Mona Genshin Impact: Unleashing Her Full Potential

Mona, a 5-star Hydro character in Genshin Impact, is renowned as “Astrologist Mona” from Mondstadt. Her unique abilities make her a versatile addition to any team. Players can unlock Mona through the game’s gacha system, adding her strategic prowess to their roster. With her hydro-based attacks and supportive skills, she offers valuable utility in various gameplay scenarios. Whether it’s dealing damage or providing crowd control, Mona proves to be an asset for players navigating the diverse challenges within Genshin Impact.

Overview of Mona’s Elemental Abilities

“Mirror Reflection of Doom”

Mona’s Elemental Skill, “Mirror Reflection of Doom,” summons a phantom that not only distracts enemies but also inflicts area-of-effect (AoE) Hydro damage. This skill is invaluable in battle, as it allows Mona to control the battlefield by diverting enemy attention and dealing significant damage at the same time.

The phantom created by this skill serves as an excellent decoy, drawing enemies away from vulnerable allies and giving them room to maneuver. The AoE Hydro damage can be particularly effective against opponents with Electro or Pyro shields, making it easier for the team to break through their defenses and deal direct damage.

Mona’s ability to taunt enemies with her mirror reflection provides strategic advantages in various combat scenarios. For example, when facing multiple adversaries or bosses with powerful attacks, she can use this skill to redirect their focus while her teammates capitalize on the distraction.

“Stellaris Phantasm”

Mona’s Elemental Burst, “Stellaris Phantasm,” unleashes a massive water illusion that continuously inflicts Hydro damage on nearby foes. This ability not only deals substantial ongoing damage but also contributes to setting up potent elemental reactions within a party composition.

When combined with characters who possess abilities capable of triggering elemental reactions such as Vaporize or Freeze, Mona’s Stellaris Phantasm becomes even more formidable. For instance, pairing her with characters like Xiangling (Pyro) or Chongyun (Cryo) can lead to devastating Vaporize or Freeze reactions respectively, amplifying overall DPS output significantly.

This synergy between Mona’s Elemental Burst and other characters’ skills underscores her role as a versatile enabler within diverse team compositions. Her presence enables teams to capitalize on elemental combinations effectively and maximize their overall offensive potential.

Synergy with Other Characters

Mona’s Elemental abilities synergize well with those of other characters in Genshin Impact. By leveraging her Hydro-based skills alongside teammates who specialize in different elements such as Pyro, Cryo, Electro, and Anemo among others; players can unleash powerful elemental reactions that result in increased damage output and crowd control effects.

For example:

  • Pairing Mona with Diluc creates opportunities for Vaporize reactions due to Diluc’s Pyro attacks.
  • Combining her abilities with Tartaglia (Childe) leads to intensified Riptide effects thanks to his Hydro-focused combat style.
  • Utilizing Fischl alongside Mona results in enhanced Electro-Charged procs due to Fischl’s Electro capabilities complementing Mona’s Hydro prowess.

These examples showcase how strategically incorporating Mona into team compositions enhances overall performance through dynamic elemental interactions.

Best Weapons and Artifacts for Mona

The “Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds” catalyst stands out as an excellent choice. This weapon not only increases her Elemental DMG bonus, but also boosts her movement speed, enhancing both offensive capabilities and maneuverability. Another viable option is the “Wine and Song” catalyst, which provides a boost to Elemental Mastery and ATK after using an Elemental Burst. Similarly, the “The Widsith” catalyst is a strong contender for enhancing Mona‘s damage output with its three different buffs that rotate periodically.

For instance:

  • The “Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds” enhances Mona‘s mobility while boosting her Elemental DMG.
  • The “Wine and Song” catalyst amplifies both Elemental Mastery and ATK post using an Elemental Burst.

Artifact Sets

In addition to selecting suitable weapons for Mona, choosing appropriate artifact sets can significantly enhance her performance in battles. Two recommended artifact sets are the “Noblesse Oblige” set and the “Heart of Depth” set. The former empowers Mona’s burst damage by increasing all party members’ ATK after casting their elemental bursts. On the other hand, equipping Mona with pieces from the “Heart of Depth” set bolsters her Hydro DMG bonus while diving or sprinting underwater.


