primarily as a supportive character.

Choosing the Right Weapons to Enhance Bennett’s Capabilities

Best Weapons for Bennett

Selecting the right weapons is crucial. The Favonius Sword, obtainable through gacha, can benefit him greatly due to its energy recharge substat. This complements his abilities by allowing more frequent use of his Elemental Burst, ensuring consistent support for the team.

Another top pick is the Sacrificial Sword, which also provides energy recharge as a substat. Its special effect can reset the cooldown of Bennett’s Elemental Skill, Fantastic Voyage, further boosting his ability to provide continuous healing and damage boost.

For free-to-play options, the Sword of Descension from an event wish offers high base ATK and boosts Normal Attack DMG after using an Elemental Skill. This aligns with Bennett’s playstyle as he frequently switches between healing and dealing damage.

Lastly, the craftable weapon Prototype Rancour provides a mix of physical ATK bonus and elemental skill DMG bonus when used effectively in combat situations. This versatility makes it a suitable choice for players who prefer refining their own weapons without relying on gacha luck.

Weapon Substats Complementing Abilities

Understanding how weapon substats complement Bennett’s abilities is essential for maximizing his potential on the battlefield. For instance, prioritizing weapons with increased energy recharge allows him to unleash his Elemental Burst more frequently, providing sustained support and damage amplification for the team.

Focusing on weapons that offer additional attack or DMG bonuses after using specific skills synergizes well with Bennett’s kit. These effects amplify his role as both a healer and a damage dealer during combat encounters against enemies in Genshin Impact.

Considering these factors ensures that every aspect of Bennet’s capabilities is boosted significantly by utilizing appropriate weapon substats tailored to enhance his performance in battle scenarios.

Free-to-Play vs Gacha Weapon Options

Players have access to both free-to-play and gacha weapon options when considering equipment choices for Bennett in Genshin Impact. While gacha weapons like Favonius Sword or Sacrificial Sword offer powerful effects that directly benefit Bennet’s playstyle, they may require luck or investment in wishes to acquire them.

On the other hand, free-to-play options such as Sword of Descension from event wishes or Prototype Rancour crafted from materials provide viable alternatives without relying on random chance or spending real money within the game.

Ultimately, understanding each weapon option’s benefits enables players to make informed decisions based on their preferences regarding resource allocation and reliance on gacha mechanics while aiming to maximize Bennett’s potential within their teams.

Maximizing Bennett’s Potential Through Constellation Upgrades

Enhanced Abilities

Bennett’s constellations play a crucial role in maximizing his potential. Each constellation brings unique enhancements to his abilities, making him an even more valuable asset to your team. For instance, unlocking the first constellation increases the level of “Passionate Flames,” significantly boosting Bennett’s maximum upgrade level and empowering his Elemental Burst. This enhancement allows Bennett to provide stronger support by increasing the attack bonus he offers to teammates within the ability’s area of effect.

The second constellation further improves Bennett’s capabilities by enhancing his Max HP, granting him increased survivability on the battlefield. With this upgrade, Bennett transforms into a sturdier support character while continuing to provide essential healing and damage-boosting effects for your team. As you progress through each subsequent constellation, you’ll notice significant improvements in various aspects of Bennett’s kit such as energy recharge and elemental skill effectiveness.

Unlocking these constellations not only amplifies Bennett’s individual performance but also elevates his overall contribution to your team dynamics.

Strategies for Obtaining Upgrades

To obtain these invaluable constellation upgrades for Bennett, players can capitalize on various strategies within Genshin Impact. One effective approach is participating in events or limited-time banners that offer specific character constellations as rewards or featured items. By actively engaging with these events and utilizing available resources wisely, players can gradually accumulate materials needed for obtaining Bennet’s constellations.

Another viable strategy involves prudent resource management and planning within the game economy. Saving up Primogems and acquaint fates over time allows players to make strategic wishes during promotional periods where increased drop rates are offered for specific characters’ constellations—increasing their chances of obtaining desired upgrades at reduced costs.

Moreover, taking advantage of regular updates and new content releases within Genshin Impact can often present opportunities for acquiring materials required for unlocking character constellations through event rewards or special quests.

Long-Term Benefits

Investing in unlocking Bennet’s constellations presents long-term benefits that extend beyond immediate power-ups. As you progress through each stage of upgrading Bennet’s constellations, you’re essentially future-proofing your gameplay experience by ensuring that he remains relevant amidst evolving challenges and meta shifts within Genshin Impact.

Crafting Effective Support Builds for Diverse Team Dynamics

Building Bennett as a Versatile Support Character

Bennett is an exceptional support character in Genshin Impact, known for his versatility and ability to enhance team dynamics. To craft an effective support build for Bennett, prioritize building him with high energy recharge to ensure frequent use of his Elemental Burst, Fantastic Voyage. This will allow him to provide consistent healing and attack buffs to the team. Focus on increasing his pyro dmg and heal capabilities through artifacts and weapon choices.