  • The “Noblesse Oblige” artifact set benefits not only Mona but also all party members by boosting their ATK after unleashing elemental bursts.
  • Equipping pieces from the “Heart of Depth” artifact set enhances Mona’s Hydro DMG bonus during specific actions.

Considerations when Choosing Artifacts

When deciding on artifact pieces for Mona, prioritize those that emphasize Hydro DMG Bonus or increase overall damage output through stats like Crit Rate, Crit Damage, Energy Recharge, or Elemental Mastery. Given Mona‘s role as a hydro DPS character in Genshin Impact, focusing on artifacts that complement these aspects will maximize her effectiveness in combat scenarios.

To illustrate:

  • Prioritize artifacts that amplify Hydro DMG Bonus or boost essential stats such as Crit Rate or Energy Recharge.
  • Select artifact pieces that align with Mona’s role as a hydro DPS character to optimize her combat efficiency.

Maximizing Mona’s DPS Build

Upgrading Talents

It’s crucial to prioritize upgrading her Elemental Skill and Burst talents. By enhancing these abilities, players can significantly boost Mona’s overall DPS. Focusing on increasing the level of these talents will directly impact the potency of her attacks and elemental reactions.

Enhancing Mona’s Elemental Skill allows her to deal more consistent Hydro damage throughout battles. This is essential for maintaining a steady stream of damage against enemies. Upgrading her Burst talent increases the power of its explosion damage, contributing to higher burst damage potential during combat scenarios.

Players should allocate resources towards leveling up both these talents consistently as they progress through the game. Doing so will ensure that Mona remains an effective main DPS character with formidable burst capabilities.

Hydro DMG Bonus

To maximize Mona’s DPS, players should focus on increasing her Hydro DMG bonus through artifacts and weapons. Equipping artifacts that provide bonuses specifically tailored to boosting Hydro damage is essential for enhancing Mona’s effectiveness in battle.

Artifacts such as Noblesse Oblige or Heart of Depth are excellent choices for augmenting Mona’s Hydro DMG bonus, thereby amplifying her overall damage output. Players should aim to obtain artifacts with sub-stats that further enhance critical hit rate or crit damage to complement Mona’s offensive potential.

Selecting weapons with effects that elevate Hydro-related attributes can significantly contribute to bolstering Mona’s DPS build. Weapons like “Wine and Song” or “Sacrificial Fragments” offer beneficial effects that align with maximizing Mona’s hydro-based offensive prowess.

Elemental Reactions Amplification

Utilizing characters with abilities that trigger elemental reactions involving Hydro is pivotal in amplifying Mona’s DPS potential within a team composition setup. Pairing Mona with Electro or Pyro characters enables players to create powerful elemental reactions such as Electro-Charged or Vaporize, leading to substantial additional damage output from these synergistic combinations.

For instance:

  • Pairing Fischl (an Electro character) with Mona creates potent Electro-Charged reactions.
  • Combining Diluc (a Pyro character) with Mona results in impactful Vaporize reactions.

Understanding Mona’s Constellations and Their Effects

Enhancing Different Aspects

Mona’s constellations upgrades play a crucial role in enhancing various aspects of her abilities. Each upgrade brings unique improvements to her skills, such as increasing damage output, extending ability duration, or adding extra effects to her abilities. For example, unlocking the first constellation for Mona increases the level of Stellaris Phantasm by 3, resulting in higher damage dealt.

The second constellation enhances the effects of Waterborne Destiny by allowing an additional Omen to be generated when its effects end. This not only boosts Mona’s offensive capabilities but also provides strategic advantages during prolonged battles or challenging encounters. Each subsequent constellation further amplifies these enhancements, making them essential for maximizing Mona’s combat potential.

Significantly Improving Combat Performance

Unlocking all six constellations for Mona leads to a substantial improvement in her overall performance during combat scenarios. These upgrades synergize with her existing abilities and talents, elevating her effectiveness across different gameplay situations. For instance, reaching the sixth constellation greatly empowers Stellaris Phantasm by converting it into an even more potent burst attack that deals massive Hydro damage at regular intervals.

Moreover, achieving full constellations enables players to explore diverse playstyles and strategies while utilizing Mona in their team compositions. It allows for greater flexibility in adapting to various challenges within Genshin Impact’s game world and ensures that players can fully capitalize on Mona’s potential as a formidable character within their roster.

Obtaining Constellation Upgrades

Players can obtain constellation upgrades for Mona by acquiring duplicate copies of her through wishes within Genshin Impact’s gacha system. When players receive additional copies of characters they already own from wish pulls or promotional events like character banners or standard wishes; they are converted into Starglitter currency which can then be used to purchase Masterless Stardust from Paimon’s Bargains shop.

Subsequently exchanging Masterless Stardust grants players access to Starglitter Exchange where they can acquire Stella Fortuna items representing individual constellations specific to each character available through this method – including those belonging exclusively towards characters like Klee & Jean who are currently featured on limited-time event banners!

Talent Priority and Upgrade Materials for Mona

Prioritize Upgrading Talents

Mona’s talent upgrades significantly impact her performance in Genshin Impact. Focusing on enhancing her Elemental Skill and Burst talents is crucial to maximize her damage potential. By prioritizing these upgrades, players can unleash Mona’s full combat prowess and elevate their gameplay experience.

Enhancing Mona’s talent levels boosts the potency of her abilities, allowing players to deal greater damage and secure victories in challenging battles. With a strategic approach to talent upgrades, players can harness Mona’s skills to their maximum potential, ensuring an edge in combat scenarios.

Required Upgrade Materials

To advance talent levels for Mona, players need specific materials such as Teachings of Freedom, Guide to Freedom, and Philosophies of Freedom. These essential items are indispensable for ascending the power of Mona’s abilities and unlocking her true strength on the battlefield.

Players can acquire these upgrade materials by completing designated domains that offer the necessary resources. They have the option to procure these materials from the Souvenir Shops located in Mondstadt and Liyue. By obtaining these vital resources through diligent exploration or trading with NPCs, players can expedite their progression in empowering Mona’s talents.

Obtaining Upgrade Materials

In Genshin Impact, acquiring upgrade materials for talents is a multifaceted process that involves engaging with various game elements such as exploration, combat challenges, and resource management. Players must strategically allocate their time between domain activities and visiting Souvenir Shops to efficiently gather the required upgrade materials for enhancing Mona’s talents.

By participating in domain challenges tailored to obtain Teachings of Freedom, Guide to Freedom,
and Philosophies of Freedom alongside regular visits to Mondstadt and Liyue Souvenir Shops,
players can ensure a steady supply of upgrade materials essential for honing Mona’s capabilities.

Strategies for Using Mona in Combat

Elemental Skill: Taunting Enemies

When using Mona in combat, players can strategically employ her Elemental Skill to taunt enemies and divert their attention away from more vulnerable party members. By activating this skill, Mona creates an illusory image of herself that taunts nearby enemies. This allows other characters to attack or reposition without fear of being targeted by adversaries. For example, when facing a group of opponents with ranged attacks, initiating Mona’s Elemental Skill can draw their fire while the rest of the team moves into advantageous positions.

Players should consider timing the activation of Mona’s Elemental Skill to coincide with moments when fragile allies are at risk. For instance, if a healer is low on health or a support character is casting a crucial ability, triggering Mona’s taunt can provide essential protection.

Utilizing Mona’s Elemental Skill effectively demands awareness and anticipation during combat scenarios. Players must gauge when enemy aggression poses the greatest threat and then deploy this skill accordingly to safeguard their team.

Elemental Burst: Triggering Powerful Reactions

Incorporating Mona’s Elemental Burst into coordinated attacks with other characters enables players to unleash potent elemental reactions against adversaries. When activated, her Ultimate ability summons an Omen that deals Hydro damage to surrounding foes before bursting after a short duration.