When developing Bennett’s support build, consider enhancing his abilities that benefit the entire team rather than focusing solely on increasing his own damage output. By boosting Bennett’s heal potency, you can ensure that he provides substantial healing to allies while also amplifying their attack strength through the Pyro resonance effect.

Maximizing Bennett’s potential as a versatile support character involves understanding the intricacies of artifact sets and sub-stats that complement his kit. For instance, equipping Bennett with artifacts that boost Energy Recharge or HP can significantly improve his effectiveness as a healer and buffer within diverse team compositions.

Team Synergies and Compositions

Understanding how different characters synergize with Bennett is crucial when creating effective team compositions in Genshin Impact. When paired with main DPS characters who benefit from Pyro elemental reactions such as Vaporize or Melt, such as Diluc or Hu Tao, Bennett’s role shifts towards providing consistent healing while enabling powerful elemental combos.

In addition to supporting pyro-based DPS characters, Bennett excels in teams where critical damage plays a significant role. Characters like Chongyun or Razor greatly benefit from both the heal provided by Fantastic Voyage and the increased critical rate granted by Passion Overload (Bennett’s Elemental Skill) when below 70% HP.

Moreover, incorporating characters who can create shields complements Bennett’s supportive role effectively by ensuring sustained survivability for the entire party during challenging encounters. For example: pairing him with Zhongli allows for continuous shield generation alongside reliable healing from Bennet’s burst ability.

Role of Bennet in Different Team Dynamics

Bennett’s adaptability makes him well-suited for various team dynamics due to his unique blend of offensive support capabilities coupled with reliable healing prowess. In teams focused on exploration or puzzle-solving activities in Genshin Impact – where combat efficiency isn’t always paramount – including Bennet ensures constant access to emergency heals without compromising overall performance during non-combat scenarios.

Furthermore; when participating in domains or boss fights requiring sustained DPS output,
having Bennet bolstering your squad guarantees consistent heals along with potent attack buffs – allowing other members of your party more freedom concerning artifact allocation since they won’t require excessive investment into health regeneration stats.

Lastly; In co-op play; where unpredictable situations often arise due to varying player strategies;
including Bennet offers additional insurance against unexpected threats via swift activation of Fantastic Voyage – safeguarding your teammates’ survival amidst chaotic battles.

Acquiring Bennett and Building a F2P-Friendly Team

Obtaining Bennett

Bennett can be acquired through wishes or events in Genshin Impact. Players may obtain him from the game’s standard banner, character event wishes, or special promotions during specific events. It’s important to save up primogems for these opportunities to increase the chances of obtaining Bennett through wishes.

Players can also acquire Bennett through various in-game events that offer him as a reward for completing specific challenges or tasks. Keeping an eye on the game’s announcements and event calendars is crucial to not miss out on these opportunities. By participating actively in events, players can add Bennett to their roster without relying solely on luck from wishes.

Building a Team Around Bennett

When building a team around Bennett, it’s essential to consider other characters that complement his abilities and playstyle. As a free-to-play (F2P) player, it’s crucial to maximize synergy between characters without heavily relying on gacha characters.

One effective strategy is to pair Bennett with other F2P-friendly characters such as Xiangling, who is obtainable through Spiral Abyss rewards and has strong elemental synergy with Bennett. Including characters like Kaeya or Fischl can provide valuable support and elemental reactions within the team composition without requiring extensive spending on wishes.

To further enhance the team’s performance without relying on gacha characters, focusing on enhancing weapons and artifacts becomes pivotal. Allocating resources towards leveling up weapons used by the team members ensures consistent damage output while maximizing limited resources effectively.

Maximizing Team Potential with Limited Resources

Maximizing your team’s potential with limited resources involves strategic planning and resource management. As a F2P player, optimizing artifact sets becomes vital for enhancing each character’s capabilities within the team composition.

Prioritizing artifact domains that drop sets beneficial for both Bennett and other F2P-friendly characters allows players to efficiently allocate resin toward acquiring necessary artifacts without spreading resources too thin across different domains.

Moreover, understanding enemy mechanics and utilizing charged attacks effectively contributes significantly to maximizing damage output even with limited resources invested in character levels or constellations.

Formulating Top Team Compositions Featuring Bennett

Discovering Effective Team Comps

Bennett is a versatile character in Genshin Impact, known for his healing abilities and pyro element.There are several top-tier compositions that players can consider. One popular team composition includes characters like Diluc, Fischl, and Venti alongside Bennett. This setup ensures a balance of elemental reactions and support capabilities.

Another effective adventure team revolves around pairing Bennett with characters such as Chongyun, Xingqiu, and Sucrose. In this composition, the focus lies on maximizing elemental synergies while benefiting from Bennett’s healing prowess. Understanding these top team compositions allows players to optimize their gameplay experience by leveraging each character’s strengths effectively.