To maximize its impact, players can combine Mona’s Ultimate with abilities from teammates that trigger powerful elemental reactions such as Vaporize (Hydro + Pyro) or Freeze (Hydro + Cryo). For example, pairing Mona with a character like Diluc who wields Pyro abilities allows for devastating Vaporize reactions when both elements are simultaneously applied to enemies.

Strategic coordination between characters ensures that each elemental reaction is maximized for optimal damage output during encounters. By synchronizing these abilities effectively within teams’ attack strings**, players capitalize on synergistic effects generated through combining different elements’ strengths and weaknesses.

Sprint Ability: Efficient Exploration

An often overlooked aspect of utilizing Mona in combat involves leveraging her sprint ability for efficient exploration across bodies of water within the game world. Given that Genshin Impact features diverse landscapes including lakes and rivers obstructing travel routes, players can harness Mona’s unique sprint capability allowing her to run atop water surfaces without sinking.

This feature facilitates swift traversal over bodies of water which might otherwise impede progress or necessitate time-consuming detours around them. Additionally,Monas’ sprint ability provides accessto hidden areas or items located amidst bodies of water*, rewarding thorough explorers who seek out all available resources within the game environment.

Building an Effective Team with Mona

Elemental Synergy

When building a team around Mona, it’s crucial to pair her with characters that can trigger elemental reactions with Hydro. For instance, including Fischl or Xiangling in the team allows for Vaporize reactions, which significantly amplifies damage output. When Mona’s Hydro attacks combine with Electro or Pyro abilities from these characters, it results in powerful vaporize effects that deal massive damage to opponents.

Another effective strategy is to create freeze teams by pairing Mona with Cryo characters like Kaeya or Chongyun. This combination enables freezing enemies and dealing increased damage through frozen status effects. By leveraging this synergy, players can effectively control the battlefield and gain an advantage over nearby opponents.

Sustained Healing

In addition to elemental synergy, integrating a healer into the team composition is essential for sustaining battles. Characters such as Barbara or Qiqi bring valuable healing capabilities to ensure the team’s longevity during intense combat scenarios. With their healing abilities, these characters provide crucial support that keeps the team healthy and resilient throughout challenging encounters.

Moreover, Barbara’s ability to apply wet status further complements Mona’s hydro-based attacks, creating opportunities for additional vaporize reactions when paired strategically.

Crowd Control and Damage Amplification

To enhance crowd control and overall damage output, consider adding a support character like Venti or Sucrose to the team. These characters excel at controlling enemy movements while also amplifying damage dealt by other party members.

Venti’s Anemo abilities create powerful crowd control effects by lifting opponents into the air and grouping them together. This not only disrupts enemy formations but also sets up ideal conditions for triggering elemental reactions using Mona’s Hydro attacks.

Similarly, Sucrose brings Anemo support skills that facilitate efficient energy regeneration while providing crowd control through Swirl reactions. By incorporating Venti or Sucrose into the lineup alongside Mona, players can capitalize on synergistic effects that maximize both crowd control and damage potential against adversaries.

Elemental Reaction Mastery with Mona

Electro-Charged and Vaporize Reactions

Mona’s Hydro abilities can be effectively combined with Electro characters like Fischl or Beidou to trigger the Electro-Charged reaction, dealing continuous AoE damage. This combination creates a powerful synergy that maximizes damage output and provides sustained area-of-effect (AoE) damage, making it ideal for crowd control in battles. When paired with Pyro characters such as Diluc or Klee, Mona’s Hydro skills can create potent Vaporize reactions, amplifying both Hydro and Pyro damage. This strategic pairing allows players to capitalize on elemental weaknesses of enemies while inflicting substantial burst damage.

The staggering resistant vaporize combo is an essential aspect of maximizing Mona’s potential in Genshin Impact. By utilizing her elemental skill followed by a precise use of her elemental burst, players can unleash staggering-resistant vaporize combos that significantly enhance their offensive capabilities. The omen extension mechanic further complements this strategy by extending the duration of certain effects caused by specific elements when they come into contact with each other.