Roles of Other Characters

In these list of top-tier team compositions featuring Bennett, each character plays a crucial role in ensuring the overall success of the squad. For instance, when teamed up with Diluc, Fischl serves as the primary source of electro damage while also contributing to energy generation through her Oz ability. Venti complements the group by providing crowd control with his Anemo abilities.

On the other hand, within a lineup consisting of Chongyun and Xingqiu alongside Bennett, Chongyun acts as the main DPS dealer with his cryo abilities complemented by Xingqiu’s hydro attacks for freeze reactions. Sucrose contributes to crowd control and elemental mastery boosts through her Anemo skills.

Synergy and Strategies

Understanding the synergy among characters in these team comps is essential for maximizing their potential during battles across Teyvat. The combination of pyro resonance from having two pyro characters such as Diluc and Bennett provides increased attack bonuses which significantly amplifies damage output during combat scenarios.

Moreover, utilizing Venti’s burst ability to group enemies together followed by combining it with an elemental burst from Diluc or Fischl creates powerful overload reactions that deal massive AoE damage to adversaries within range.

Similarly, in a team composition centered around cryo-hydro interactions involving Chongyun-Xingqiu-Bennett trio; applying cryo status using Chongyun’s abilities followed by triggering melt reactions via Bennet’s Pyro attacks results in substantial damage multipliers against opponents.

Conclusion: Mastering Bennett for Genshin Impact Success

Recap Key Points

Throughout this article, we have delved into the intricacies of Bennett in Genshin Impact. We discussed his versatile role as a support character, capable of providing healing, elemental synergy, and powerful buffs to the team. We explored the significance of understanding Bennett’s abilities and playstyle to maximize his potential within a team composition.

Bennett’s unique ability to provide consistent healing and a powerful attack buff makes him an invaluable asset in any team. His Elemental Burst, Fantastic Voyage, not only heals allies but also imbues them with an attack bonus based on Bennett’s Base Attack. Understanding how to utilize this burst effectively can greatly impact the outcome of battles in Genshin Impact.

Importance of Understanding Bennett’s Abilities and Playstyle

Mastering Bennett’s abilities and playstyle is crucial for players aiming for success in Genshin Impact. By understanding his kit, players can strategically position Bennett within their team compositions to ensure maximum benefit from his abilities. Whether it’s timing his Elemental Burst to coincide with crucial moments in combat or utilizing his elemental skill for pyro resonance, a deep understanding of Bennett is essential.

Moreover, comprehending Bennett’s playstyle allows players to capitalize on his strengths while compensating for any weaknesses. For instance, players can tailor their artifact sets and weapon choices to complement Bennett’s role within the team. This understanding enables players to create synergistic team compositions that amplify Bennett’s impact on battles.

Experimenting with different builds and team compositions is key to finding the optimal setup for Bennett. Players are encouraged to explore various artifact sets, weapon choices, and team synergies to uncover the most effective strategies for their playstyle. Whether focusing on maximizing Bennett’s healing capabilities or enhancing his support attributes through energy recharge and elemental mastery, there are numerous paths to explore when optimizing Bennett within a team.

Encouragement to Experiment and Find Optimal Builds for Bennett

As players continue their journey in Genshin Impact, it is important to embrace experimentation. By testing different builds and team compositions, players can discover the setups that best align with their preferred playstyle and overall objectives. This experimentation fosters a deeper understanding of Bennett’s capabilities while allowing players to tailor their approach based on individual preferences.

By embracing experimentation, players can unlock the full potential of Bennett within their teams. Whether aiming for high-damage output, reliable healing support, or a balance between offense and defense, the freedom to experiment empowers players to customize their experience with Bennett in Genshin Impact.

In conclusion, mastering Bennett is an ongoing journey that involves understanding his abilities, leveraging his strengths within team compositions, and embracing experimentation to find optimal builds. By immersing themselves in the intricacies of this versatile character, players can elevate their gameplay experience in Genshin Impact.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are Bennett’s unique abilities in Genshin Impact?

Bennett possesses the unique ability to provide healing and buffs to his team through his Elemental Burst, Passion Overload. This skill not only heals but also imbues characters with an attack bonus.

How can players acquire Bennett in Genshin Impact?

Players can obtain Bennett through the game’s Wish system using Acquaint or Intertwined Fates. He is a 4-star character who may appear in specific event banners or standard wish pools.

What are the best artifacts for optimizing Bennett’s performance?

For optimal performance, players often equip Bennett with artifacts like Noblesse Oblige or Crimson Witch of Flames. These sets enhance his support capabilities by providing bonuses to elemental burst damage and attack boosts.

Which weapons should players prioritize for enhancing Bennett’s capabilities?

Players often prioritize weapons such as the “Favonius Sword,” “Sacrificial Sword,” or “Skyward Blade” for their energy recharge effects that complement Bennett’s supportive role.

How can players effectively build a team around Bennett in Genshin Impact?

To maximize synergy, players should consider pairing him with characters who benefit from Pyro resonance and those who have high energy generation to ensure frequent use of his Elemental Burst.