Experimenting with different elemental combinations is crucial for mastering Mona’s abilities and maximizing overall team efficiency in combat scenarios. Understanding which elemental reactions work best against specific enemy types enables players to adapt their strategies accordingly, ensuring optimal performance in challenging encounters.

Maximizing Damage Output

To fully harness the potential of Mona’s elemental mastery, players should focus on optimizing their team composition to capitalize on her unique abilities effectively. Building a team around Mona that includes characters capable of triggering various elemental reactions enhances the overall effectiveness of her skills in combat situations.

Maximizing electro and pyro damage, alongside leveraging other elements such as cryo or geo when necessary, ensures a well-rounded approach to engaging enemies using different weaknesses and strengths within Genshin Impact’s diverse range of adversaries.

In addition to creating potent synergies through effective character pairings, understanding each character’s individual playstyle and role within the team is vital for achieving success. For example: pairing Fischl’s ranged attacks with Mona’s hydro abilities not only triggers electro-charged reactions but also maintains distance from foes while dealing consistent AoE damage.

Tactical Considerations

When strategizing around Elemental Reaction Mastery with Mona, it is important for players to consider several tactical aspects:

  • Prioritizing energy recharge stats on artifacts for both Mona and accompanying characters ensures frequent availability of bursts during prolonged engagements.
  • Utilizing crowd control tactics such as grouping enemies together before unleashing powerful AoE attacks increases overall efficiency.
  • Adapting team compositions based on enemy weaknesses encountered throughout different regions within Teyvat optimizes combat effectiveness across diverse environments.

Ascension Costs and Materials for Mona

Obtaining Ascension Materials

Ascending Mona in Genshin Impact is essential to maximize her potential. To ascend her, players need specific materials such as Varunada Lazurite Sliver, Fragment, Chunk, and Gemstone. These materials can be obtained by defeating certain bosses or completing specific quests.

Defeating the Hydro Hypostasis boss will yield Varunada Lazurite Slivers and Fragments required for ascending Mona. Completing the “Hidden Palace of Zhou Formula” quest rewards players with Varunada Lazurite Chunks and Gemstones necessary for further ascensions.

Players must engage in these activities repeatedly to collect the requisite ascension materials for Mona’s progression. The process ensures that they have enough resources to facilitate her ascension without delays.

Benefits of Ascending Mona

Ascension serves as a crucial mechanic in Genshin Impact as it directly impacts characters’ strength and abilities. By ascending Mona, players can increase her level cap, resulting in higher base stats and unlocking new talents.

As she reaches higher levels through ascension, Mona becomes more formidable in battles due to improved overall stats. This includes enhanced attack power, increased defense capabilities, improved HP pool, and amplified elemental mastery – all contributing to making her a more valuable asset within any player’s party composition.

Ascending Mona unlocks new talents that significantly enhance her combat prowess or provide utility benefits during exploration or puzzle-solving scenarios within the game world.

Planning Ahead for Ascensions

Given the importance of character ascensions in Genshin Impact, including those of Mona, it’s critical for players to plan ahead regarding their resource allocation strategies. Players should prioritize farming the required materials well before reaching the level cap so that they can immediately ascend their characters once they reach that milestone.

By planning ahead and collecting ample amounts of varunada lazurite slivers,
and gemstones beforehand,
players can ensure a smooth transition into each subsequent stage of character development without unnecessary delays or setbacks.

Pros and Cons of Using Mona in Your Party

High Burst Damage Potential

Mona is a powerful addition to any Genshin Impact party due to her high burst damage potential. Her Elemental Burst, Stellaris Phantasm, deals significant hydro damage to enemies within its area of effect. This ability allows players to unleash devastating attacks on opponents, making Mona an invaluable asset in challenging battles.

Mona’s elemental abilities also contribute to her high burst damage potential. For instance, her Elemental Skill, Ripple of Fate, inflicts AoE hydro damage and applies the Wet status on enemies. When combined with other characters’ abilities or elemental reactions like Vaporize or Electro-Charged, this can result in massive bursts of damage that can swiftly turn the tide of battle in favor of the player.

Mona’s talent “Reflection of Doom” enhances her charged attack by allowing it to deal additional hydro damage upon striking an enemy affected by the Wet status. This further amplifies her burst potential and makes her a force to be reckoned with when properly utilized.

Versatile Elemental Abilities

One key advantage of incorporating Mona into your party is her versatile elemental abilities. As a Hydro character, she has the unique capability to apply the Wet status on enemies through various means such as her Elemental Skill and Burst. This not only sets up potent elemental reactions but also provides utility for crowd control and strategic maneuvering during combat scenarios.

Moreover, Mona’s aptitude for creating water-based environments via her abilities opens up opportunities for synergistic interactions with other characters possessing electro-, pyro-, or cryo-based skills. These interactions pave the way for diverse elemental combinations that can be leveraged for both offensive and defensive purposes.

For example:

  • Pairing Mona with a Pyro character like Diluc enables players to trigger Vaporize reactions which significantly amplify their overall damage output.
  • Teaming up with characters such as Fischl or Beidou allows players to capitalize on Electro-Charged reactions that continuously afflict opponents with electro-related effects while dealing substantial AoE hydro damage simultaneously.

Excellent Crowd Control

Mona excels at providing excellent crowd control thanks to her versatile skill set. Her Elemental Skill creates an Illusory Bubble that taunts nearby enemies while applying the Wet status upon contact – effectively diverting their attention away from vulnerable allies towards herself.

This ability not only grants teammates temporary respite from incoming attacks but also sets up ideal conditions for triggering powerful chain reactions involving other elements present within your party composition.

Synergy With Other Characters

Another compelling reason why players may want to consider adding Mona into their party lineup is due toher remarkable synergy with other characters capable of unleashing potent elemental combos alongside her own hydro-centric kit.

Despite these notable advantages,Mona does come with certain drawbacks that should be taken into consideration before committing to using her in your party setup.

Conclusion: Unleashing Mona’s Full Potential

The comprehensive guide has provided valuable insights into maximizing Mona’s abilities in Genshin Impact. From understanding her elemental powers to selecting the best weapons and artifacts, players can now unleash Mona’s full potential in their party. By prioritizing talent upgrades, mastering elemental reactions, and building an effective team around her, players can elevate their gaming experience and achieve greater success in combat.

Now equipped with the knowledge to optimize Mona’s performance, players are encouraged to experiment with different strategies and team compositions. By harnessing Mona’s strengths and strategically leveraging her abilities, gamers can not only enhance their gameplay but also contribute to a more collaborative and rewarding gaming community.

Frequently Asked Questions


What are Mona’s elemental abilities in Genshin Impact?

Mona’s elemental abilities include Ripple of Fate, Mirror Reflection of Doom, Stellaris Phantasm, and Illusory Torrent. Each ability offers unique effects and contributes to her role as a hydro support or DPS character.

What are the best weapons and artifacts for maximizing Mona’s potential in Genshin Impact?

For maximizing Mona’s potential, the Widsith is an excellent weapon choice due to its CRIT DMG sub-stat. As for artifacts, using the Noblesse Oblige set can significantly boost her Burst DMG when supporting teammates.

How should players prioritize upgrading Mona’s talents in Genshin Impact?

Players should prioritize upgrading “Mirror Reflection of Doom” followed by “Stellaris Phantasm” to enhance their damage output. Focusing on increasing talent levels that reduce cooldowns can improve her overall performance in combat situations.

What are some effective team compositions with Mona in Genshin Impact?

An effective team composition with Mona could consist of characters like Diluc or Klee for high pyro damage reactions along with a healer like Qiqi or Jean. This combination allows for powerful elemental reactions while maintaining sustainability during battles.

What are the pros and cons of using Mona in your party in Genshin Impact?